So you got ur rocks off with carla...thats the end of the story You can now work on getting all golds which is a task in itself as you have to master everything. There are blueprints scattered around and even a few systems you dont know about Im currently all gold and working on cash for my unlock
Please add more translation like Italian!!! Only subtitles, of course... You sell many more in the appstore if the game is localized...
Nearing my sixth hour of game time and I already feel like I've got my 7 dollars worth. With that being said, I will be playing this for a very long time. I do wish the mining mini-game was better; it's a chore after the twentieth time. So, it's not fun at all anymore, but I do it because I want better items. It would just be so much more enjoyable, obviously. Anyway, love the game. Peace.
For cockpit view, I mean, you don't need any drawings et al., just give us the gauges and a first-person view will do. e.g. Black Space.
Jeez, the part where you have to get the Void Crystals is hard. I had to keep coming back at least six times before I could mine some crystals before they could kill me. It isn't easy because they keep coming back in numbers. Then I somehow managed to kill them all in ONE blow with my nuke I was so happy haha. Finally I can progress... 1 mil to go until I get my Mantis!
Guys, I need some help here. I'm still kind of early in the game, im on the mission where the describtion says "I met Carla. She's certainly better looking than any scientist I ever met before. She's accomnpanying me to Sahi where those Void aliens have been sighted. I'll have to salvage their remains, so I'm going to need a tractor beam and a scanner." I'm there, killed voids, but no idea how and what to do with the remains. I bought a scanner and a tractor beam (I guess it wouldn't let me star it without them). Can anyone help?: D
Did you equip the scanner and tractor beam? Once they have both been equipped, you have to aim at the remains and wait for the circle to go around and then the tractor beam will pull in the goods.
I couldn't dream of an expensive tractor beam. I still got the crappy ship I got in the beginning and about no cash. : D
i'm at a million and a bit cash, and still aint bought the super expensive tractor beam. just dont need it tbh. i'm saving up for the mantis, which i dont need either, but oh well.