well, uhm i already have it now xD. trying to muster up the money for mantis, but i cant do the trick you said since i dont have enough money to fill my cargo hold. any help?
I had 400,000 in my account before I started. I got that amount mainly by doing missions and finding great deals in the lounge. For example. 1. I would check the goods people would want to sell me, than check how much they are worth in the market, by clicking the [!] info button. If I was getting a good deal, I would buy them and than sell for profit. 2. If someone requests an item for cash, I always check the current market first if the item is already in that current station. You'll be amazed how many times you get a request for an item and it is sitting right their in the market lol. 3. There's 2+ pirate space stations to destroy in Nivillion space (sp?). You'll know there is a pirate space station to destroy when the station doesn't allow you to dock. Taking out the pirate station lands you some very nice stuff that sells big. 4. Missions that requires you to blow up illegal goods transports land you a lot of pricey stuff as well. I was also using the Kodar drive (sp?) to get myself around.
Developer feedback of this kind is very important, and does a lot to invigorate the fanbase. Thanks, Fishlabs, for a very in-depth and detailed reply! I'm starting to loose track of all the devs who actually participate and communicate in TA's forums, and who, unlike the vast majority of AAA companies, listen to their customers, but you have certainly jumped to the top of that list with this one post GoF 2 is a very good example of the kind of game that is already so very damn good that the fanbase becomes passionately involved in improving it even more. I hope you'll see the long list of complimentary commentary hidden behind every single piece of criticism below I understand this sentiment. I've head it echoed by many iOS devs. But in the case of Galaxy on Fire 2, the controls are really quite simple, and an additional throttle (perhaps just a small bar to one side of the screen, or even just a speed number tucked away towards the edges of the screen, controlled via swipes) would really, really not add much in the ways of complexity to the controls. But it would add tons in terms of combat depth and to the sophistication of the strategies employed in battle. Braking to trick your enemy to go past you is a staple of space combat, and damn satisfying too While yer at it, please consider adding different top speeds for the ships. Also, I doubt that most people who look for open universe space simulators shy away from complexity. Should it ever make it back in (even if it is just swipe sideways to roll in that direction, and a possible u-turn mechanic), it would contribute immensely to the combat mechanics. Yeah. For me, this is a waste of development time. But apparently, it is a much requested function. A possible simple solution: implement an fps-style cockpit, without the actual cockpit graphics, but with a viewpoint from the front of the ship. Mechanically, this would just be an extreme zoom function. This probably sounds either silly or completely redundant, but I've seen in done in several space sims, and while it does not have the immersion factor of a modeled cockpit, it does a lot for combat controls. It is the default perspective in Vendetta Online, a open universe space MMO with extreme emphasis on fast, twitch-based combat, and it works incredibly well. From a pure combat perspective, it is the, by far, least cluttered camera mode, which leads to greater spatial awareness and precision. I'd still be hoping for this, but it is, in no way, a deal-breaker. Though, as far as UI design is concerned, just use the same mission log, but list the freelance mission on the right side of the screen as expandable entries, instead of the one already expanded entry we have right now. While I am on the subject, not being able to dock while on certain missions does reduce immersion a bit, as there seems to be no apparent reason, and just limits our freedom. If it is possible to remove this limitation (and possibly put a timer on some missions, so that players don't go gallivanting off into the galaxy for an infinite period of time before carrying out the mission), it would only do good, I think. And I am so glad you left realistic physics by the wayside Once we start rambling down the path of absolute realism, we'd have ships that fly themselves, and GoF 2 would be a micromanagement-based trading simulator. Only ever include realism in a game if it actually contributes to the fun And I luuuuuuuuv the fact that there is no targeting reticule! I've always figured it would be a necessity in any space sim, but GoF 2 works so well without it. It is actually my absolute favorite aspect of dogfighting in GoF 2. Learning to aim manually, without a leading crosshair, is so much harder, and so much more fun! But then, I've always preferred games with high learning curves, complicated controls, and a system that is hard to master, but rewarding once done. If you ask me, combat in GoF 2 could have been ten times as complicated and difficult. Suddenly, I find myself turning off the targeting reticule in Vendetta Online, just to feel hardcore, and be reminded of GoF 2. As if I needed anything that makes me even easier to bring downā¦ I think the pacing is durned close to perfect. Phew. Thanks. It is a space sim. I don't mind having to simulate This is our collective dream. To hear that it is already in development has probably caused quite a few numbers of wet pants since you posted this reply Take your sweet time. But if you ever do implement it, a co-operative mode (in addition to the necessary dueling) would be a perfect fit for a game like this... That is the best news I've heard all day. GoF 2 is now my top most awaited App Store entry for updates, together with Xewton Music Studio and Docs to Go Premium. For a dedicated musician and writer/journalist such as myself, that is no small praise, and means that I'll be spending a lot of potentially creative time playing GoF 2 instead
Nice. Looking forward to trying that boosters out. And I'm curious about that chance quest you mentioned, especially since I haven't had the time to play much for the past two days. But hey, that only means that there is more GoF 2 left Hope is a beautiful thing. Especially with devs who actually read these forums Ah, that evokes fond memories of Elite 2 Frontier, and fighting at 10 000+ kilometers per hour... Funny how everything seems normal when you and your enemy match velocities, and you don't even notice the speed you are going at, since you and the opponent move normally in relation to each other... until you both ram a planet I really, really don't decry the lack of "realistic" physics in GoF 2 (see my post to Fishlabs, above). But Elite 2 Frontier did prove that (relatively) realistic physics can make for great combat mechanics as well.
