"Six special ships (only available for owners of the Kaamo Club)" Any idea where I can find these? I already own the Kammo club & updated but cannot find the special ships, should they be for sale in the Kammo club or are they to be found elsewhere?
That's what I was afraid of. The game really looks beautiful in hd, but the performance drop is not worth it IMO. The sd version looks great to with awesome performance. Lowering the resolution just doesn't looking as good as using the retina display on the sd version.
Anyone having trouble restoring the valkyrie add-on on the iphone 5 after buying it on the ipad 2? i have the club and supernova but not valkyrie add-on and i dont want to buy it again. ok i thought if i rebought it again itunes would see i bought it before, it did not and now i am charged again. what the ####
I mentioned a similar problem above... last time I restored it didn't say "$4.99" so it was clear it restored. Now it won't restore on any of my devices and I don't dare hit buy again as you proved doesn't work... Grrr!
All I can think of right now is to install the SD version again to receive the Valkyrie gift once more. How many of you bought the Valkyrie HD expansion and are having problems restoring? Or is it the people who received the gift initially?
It was for just having SD on your device Anyway, that is probably the cause of it for now, and it not registering with iTunes. You can try contacting Apple if you really want a refund on the accidental purchase.
Made a short video of gameplay on my iPhone 4S. Never try to come close to Supernova without a gamma-shield^^
I contacted apple yesterday and they sent an email today giving me a refund. A solution was found on the GOF 2 boards http://forum.fishlabs.net/viewtopic.php?lang=en&f=29&t=3995
Still no luck quantum... I've flew back & forth to the station at least 10 times now & still no ships. There's people in the bar but all they offer are upgrades on my current ship, no mention of "extra" ships.
I think it's too much for the A5X to handle so you'll have to run at 1440 instead. Probably won't run smooth in retina until the 4th gen iPad.
The game performs well on the new iPad at the 1440x1080 setting and looks absolutely fine IMO. It's great to get back into GOF2 again and the Supernova add-on is excellent so far after a few hours into the campaign.
Just the HD version. I got the normal GOF2 version, but never really played it much. I do plan to finish the game once I get my iPhone5, but will want the HD version for that. Is it possible to get it for a discount? Or will there be a sale soon?
Anyone having a problem with openfeint? I'm trying to get a file restore off openfeint on my new iPhone 5? Any ideas?
OK, so here's how the stations work. After every few different stations you dock at (usually 3 other stations), THEN a station refreshes with new goodies So, fly and dock at 3 OTHER stations before returning to Kaamo, and it should have some new stuff. If you keep going to and from only 2 stations, you're just maintaining their products and preventing them from refreshing. Check out some other orbits before coming back. Hopefully that helps. Make sure you are logged in with the same OF login on both devices, and check you have saved a file to the online slot. Then, when you refresh the slot on your iPhone 5, the save should come up.