Universal Galaxy on Fire 2 (FISHLABS)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. Khavatari

    Khavatari Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2009
    Ukraine, Kyiv
    Thanks ! =)

    With Betty? You have a lot of free time =)

    P.S i've read about those lasers.. and seems like i need build 4 of them too =)))
  2. Tower Defender

    Tower Defender Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Lol only on the weekends and my days off. Today was my day off due to the Giants game lol. YAY WE ARE DA CHAMPIONS!!!

    Otherwise :(.
  3. EpicAtheist

    EpicAtheist Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    I haven't reached that part of the story yet but the top right of the map is the Aquila system. I've been trading goods from Pan to Aquila but right now, every planet in Aquila seems to have no decent commodity to sell. They had implants earlier but it's gone now. lol
  4. Tower Defender

    Tower Defender Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    You unlock Wolf-Reiser on like the 4th mission. ... so it is very early on.
  5. Masmo

    Masmo Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    In your pants
    How do the Tyrfing Blasters compare to the Wolverine? I don't have the blueprints yet but I found the blasters in Pan and found them to be quite good.

    Oh and where is the Mantis found?

    Attached Files:

  6. meatz666

    meatz666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    Software Developer
    Guys, I think FishLabs is probably working on this problem, but I have a temporarily solution. I always get strange behavior of the buttons after unlocking the iPhone or restoring the game.

    If you have the problem, turn your iPhone 180 degrees... If you want, you can flip it back (since I'm always playing with headphones)...

    Hope that helps...

    Guys, I'm playing on Normal, 30-ish hours spent, but I'm wondering... Should I play on Hard? I'm with mantis, getting very bored... Could you Hard players give some incentive for me?
  7. Tower Defender

    Tower Defender Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    The blaster is one of the best weapons in the game. The Wolverine is an awesome weapon, but for those who have trouble aiming, the blaster would kill faster. The wolverine is a precision weapon just like a sniper rifle. It deals massive damage with each hit and can shoot ships at EXTREME ranges... however like a sniper rifle, it suffers from rate of fire.

    As for the Mantis, I've found one all over the map. Just got to high tech level stations and your chances would go up in finding it.
  8. synagence

    synagence Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2008
    Can anyone recommend a good next-ship from the Taipan....

    I have now already bought good guns, scanner, tractor beam, mining drill etc etc but i'm struggling to find a ship with the funds i have... (about 200,000)

    I just can't seem to find anything suitable ... ideally want 7 or 8 equipment slots, 100+ cargo, 4 primary weapons

    I've been all over the top half of the map (havent been into vossk terratory yet)

    And annoyingly i have only 8 vossk organs when the trader wants 10.... so need more too but they're being elusive
  9. synagence

    synagence Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2008
    I jailbroke my iPad last night based on your post..... HOLY CRAP does iPad make this game even more epic when its not just scaled up .... i couldn't put the game down last night at all cos it was so nice playing on large screen.... fullforce even makes the control layout work well. The framerate is spot on too ... only time it slows down occasionally is when you're chasing a smoking ship in the middle of asteroids in a big multi-ship fight

  10. EpicAtheist

    EpicAtheist Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Get the Terran's Furious which is only 40k +. 108 cargo, 6 equipment slots, 1 primary weapon, 2 secondary weapon.
  11. LBG

    LBG Señor Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    nada ilegal
    31.560499, -111.904128
    @ Tower Defender

    You know that technique for earning money (buying organs at Pan and selling them at Wolf-Reiser). Well it worked great for the first trip. But when I went back to the Pan system to buy some more organs, I couldn't find any (I searched all the space stations). Have you had this problem? Do you have to wait a certain amount of time or something?
  12. Khavatari

    Khavatari Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2009
    Ukraine, Kyiv
    I have 3 more slots in VoidX. Any suggestions how to use them ? ) Blackhole ? )
  13. Teknikal

    Teknikal Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Belfast N Ireland
    I'm using three Rhoda Blackholes on my ship because I can't think of much else myself the space is useful though I think it's at 440 tons on my Veteran. I'm not sure if adding extra armour or shields would have any effect I may try that at some point.

    I'm open to ideas also.
  14. Rhokk

    Rhokk Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    This game is the best!

    Well I have to say that this is my favorite game on my iPhone by far. The only grip I have with this is that when I'm trying to get a lock on a enemy during a dogfight, I occasionally will lock on the planet behind him and instantly fly to the next system.

    I really really wish they wouldve made it so that if you wanted to fly to another nearby planet, you hit the action button (the one that picks missiles or stealth) and maybe get an option to fly to a nearby planets.
  15. zp3dd4

    zp3dd4 Member

    May 18, 2009
    Btw, what is the Mason medal?? that, and the last one are the only two i have 0 in... (the last one i guess is to have all Gold in all the others i'm guessing)
  16. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

  17. silentcorp

    silentcorp Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010

    I have the same exact problem. I go to Pan, get 20t of organs (shows they have 200+ tons available) fly to another system and sell them, come back to Pan and NO planets have any organs. Seems kinda wonky, how the heck did they sell out of 200+ organs in that short of a time?

    Any tips? It feels like I've now flown to every system, and NONE of them have anything high priced!
  18. meatz666

    meatz666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    Software Developer
    Sometimes that happens. You just need to diversify your products. Try using other systems/products. Places that I always find good stuff:

    - Pan
    - Pescal Inarty
    - S'kolptorr
    - Kóntrr
    - Ni'mrrod
    - Wolf-Reiser
    - Aquila
    - Nesla
    - Suteo

    And don't forget, buying those region-specific alcohol gives a small but nice profit, and gives medals.

    I started a new game on hard (thx community for not helping me decide that!), and I'm making a merchant walkthrough... Wait a few days...
  19. araczynski

    araczynski Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    omaha, ne
    just curious as to whether there was any mention of when the upcoming patch was supposed to be released to apple for confirmation?

    been forcing myself to play through the first one and don't want to start on the second one with merely upscaled graphics on the ipad.
  20. Shadewalkerz

    Shadewalkerz Member

    Oct 27, 2010
    why dont i get explorer? am i missing a hidden system?

    already got:

    (Wolf-reiser *story*)
    -Pan (Terran)
    -Suteo (Ni**** (dont know the exact name))
    -Nimrrod (vork)

    so maybe i am missing something from mido? can som1 tell me where to get the coords?

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