this is my favorite board game. sadly, it's crashing the heck out of my ipad 2, os7. upgrading to os8 tonight. hopefully that does the trick. what i've been able to play so far is super fun. i'm shocked how well they adapted a busy table game.
Hi everyone! May I know if the turn-based mode is not available for the campaign? And when will we have TTA??
must be something else. i have the same thing and have been playing for hours without any problems. in fact, 8 may be worse
I need either a .pdf manual or a link to a webpage with a manual which I can convert to .PDF. Arcade games are fine; I CAN'T recall the rules when they are built into the game; located on a separate page. I hate to do this but I'm going to have to hit the refund button. I know what will happen since it has occurred time and again. I'll end up deleting it in frustration. Strategy games need a manual which can be referred to while playing the game. I'm old. Lawn? OFF
Everything needed is built into the game. That's why there's a tutorial. Also that is why there's a "?" at the top of the screen!
everything is streamlined so you don't really need to know the rules to play.just follow the directions and click the cards if you can't figure it out. i never played the cardboard version, and have had no difficulties figuring it out. super simple. i'm having a lot of fun with the campaign. glad they included it
Hmmm. Trying to join an online game. There are so many but most of them show that the players's status is red whci means that the app is not even running. And I'm confused because the rules say that if you join a realtime game, and then leave the lobby before the game starts that you'll be removed from the realtime game. Then how is it possible that so many (most) of the realtime games are filled with players whose status is red which according to the rules is not possible? A bug?
But I do. Peaking as someone who read through the entire Falcon 3.0 manual, including the seperate maneuver booklet.
OT: it is nothing when compared to the binder-bound Falcon 4.0 manual... Dang! Too occupied by the local political event and still no time to play the tutorial!
Loving this on iPad! In fact, I'm going to pick up the physical version of this game right now! How far out is iPhone version? Weeks? Months?
Hi dev! May I know if the turn-based mode is not available for the campaign? And when will we have TTA??