Game Center & Unpaid Purchases...

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Fio, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Fio

    Fio Well-Known Member

    Hi Guys,

    One of my friends at work like Metal Slug Defense. I introduced the game to him and he and I constantly play it. Now, this friend of mine also lets his son play it at home. His son signed in and bought medals in the game unaware that they cost real money. My friend does not want to pay this bill because it was a mistake, however he's afraid it will result in Apple terminating his Game Center account and he'll lose all his data and progress. Is this true, or is it not possible for Apple to delete it? I mean I know that Apple is not his provider for internet as he uses a local telephone company for that, so I just want to know what happens from here for him?
  2. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    #2 cloudpuff, Apr 11, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015

    He can just report a problem from the link on his receipt and explain to apple what happened. They might refund depending on circumstances. There's ways to stop this happening by requiring a password for purchases so your friend either doesn't have this set up, or he has given his child his password, both good reasons for apple to say no, but they probably won't.
    They'll not delete his gamecentre account, why would he think that?

    Edit... Just noticed that you said his son signed in, which would indicate he knew the password? If a child can read the password prompt and know the password to be entered they will have also seen the price tag at the password screen, I find it hard to believe that a child who is smart enough to enter passwords and press confirm (several times in some cases) doesn't understand what real money is. They would be paying the bill from savings, and if they didn't have any they would be working it off with household chores. I'm mega strict like that though.
  3. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    You hear about things like this all the time. Must admit if parents don't lock their phones properly these things will happen specially if they're on their own playing it which seems a bit crazy
  4. Fio

    Fio Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm not sure if he knew the password or if he was already signed into the store and just left it there without signing out.

    Can Apple terminate a game centre account if he doesn't pay bills for the app... Appears the answer is no. He just though they might do it.
  5. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    You mean if he just doesn't pay without contacting them? I thought you meant for his son making mistake, I wouldn't know about just not paying, I'd imagine there would be some sort of consequence to that , my linked card had expired once and a payment was declined, I hadn't realised until I went to download some free game and was refused until a valid payment method was entered. So if you friend just doesn't pay he won't be able to download anything using his iTunes account, including free games and possibly updates from his account until he clears it. If he buys a top up voucher anything he owes will be deducted straight away.

    If it's been a genuine mistake he should contact apple.
    Just ignoring it is a silly thing to do, and if I'm totally honest, makes me wonder if he's gotten carried away buying stuff himself and now regrets it. Either way, I don't know about gamecentre account but his iTunes and ability to download and make Iap will be stopped until balance is cleared.
  6. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    I mean no offense, but in my opinion, unless they are playing an app or watching YouTube for Pewdiepie to scream all day or whatever, they aren't allowed to touch devices such as this. I think that one must learn responsibility and a strict sense of consequence before allowed use.
    This is why so many people who complained about carelessly bending their iPhone 6's.
  7. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    Is there ever such a thing as an iTunes bill?

    I'd of thought the purchase would have immediately come off of the credit card. And you DO have to pay your credit card bill or there will be penaltes from the credt card company.

    (Escse the werd formattng and spellng, the forms thnk m sng shortct keys when ', not!)
  8. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    I have my bank account linked to my iTunes account, and it usually doesn't leave my account until a few days after the purchase. So I guess there's nothing stopping someone like the OPs friend removing their card details from the account after a big purchase, so they will have downloaded what they bought, but by the time apple process the transaction and try to get the money they are owed there is no valid payment method. The credit card company wouldn't be owed anything as nothing has been charged to it. I'm in Europe though so it might be different.
    When my card had expired unknowingly, I had an outstanding bill of 69p and they blocked any downloads to my device afrom that account, I think I couldn't update apps either until I out my new card details in but I'm not totally sure. So I'm gonna assume that if OPs friend decided to just ignore and not pay what I'm imagining is a much larger bill than mine then they will def stop that account. I mean, usually when people don't pay bills for any service, they don't get to keep just that service.
  9. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Totally agree. A child is a parents responsibility and as a parent it's their job to make sure the child knows what they are doing, or supervise them if they don't fully understand what they doing. I've heard of someone's child near me rack up £500 in iaps and the highest Iap in that game was 69p. That must have took a long time for a fully grown adult, never mind a toddler mindlessly tapping.

    Mistakes happen, but most of these cases aren't apples or game devs fault and can be easily avoided, it's parents not supervising, and then get angry at apple when stuff like this happens.
  10. Fio

    Fio Well-Known Member

    I think it was just a case of them unaware that something like this would happen. I told him to contact apple and perhaps they'll drop them from the bill but make a note on his account that this is a one-off thing. Next time he might have t pay.

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