I've been buying organs (and Vossk organs when they pop up) and selling them in the Wolf Reiser system. I got from 8 million to 45 million reasonably quickly (maybe 3 - 4 hrs) Shame we can't trade online - I'd buy your buskat! wow - that's a great idea for the next instalment though isn't it: trading between players (even if they can't introduce a full multiplayer experience, a marketplace like in World of Warcraft of Star Wars Galaxies would be awesome..)
Go to the Pan system and look for normal organ then use your khador drive to sell them on the other side of the map (Aquilla or Wolf) I used a cormarant(sp?) with a rhoda blackhole (bringing it to over 700t of free space) to stock up on organs from the pan sector which has them for near the lowest price, but generally high quantity. Then I sell on Wolf-Reiser which generally buys for the highest price. With close to 2000c of profit per ton of organs sold you only need to trade 500t to gain a cool million in profits. You can also buy some things and trade them when you go back to Pan to fill your cargo again
Also, implants are relatively cheap in thynome, as to pan, they are 3000 more credits, so just go back and forth.
Sometimes Wolf doesn't have to many organs so rare animals work well too. A few other items that sell well are Vossk Organs, Luxury, and Rare Plants.
That's exactly what I'm looking for. I have 37 tons, so hard to find :[ I used a cormorant, attached 4 rhoda drives and got up to 1400 ton capacity, went around pan getting all the organs, going back to aquila, getting implants and rare plants back and repeating the process. In the mean time I attached the amr extinctor and blew up anything that tried to attack me, and getting the nuclear armament achievement at the same time.
Trading in the black market system is not a good choice for they charge you for a commission, which is not good for profit -- even though the price for organs et al are much higher (iirc, a Vossk Organ buys at $2700 level) If you ask me to pay US$0.99 for the club, or having "fun" to get it for free (including blowing up 4 pirate stations in a row), I choose the "fun" path.
You can choose not to pay the pirates and just run the blockade... then you get top dollar for your goods in the black market. You will need a good boost, armor, and shield but I have only been shot down once so it isn't too hard if you pay attention and use your boost at the right time. As everyone has said, get your organs in Pan (i also buy the big turrets because I can get a lot of each) and then sell them on the black market instead of wolf or aquila. Also, time is money so if use your khador drive to get between locations you will make your money much much more quickly. Finally, when approaching a station without pirates, hit your boost and then hold your fast forward button and you will be in the station in an instant.
I use a ship with an auto fire turret and i use the cloaking device when it is charged and ready... this will usually buy you the time you need to finish the core. Make sure you are sporting a shield and an armor repair unit too.
I usually take a couple ou and then put on a cloaking device right when i'm about to land on the asteroid. Then when the void start shooting at ypu again just shoot the asteroid and start the process over again.
I just finished the story of the original game and was surprised how short it was. Fun, but short. So what to do now other than side missions? Is there any point in continuing? Do you just save millions of dollars to buy bigger ships?
Haha, I just finished the valkyrie campaign and it was short but sweet. If you have $5 to spare, I really recommend getting the add on. For me, I have $19 million credits and I am aiming to get the space station for $30 million. Can anybody answer this, does that mean I will have to space stations, one being in koma?
The bar at Kaamo? That is already yours if you own the station Its just no one is in there (yet) Who knows a few updates later there could be
When you fly into the station it says you only need to have 30 million credits and 50t of buskat in your cargo to buy the station. That buskat will help get people coming back to the station and the 30 million to buy it from the current owner
The best ship is Spoiler Void x and you get to buy that when you have all gold medals The next best is the Spoiler nemesis and that becomes available after you complete the valkyrie storyline but for normal ships folk usually go for the big 3 Aegir Mantis and Veteran
Im still early in the game, but I was looking at the Veteran. So your saying its worth the credits then? I guess I would be looking for a heavy fighter and a tank like freighter.
Yes i still use it but if you are looking for a ship in between Try here Code: http://forums.fishlabs.net/fishlabs-mobile-games-en-20/galaxy-fire-2-124/1746-spoiler-ships-gof2.html Not sure if im allowed to do this but it is my thread over there