Is there much time spent in deep space in this game? Or does it mostly revolve around the planets/stations and what is near them, and warping between them? Like can I just fly the long distance between planets without warping(with a fast enough ship), is there anything in between that I will be missing if I always "lock on and warp." Is there much pre-made exploration of things that aren't marked on star maps, and require some searching, like pirate bases, floating alien artifacts, death stars, or abandoned mining stations? Also is it possible to crash into the planets, how is their presence handled exactly? Does it just force me away from them when I get too close(like the space station), or are they just a big picture so to speak, visible but not touchable?
Almost none. The game revolves around stations, asteroid fields, jumpgates, and the occasional waypoints (which is the only time you'll be going deeper into space). As far as I know, you cannot fly between stations without the fast travel function, and I am fairly sure you cannot fly between solar systems, but if you've a few years to spare, do tell me the results This also means that there is hardly any exploration. This is one of the few flaws with the game, but one that I doubt can or will be resolved with a patch, since this model of space is probably very purposefully chosen. Planets are just big pictures, but very pretty ones, that do contribute to that space-d-out feeling
I have the same drill. I think that's the best one anyways. I have a 90% success rate with it. What you do is, instead of just pulling the analog stick in the opposite direction, pull and push the analog stick in the opposite direction with fast short strokes. That's how I got 72+cores mined Anyways, I'm gonna shoot for a Veteran ship. Only 1mil to go.
@Khavatari kill him!!!!!!! (the poor vossk) @Watabou there is blueprint for better one, at the station where the game started
I pointed my ship in the direction of a planet, and left the game running for about a half hour (to see if you can reach planets manually.) I came back and was no closer to the planet, however it showed me as being 150km away from the space station. It seems like there could be some use in some DLC or another sequel, having you to fly much farther out, or having multiple space stations in a single map!
Oh yeah! Keith finally gets some! wow. The whole thing was a blast. And I don't plan on stopping anytime soon! Gotta get the mantis!
What the difference between armor and shields? Can you use both at the same time? Also, for things like guns, does it make sense to buy two different types and equip them both? Like a laser and machine gun. I'm a little lost. A basic guide would be super helpful.
Shields protect your armor/ship from taking damage. The bar at the top shows your shield strength. You'll notice that the shield slowly regenerates if it's damaged. Armor is displayed on the bottom bar in yellow. If your shield bar is fully depleted then your armor will start to take damage. When your armor bar is fully depleted then your health bar will start to take damage (the red bar). You can equip both a shield and armor and I'd advise you to do so if you have enough free equipment slots, because it's almost like tripling your health bar. Also you can buy a little robot which will repair your ship if it takes damage and this can be very useful too. As for the weapons, it really doesn't matter if you have the same weapons equiped or not. Equipping two different weapons doesn't give any advantage. The thing to look at when buying weapons is the damage per second. This is most important and obviously the higher the damage per second, the better the weapon.
Shields are rechargeable in flight (and while I might be wrong in this, I think they are susceptible to EMP damage, while armor is not). Armor is generally stronger than shields, but requires an add-on to be repaired in flight. Yah, the game is a bit short on help files. I've always wondered why anyone would release ANY game, on ANY platform, without a complete built-in manual. Equipping two kind of guns (for anything else than novelty and cool value) can have its merits. For example, using one normal blaster, and one EMP weapon, will allow you to do both normal damage, and EMP damage that disrupts shields and electric circuits on board the enemy ship. Using two weapons with different firing streams is also often a common method in space sims, as a way to make dodging the shots more difficult. However, this might not apply to GoF 2, partially because the game is single player only (alterate firing streams is normally something you use against human players), and particularly as the AI is not very good at dodging anyways