First it was Space Miner, then Warpgate, and now GoF2. Each one seems like an "upgrade" to the previous game. Each one an excellent game worthy of purchase. Now GoF2 is taking up all my spare time...listening to news while playing. Playing it on the toilet. Playing it in bed before drifting off to sleep...addictive gameplay. And I still don't even have $20,000 in credits, much less the millions needed to buy the best ships.
Help please! I'm really struggling on the beginning, where I have to get 25 tons of ore. I just can't get the drill bit to stay on the rock. Any tips? Thanks
A question: "Personal Need - bought 1000t of booze."# What is booze exactly? Any alcoholic drink? because I've bought atleast 1000t of Union Beer (and sold it back again and bought it again...). Help?
arrrrr matie Great intel in this thread. One thing I haven't yet figured out: how do you find the pirate outposts?
You mean at the stations that won't let you dock? Look for a red cloud off in the distance near the station. It won't show up on your radar right away, but it's pretty easy to spot if you look for it.
use touch controls, keep your thumb down on the screen, or press fire to end mining btw there is full mining tutorial somewhere in this thread
Cool beans! I just wish I'd discovered this earlier...the bases would have been a bigger challenge. Thanks for the heads up.
Hmmmmm. A couple of minutes ago I saw in game announcement like: "***** is online" openfeint or what?
the final mission is so buggy -.- gonna try it now the third time, at first, as the mothership exploded, a used the drift to escape and then came a endless cinematic. now, i asked for his status, and he isnt moving anymore -_____-
Hi there, dont use the Khador Drive to leave the system. Fly through the Wormhole. We are very sorry about this bug but seriously, although testing hundreds of hours, no one at Fishlabs had thought about using the hyperdrive in that situation. The bug is already fixed and we will run an update with some other bug fixings, like the button delay on some devices, very soon. Cheers, Michael
Some reason I'm finding the controls on here bad, and the game seems to be slow. Does the game speed up when you get further in?
Well, sales can always be higher so we can invest more into the next update, sequel etc. No, we are pleased and it is very encouraging to see that there is an audience on the App Store for console-style but hardcore games, like GOF2, with pretty big production budgets that have to sell at a premium price as these games won't make it to the top 10 and generate millions of paid downloads at $0.99. Actually, we were quite positive that GOF2 will be a success. What really stroke us was the great positive feedback from the iCommunity. We didn't expect so many glowing reviews on the App Store, even with some negative critics, but really appreciating all the effort we put into this game. The reason why we founded Fishlabs six years ago (when Sony Ericsson was introducing the first mass market mobile phone that could render 3d graphics) was that in our guts we were convinced we gonna see the same things (games) happening like in the mid/late nineties when 3D games became better and better and were driving PC hardware look what your iPhone 4 can do and extrapolate, based on the performance trajectory of mobile devices in the last five years, to the next few years... Sorry, I was carried away. Bottom line: Yes, we are happy, GOF2 proved to us we are on the right track Cheers, Michael
Are you using the control stick to keep the crosshairs in the middle of the bulls-eye? If the red bar gets depleted you can hit the fire button before it is completely depleted and you will mine what ore you have currently obtained from the asteroid.