Enough with all the iPad 2 owners! Jeez! Please someone, tell us 4S owners how it looks! Is the lack of AA that noticeable on the smaller screen? 64gb to fill with awesomeness, I'm certainly tempted to rebuy and play through again. £6.99 is still cheaper than a 1200 microsoft point DLC for an a xbox game, and will provide much longer lasting entertainment than the 5-6 hours you usually get from that. Wasted? We're you playing a different Deus Ex? It's the best Deus Ex since, well, Deus Ex.
Thanks for the explanation... it is logical. So, it would be possible to release a "lite" or "free" HD version, with a full unlock by IAP which could recognize that the normal version has already been bought Just a "lite" version would be usefull for the people who are not sure that the additional amount for the HD is worth. I'm just dreaming
Yep, that would work too. However, many iOS users don't like to unlock a full game via IAP and we would have just another version to maintain with updates (bug fixing, HD add-ons) which is very tideous and complicated to communicate as well. It is already also very confusing for many users with all the different versions of GOF which is why we decided not to have a lite HD version on top of that. At least we never did separate builds for iPhone and pseudo HD versions on iPad.
I'm sure it's great for some, but I found the ai to be inexcusably stupid, and that kinda ruined things for me. Still, I learnt a valuable lesson... never buy things out of boredom! With GOF2 HD installed on the device the app can detect if GOF2 (SD) has been installed previously. Cool, I get it. Look forward to playing through again at some point.
Well, implementing AA seems to be unlikely as the assets are just too demanding for this. However, it's the RIM shader that causes the fine white jaggies most people complain about and we are currently looking into reducing the effect...
The aliasing is terrible in the hangar/station, if you could at least implement it there 90percnt of the problems would go away. And I find it hard to believe the assets in the largely static environment of the hangar would prohibit that. Add AA to the hangar/ stations please. When flying around it is hardly noticeable, I am not the first person to mention this btw, check your forums.
I took the plunge and bought it for my 4S and it looks great. I'm glad I decided to do it. I've installed it on my 4S and on my girlfriends iPad 2, and while I can see what people mean on the iPad 2 version, the effect is minimised due to the smaller display of the 4S. Definitely the most impressive looks I've seen thus far.
What about the framerate? I heart it can get pretty bad sometimes, any truth to that? And if true, any chance of this issue being addressed?
Says is compatible from 3GS and up in requirements. They should stop it showing up for download on older devices if its not going to work.
The best way to describe the leap in visuals, as evident in this game: Compare the original Resident evil on the playstation 1 to Resident Evil Re:make on the GameCube. That's the equivalent leap you'll see here.
but if you look at the very first line of the app description it says 4S and iPad 2 only. They can't set the app store to say A5 devices only. Hence the big warning right at the top
I know what i mean is apple should stop it, they can stop iPad apps showing up on iPhone so maybe they should make a new option for A5 apps only then it would stop a lot of people wasting money and 1 star ratings and filling forums with complaints
I forwarded your post to our lead programmer and he said our devs are already aware of this bug and working on an update to fix it. Sorry for the inconveniences.
An idea for adding anti-aliasing in the sim... I am not sure if this is possible, but why not adding a menu option for setting anti-aliasing on or off? This menu option would only be available to customers installing Galaxy On Fire 2 on an A5 chip device.
Ok, eventhough you have a point, "meant to be" is not the same as "minimum required specs". Regardless, adding an option for that should be possible for A5 idevices.