Hi, not sure whether these has been highlighted earlier or not. I found several bugs so far: 1) I have only able to get all gold medals after I've completed valkyrie storyline, and no Voidx appeared at Thynome - not sure whether this is a bug or else .. *EDITED* This is not a bug, apparently, I missed one Achievement before this, but strange I got the message that I've got all achievement earlier .. regardless, after completing that last achievement, VOIDX does appeared at thynome .. 2) I've purchased my own Space Station using DLC .. there are two bugs so far, whenever I've purchased ship at Kothar, it does asked me whether I want to keep or sell my ship .. when I choose keep, the ship wasn't transferred to my station .. it just disappear .. Edited*note: this ALSO happened sometimes if I purchase ship from other system than Kothar .. 3) Another bug, but a good bug I says .. inside my space station I can sell my ship .. no problem except when I have only one ship I can sell it again and again and because I don't have other ship, I got to keep the ship always and also got paid each time I sell my ship .. this practically a cheat (now my credit is at around 500 Mil because I simply resell my S'knaar multiple times) .. so, for those who don't have enough credit, you can use this trick to max up your credit before Fishlab fixed this .. it'll kill some fun, but at least you'll prepare yourself for next major update hopefully ..
nice, an incentive to get the DLC for me although they'll subsequently probably change the price of bread to be 1M ...bought! "no updates for YOU!" (soup nazi voice)
Can I just say how much I hate looking for Buskat? It's been over a day since I saw any for sale I'm at 25t
If you haven't already, I suggest going and visiting all of the stations in the galaxy. It will get you an achievement and you will find your buskat a little at a time. I have never seen more than 3t in one place but got all 50t in a few hours of exploring and trading. Good luck!
from the various posts i've read here and there, it sounds like what this game really needs is a serious in game notepad. if you see something you like but can't afford it, click the pen icon next to the item and it will automatically record the item name, price, system, planet/station. then you can just pull up the notepad when you want to go back and find things. unless of course ship/weapon locations are more random than that.
I did that last night and got about 10t. I did another lap today and got about 6. This is absolutely brutal
i think i read somewhere they mainly show up in the hidden systems Ymmir,pan and so on been stockpiling my station for a few days i have 32t of busket compared to my 10596t of energy cells
Could anyone explain how can I have the Geologist Bronze and Gold Achievement but NOT the Silver one??????????
It would put money on this being part of the reason buskat is so hard to find. Pretty smart marketing. Still, I would hope it's not and that Fishlabs loves their customers more than that.
I chose to grind the money and buskat because it feels like an achievement... I would like to think Fishlabs did it for that reason (to make the station feel more valuable) than because they are trying to fish more money out of me. But I may just be naive... lol
Heh - felt like a money grab to me tbh so I shall do it the hard way oh yes! Up to 10 buskat now and it has only taken 5 hours..
Hmm... I have the 50 buskat, but only 7 mill in credits... I still don't understand how people get so much money. I run with an Aegis and several black hole generators. I have enough storage to always buy out whatever premium item a space port is selling, implants, vossk organs, whatever... but even then a single trip might only net me 100k-200k in profits and then stock is exhausted and I spend 15 minutes looking for another source of trade. It takes *forever*. Is there some better way??