Universal Galaxy on Fire 2 (FISHLABS)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. Tower Defender

    Tower Defender Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    The tier after that is a Vossk booster that adds 200%. I bought it for 56000 off of a merchant in the bar.

    Oh and has anybody found a Vossk ship that has a turret placement? I just bought the Vossk turret which is better than the Hammer 2 or whatever... but it looks butt ugly on my ship :(... I want some Green :).
  2. Surfheart

    Surfheart Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2009
  3. chickdigger802

    chickdigger802 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Atlanta GA
    Independence War 1-2, Evochron series all use Newton's 3rd law to make combat really fun. Going full throttle in one direction and then turn your ship so your moment makes you go 1 direction and you point your main gun in another =)

    It takes a while to get use to, but it's really rewarding when you get it down.
  4. Teknikal

    Teknikal Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Belfast N Ireland
    Yeah drifting like that was the mainstay of multiplayer freelancer it did add an absolute ton to the game especially in pvp dogfights made the boost button extremely useful as well.
    Still GOF2 is so much better than I thought it would be I can't really hold that against it of course I'd love to see all this added but I'm still loving the game I honestly think it's the best game on the app store at the minute.
  5. Rad

    Rad Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2009
    So what does this mean? Is this version going to be a universal or will there be another version released?
  6. Khavatari

    Khavatari Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2009
    Ukraine, Kyiv
    anybody knows how to sell goods which you carry in a cargo? I just cant find proper menu.. =) I mean i know it is done somewhere in hangar. But how ?
  7. hobgoblin

    hobgoblin Member

    Nov 20, 2008
    Feels like forever since I got a good, engaging iPhone game with some real depth. I love the two minute arcade games as much as anyone, but it's great to really get my teeth into something with real meat on its bones.

    Stayed up playing while 02:30 last night - bleary eyed and cramping knuckles, just like the old days! Superb game, well worth the wait and worth twice the price.
  8. synagence

    synagence Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2008
    I'm with you on that .... i played a bit this morning thinking i'd just have a 5 minute quick dip in the game and it was 20 minutes later before i realised :)

    Loving it.... only needs a few minor tweaks to perfect imho not to mention can't wait till i can play on iPad
  9. Khavatari

    Khavatari Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2009
    Ukraine, Kyiv
    i want to play too... so please, answer to post 267....
  10. meatz666

    meatz666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    Software Developer
    I think everybody understands that, when you say break on a space sim game, it means reverse thrust... Daaa

    Did you guys saw the -2000 ship? LOL...

    Hey Ayjona, yesterday I got the booster that you mentioned, and then I got the 160%... It's very nice... Takes 2 uses to reach any nearby station or jumpgate...

    I don't remember the name of the system, but did you guys entered a station, and I guy says that everything is closed because of pirates? I will not spoil more, but the outcome was great! I was not expecting a quest by chance, you know...

    Strange that Fish Labs is still not commenting on our feedbacks, and the throttle problem...

    Of course, the cockpit view, transparent controls are good things, but you guys have to agree with me that the throttle is like a grave fault, while the other stuff would be nice touches...
  11. your personal robot

    your personal robot Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    In the Hangar - Shop - just press the left side of the to sell and on the right to buy, that easy. Or do you mean something else?
  12. Khavatari

    Khavatari Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2009
    Ukraine, Kyiv

    just noticed this few seconds ago =))

    well this is not the best implementation... or i am too sleepy now..
  13. fishlabs_games

    fishlabs_games Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    #273 fishlabs_games, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
    Hi Guys, first off: Thanks for all the glowing feedback, positive and negative! Of course we are following this discussion closely. It's more complicated than you might think but let me assure you most issues have been on our internal wish list as well. Let's take a closer look:

    • Throttle: There is already quite a lot stuff to control in GOF2 and an anolog throttle control would make the game quite more complicated (I can hear a lot of you guys screaming now but an iPhone is not a PC with a keyboard and a mouse, right?). However, we tried to have a simple engines on/off button but that ruined the balance of the game completely and we didn't have the time to start all over. However, it's top on our list of things to improve.

    • Combat Flight Maneuvers: We had some gyroscope controlled barrel rolls and evasive maneuvers in there that looked really cool but didn't add to the gameplay or runined the balancing. Definitively on our own wish list though.

    • Cockpit view: Can you imagine how much work it is to create 30 (!) different cockpits with animated dashboards and all the little gizmos you and we expect to see in a proper spaceship cockpit? We implemented the simple 1st person view without anyhting but the HUD. We liked it very much but we had some technical issues so we dropped it for the launch.

    • Multi Quest Log: Especially the RPG fans inside of Fishlabs wanted to have it but it didn't make in because of the consequences to change the UI design and the extra coding and QA effort.

    • Physical behaviour: That opens an endless discussion. Let's put this way: If we had everything in place for a nearly phsically correct simulation in space the game would suck completely. We decided to bring in some behaviour you'd expect from air dogfights in terms of speed of the ships, distances etc. even if that isn't correct either.

