I always want to try that ship but never got around to it, and yeah, that is a nice focus. Also, how is hard mode?
I'm still in my Groza but I think I'll upgrade ship sometime soon depending on what ones I can find I have to say the Groza is a very nice ship for the price and has served me very well. I'd be content to stick with it if I didn't want to just try more out.
Required for any kind of challenge, and, in the long run, any kind of combat-related fun I finally restarted on hard (after choosing normal initially, and being sadly surprised by how easy the game was), and though I've only played a few minutes into the game (replaying stuff after having built up quite a capital in a nice ship is always a bit less motivational), I'm already enjoying the game so much more. And I was enjoying it pretty durned much to begin with
My money making scheme is boring - I do it back and forth between Wolf Reiser and Pan. I got the ship with 350 cargo space and a black hole cargo packer bringing it up to 700; there is always like $2-5k per item difference in between the systems. I make about $300-500k a run. I'm going to 5mil then I'm done; I figure I'll have all that I need for the game and never want for anything. I'll get a nice maneuverable fighter and yadda yadda. P.S. my turrets don't auto-fire at stuff is that normal?
Hard mode is not too bad. I enjoy it very much. Protect carrier missions are actually a challenge! I actually lost my first carrier mission and made my client angry lol. I was still using the betty than, and their was like 12 Vossk fighters attacking the carriers rofl. My little dinky auto cannon is not gonna work in that situation hahahaha. Damage wise, I didn't notice all that much of a difference. I still relatively received the same amount of damage from the enemy. It is just that there is SOOOO many more enemies on the screen to kill in hard mode .
On a seperate note, how do you get the Ninja medal? I haven't even gotten bronze on that. I'm assuming its me activating the stealth generator.
Yup, and just like commander, you got to have it on for 5min in total. I suggest trying for it just by using that thing in normal combat, I'm sure that you will need it in hard mode. And hard mode sounds like a heaven for nuke users. PS: how did the game glitch?
Lol I got my nuke medal very quickly in hard mode hahaha. But anyways, I don't know how it glitched. I completed a transport items mission and when I received my pay BOOM 16 million.
I had a similar debate. It didn't take long for me to choose this game over Star Battalion though. Galaxy on Fire 2 looks like a deeper, smarter, and more subtle experience. Hopefully it lives up to the reviews and previews. Buying now.
Haha, I had a similar situation but different outcome. I bought both and don't regret it at all. In fact, the two games seem to complement each others weakness with its strength. Star Battalion is definitely a step up even for gameloft, the combat is extremely fun and the cinematic fit in beautifully, good for quick game on the go as the missions are short and you don't have to worry about money or equipments. Galaxy on Fire 2 is for those late nights when you can spend hours exploring the rather large galaxy. .
Oh and the bad quality pictures that I posted is due to me playing the game on my ipad, so everything is stretched out.
Mantis looks shit, really! In choosing between the sexist ship in-game and powerful shit ship, I choose Aegis. Mantis is only slightly better. Below is the comparison, anything not included below is of the same on both ship: - Armor: Mantis(240) vs. Aegis (190) - Cargo Hold: Mantis(75) vs. Aegis(70) - Equipment Slot: Mantis(12) vs. Aegis(11) - Handling: Mantis(117) vs. Aegis(100)
This game reminds me so much of the game Pirates of the Caribbean on the PC. The gameplay is quite the same which makes this game epic. :3
Have anybody tried to create gold medal achievements list? Anyway i've just found it a couple seconds ago: btw.... anybody experienced problems with game center last 10 hours? I've had some sandbox error... and seems like my account is not working...