I'm stuck at the kidnapped scientist mission .. I'm supposed to disable all the ship at the same time or what? cause that is not easy ..
Well, there is a hidden dungpile of sorts, and that is the auto-targeting in Star Battalion. Not only does the game have the classic leading reticule (in addition to the crosshair), something most space sims have (but that is NOT present in GoF 2, and which makes GoF 2 combat far more interesting and skill-demanding), but you actually shoot right into the reticule even if your aim is a bit off. That alone makes me prefer GoF 2's combat, in spite of the advanced maneuvers and more in-depth mechanics of Star Battalion. Star Battalion's short length might also help you choose which side of the fence to jump down. And, even if you are primarily interested in combat, all the auxiliary systems in GoF 2 (trading, freelance missions, ship customization, the open, non-linear world) means that you can enjoy the latter game for much, much longer.
+1 for this statement. It boggles my mind when I see people agonizing over which cheap game to buy. They're completely different from each other, and they're both fun in their own way. If you can't choose which one to buy/play *first* that's a different question, but if you're into space shooters, please do the developers a favor and show your support. I grab anything that looks the slightest bit like an X-Wing revival.
Hi, i have a problem on the mission, i have have to use a tractor beam on some stuff but it doesn t work! I have a AB1 retractor, i suppose it's a tractor beam, how do i use it ? Thx
Aim towards the thing you're trying to retract until the orange circle goes all the way around the crosshair.
Hi, when i'm aiming the thing, it's written on the screen : no tractor beam. But i have the RETRACTOR in my ship...
Ok, so i didn't see there was an update of the game ^^ So i downloaded it, and now the game does not start... So i guess i will have to erase it and put back on my iphone... Ho well...
Although I do try to space out my spending, I plan on getting both games eventually. However, one of the other reasons why I'm not getting both right now is because of lack of space on my iPod (damn 8 GB).
actually I can't equiped the tractor. It's like a "small cabine", you buy it but can't equiped. Is it a bug I have?
awwe 8G ipod touch, didn't know sorry. i have a hard time managing my 16G iphone so i can just imagine how you manage with 8G. If you want a game with fast combat then get star battalion first, since you will be done with it fairly fast then get galaxy on fire 2. I've already spent about 20+hours on galaxy on fire 2, even got the gamecenter achievement.
Check to see if your current ship has any equipment slots free. If not, you'll have to un-equip a device first (such as the mining drill). Either that or upgrade to a vessel to more equipment slots.
Long way back home...trapped in deep space without a khoda drive... "Is this even possible? Use jumpgate travel to mido system? and from Vossk system? What?"
well, truth can be shocking. Traveling pass dozen system, from vossk to mido is a dream comes true. I present you, the modified version of jumpgate, supergate.
Lol what? I gotta try that . Hmmm why does the Val Hastra station have a blue scheme to it? I thought it was tan or brownish. Nevilion stations are blue.