    • Aiming support: We had it in GOF1 after so many players complaint they can't hit a thing. In GOF2 we lowered the pace of the combat a bit but kicked the aiming support as we think it's lame. The challenge in the combat is shoot where you enemy will be when the shot arrives. Otherwise all the different weapons with firing rate, speed and range don't make much sense.

    • Pace of the game: GOF2 starts of quite slow so you can make yourself familiar with the open game world, the controls, equipping your ship and how to make money. It gets more intense later but it is always up to you how fast you progress through the game. That's the basic concept of GOF2.

    • Asteriods: We know they sometimes collide with things or even your ship. It's too much effort to check the collisions against any objetct in the game so we rather say: pay attention, pilot! We'll concetrate on more important things in the meantime ;)

    • Button Responsiveness: On some iDevices with certain iOSes the buttons in the station have a delay. We found the bug and are working on that.

    • Multiplayer: Was very, very high on our list but we decided not to implement it in a half-hearted attempt just for marketing purposes and rather focuses on the single-player game experience. However, we are already working on it. When and how we bring it to the GOF series is undecided yet.

    Long story short: GOF2 is not an arcady shooter and it will never be. However, we are working on various things but we can't really promise anyhting right now. The free (!) update for the iPad is on its way and we'll let you know if and what else makes it into this update fairly soon.

    Game on!
  14. jak56

    jak56 Well-Known Member

    meh. sure, ive heard of games starting slow, but 2 hours in and i still have my first ship, a crappy weapon and i only have 16329 credits. i think it's jsut me, but i cant progress very far, cus im not getting the kidnappers emp mission, and i cant find any freelance missions that i can complete in my crappy ship.
  15. your personal robot

    your personal robot Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Constant mining (or trading, but I don't like trading) is the key.
    I never entered a station without a chock-full ship.
  16. Teknikal

    Teknikal Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Belfast N Ireland
    I haven't even progressed that far and I know I've played it over 5 hours because the achievement came up but I'm on a take it slow and explore approach then I'll catch up with the missions.

    In my opinion the ships are actually priced very well you should have to put some work in to buy them and if you explore enough you will find a few cheaper models I think the first I bought was only around 40,000 although I forget the name of it.

    I'm on my third ship it's the one called "furious" I actually really like it with the storage compressor I'm using it gets 151 tons on board and I think it's 5 pieces of equipment and a turret basicly I'm making money by never docking with an empty hold I always mine before docking.

    I'm used to grinding a bit for credits because I used to play freelancer discovery mod and some of the ships on that are over a billion credits you basicly have to turn trader for weeks to buy one but really that is how it should be.
  17. synagence

    synagence Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2008
    I've decided to re-start my game and spend a bit more time in the early sector ... i headed to terran space pretty much straight away and i think that was definitely a mistake .... with mining its all about picking the right ore.... some only yield $18/t, some are $60-100/t ... each run becomes much more profitable then...
  18. meatz666

    meatz666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    Software Developer

    Michael, thank you very much for the input... Since I'm a software developer as well, I understand everything that you said, but of course, don't agree with everything...

    I can't see how this would ruin balance, since when I'm chasing enemies, they do that all the time... Sometimes I'm chasing one, and in less than 1 seconds, it breaks, does a U-turn, and start shooting me. I was playing today, and I have to agree that this game has a more Star Trek combat than Star Wars... That's ok, but when you see (or have a feeling) that the npcs are doing something that you can't, it's frustrating...

    I agree with you on this, doing a random barrel roll shouldn't avoid shots since you're rolling randomly to left or right...

    Again, in my head this is so easy to implement, put a 3rd camera option on top of the spaceship... You guys could take the same free view mode, lock it on top of the spaceship, put more zoom, and ok, no cockpit, but at least an almost 1st person camera.

    The complaint was not about colliding with asteroids... And you know it! :)
    The problem is the autopilot... You can't call it autopilot if you have to shut it down everytime you see an asteroid... Maybe, when autopiloting, the ship could do the same thing it does when it's about to collide to a spacestation...

    I totally agree with you on this... The Elder Scrolls series is all about single player experience, every release people complaint that it should have multiplayer, but these people don't grasp the concept... Freelancer had a server that allowed a lot of player to join, but again, this is not a PC, and this is not what GoF is about. And GoF is not an arcady shooter, that's why most of us love it!

    I'm still not convinced about the throttle... And it's a shame, because if I had to recommend a space game for a friend, I would have to ask "Do you want a fun gameplay, or a fantastic universe?"... With the throttle, I wouldn't have to ask anything, I would just say GoF2!

    Thanks again for the feedback, Michael!
  19. josephdk

    josephdk Member

    Sep 25, 2009
    Seriously, if it'll get you all to shut up about the freakin throttle, go to the K'ontrr system, planet Makke S'ik and buy the Synchrotron Boost. It lasts for a 1.5km, it has a short recharge. And if that still doesn't appease you, go find a different game to play. People are asking questions which aren't being answered because too many whiners are crying over the lack of throttle.
  20. Alienmario

    Alienmario Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    gaming! lol
    idk udk
    ..or go to the right,down part of map, dock at vossk station and look for booster that cost around $40,000

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