What are people's favourite ships? I used the H'soc for a while, thought it was very good. Then I switched to the Dace, and quite frankly I can't see any ships that are better than the Dace, save perhaps the Aegir or the Mantis.
Actually grammatically I think it is correct as it is. It's the "types" that is plural, ie "there are two types of...". The "shield" is the subject of "types" and is singular, ie the comparison of a shield but two different types of it. Does that make sense?
Fishlabs twitter account has just posted this teaser trailer for Valkyrie add-on for iOS Sweet!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI1NJp9wSfY
Wolverine is also pretty good i got 4 on my mantis, it does 54 dmg each hit with one gun, but the bad part is that its fire rate is low.. nionetheless its AWESOME
Since the Apple chip in the iPad 2 is preforming better than the terga chip in the xoom, will fishlabs update the graphics for GoF2 for the ipad2?
Will there be a price drop coming anytime in the near future? Maybe when the Valkyrie pack is released? My friend only has $8 left on his account, and needs to know whether he should wait or just spend it on other games.
Hi there, please understand that announcing a price drop does not make much sense commercially and we would hate to upset our loyal fan base who have purchased GOF2 at the full price. For a fairly long period of time we had an inductory price of $6.99 and if you take a look at the many five star reviews the current price of $9.99 seems to be well accepted by the community. Eventually, we might have a sale but right now there is really no reason to do that. Some argue that we would be way more successful when selling GOF2 for $0.99 but that is untrue. For a hardcore game with a much smaller audience than a typical casual game we could not compete with Angry Birds & co. while having a 10 to 20 times higher production budget to do a reasonable ROI on. Cheers, Michael
Just watched the add on trailer. Was the fancy 'scanning' interface just trailer fluff or a new system in the game?
Well, that's some fluff indeed but there will be quite a lot to discover, hence the scanning ;-) You might check out our dev diaries to learn more, if you haven't already: Part 1 - Georg, our Community Manager, gives you the first insights into the add-on: http://www.fishlabs.net/en/blog/valk...-diary/?blog=1 Part 2 - Marc, our Art Director, shares some concept art while Georg puts everything into the right context: http://www.fishlabs.net/en/blog/valk...pt-art/?blog=1 Part 3 - Marco's, lead 3D artist, speed run of creating a planet: http://www.fishlabs.net/en/blog/3d-iphone-game-galaxy-on-fire-2-valkyrie-dev-diary-part-iii-creating-quineros/?blog=1
Can't wait for the update. Hope that the gfx can be revamped for A5 Good luck finishing soon fish labs guys
Reasonable to you or to me? Just kidding! I wouldn't mind a discounted introductory price though. I'm waiting until this hits, as well as the patch, before playing. Of course, that could still mean I won't play for several months.