Should I play this game on iPhone 4 or iPad 1? Been toying with both, iPad display is much larger, but those Retina graphics... I just can't decide myself.
In the Deep Science station, after you Spoiler defeat the Alice and the Valkyrie station , which I think is the end of the Valkyrie story, though I'm not sure... I'm pretty sure Valkyrie isn't even available to download unless you update...
why would you ask that surly you just update apps straight away? unless of course you got it ILLEGALLY, , im not sure how you update apps then (not saying you did just wondering why people don't update immediately) ... anyway im think of buying this how many hours of play are there and how good are those hours?
I have completed the game too (I think) and two of the three deep science ships are available after that. For those wondering how does it run on an iPad, I have put together a video walkthrough of the final mission (Contains Spoilers!!) and also showcases some of the game animations. Overall, I loved this add-on and think is completely worth having if you like the original GOF and GOF2. I have purchased the Kaamo Club too (couldn't wait!) and realised that it is much safer for buying ships when you trade-in your old one. I also have noticed that sometimes the items deposited on the Kaamo station have to be paid again to be equipped ?!?! I have a Veteran too, but decided to keep playing with it because the auto-turret is awesome too!!
Nice walkthrough, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who made good use of the Liberator missiles in the final mission Sad to hear that that is actually the final mission though, when I Spoiler jumped to the void sector afterwards and found Alice and the Valkyrie there I thought there might be more, but it seems you can't do anything with it... Correct me if I'm wrong though.
Guardian Of Asgaard, that's actually a very good point. It might be an open ended for a future add-on, who knows... Spoiler I actually had to go back to the Void space to collect 50 tons of Void crystal to make a new Khandor drive, as I wanted to keep my old veteran. Others have mentioned the bug, but for me it makes sense that Alice and Corny stole it and still have it there. When Fishlabs checks the hours played in GOF2 they'll be surprised to see that people like spent +6hours in my day off to be able to write and post a review even before Touch Arcade and other major sites publish theirs!!!
I just noticed that Fishlab included my idea of the Heavy Vossk ship with a turret. Thanks Fishlab . I'll dig up the post if I find the time .
It's not exactly it, but it is close enough . 4 guns, heavy armor, slow, and gun turret! It's a party in my game and everyone is invited .
Buy low, sell high. Find profitable trade runs like buying organs at Pan then selling them for a huge profit at Wolf-Reiser. Vossk Organs are especially profitable, I made 10 million in thirty minutes trading those!
I normally play on Hard. I have one file on extreme, and well. It is indeed extreme . I haven't finished the main story yet on extreme, yet I just finished valkerie on my hard profile. Hard ain't too bad. Still rather easy.
Vossk Organs are MOST profitable at Carme Station in the Aquilla system. Sell them there. Normal Organs sell the highest at Wolf-Reiser.
Guys, how do you complete that mission where you have to inspect the cargo after you disable them with EMPs? I disabled them, scaned them all but nothing happens in terms of progressing the quest?
If there are any enemies make sure to kill them. The story should progress by itself after you kill them and disable any ships