Universal Galaxy of Pen & Paper (by Behold Studios Jogos Eletronicos LTDA ME)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. rslowe

    rslowe Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2016
    Wheee! I'm enjoying this game a lot. I haven't played the original Knights of PP or the sequel, but I played Chroma Squad all the way through, and I see a lot of the same humor here. =D
  2. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    Yeah the text size and mainly the text position is a major problem. I have to press with my finger 2-3 times every time to see the description which is so annoying. Please fix it devs :)
  3. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Any character build recommendations yet?
  4. Saucepolicy

    Saucepolicy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2009
    Crispy ex-game developer
    +1 PLEASE IMPLEMENT THIS. That's exactly how I'd expect a system that limits the number of equipped skills to work. It's a common design choice because it works efficiently to add depth to character levelling. :)
  5. Bitgod

    Bitgod Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    I have to agree with the request to allow the game to be played "upside down", because to me that's right-side up. With the way it is now, I have to flip the ipad over to play it, so I can't use my case to prop up the ipad a bit. Just as importantly, the way it is now, the speaker is at the top right when I play. When the ipad is the other way around, like it is for most things, the speaker is in the bottom left, which allows the audio to bounce off my hand as I'm holding it and reflect the audio towards me.

    One typo correction, in the scene where
    you find the ship and Vestro shows up, he says something like "I owe you..." and I believe it was meant to say "I own you..."
  6. angu

    angu Member

    May 8, 2011
    Is there any way to replace a character or change a characters class?
  7. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    Yes keep playing it'll come
  8. jillbean

    jillbean New Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Intended, bug, glitch or God character.

    So about half way through episode 2-3, I noticed my weakest character is now 1-2 shooting everything and bullets fly off this character. So I looked at the stats and still weaker than the rest. Then took a closer and WTF.

    Shields are nine times higher than any other character. HP is doubled. Attacks and crits are about the same as the rest, but it's healing and attacks skills are doing 200-300 damage and climbing. While others stay in the 50s.

    Character: Achiever
    Type: Human
    Class: Bounty Hunter

    Achiever (Bounty Hunter) has skill called Trample Rush, doing 200-300 damage.
    Second Character with same skill does only 50-60 damage.
  9. Googgi78

    Googgi78 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    So I never played the original KOPP, but really enjoyed KOPP2. Everyone always posts about how much better 1 is from these devs so I had such high hopes.

    I love the change of venue and the humor, but feels like this released a couple months too early between all the bugs (got stuck in a hunt quest where I couldn't fly anywhere, quests do not award the rep they say they do, battle turn order never follows the graphics depicted). The real kicker is I can't even report them because even that is bugged (clicking on send or cancel does nothing). Hopefully the devs give this gem some badly needed polishing and quick. Until then I'm back to playing KOPP2.
  10. Laenor

    Laenor Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2013
    Paris, France
    Bought the game, i loved KoPP 1, enjoyed KoPP 2 a lot.
    Only on episode 2 for GoPP but it's very enjoyable - I kinda wish items were a bit more relevant early game, but I guess they will be later on.

    Regarding bugs, just had one were the game froze - i'm pretty sure those will get ironed out sooner or later
  11. maxbrickem

    maxbrickem Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    Anyone else having a hard time using the skinny scroll bar to scroll through the skills to learn? Was wondering if that could be improved ? Btw, enjoying the game tremendously so far. Thanks for a great premium game devs!
  12. PenIsMightier

    PenIsMightier New Member

    Jul 28, 2017
    I have now beaten the final boss encounter twice with crashes right after which resets it all. Also, the reporting function is bugged so here you go. These bugs should have been discovered if you even played it through once before release.
  13. Markku

    Markku Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2011
    this game run well on Ipad 2? and why did people not like the 2nd one I loved the first one.
  14. maxbrickem

    maxbrickem Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    I just experienced this exact same thing! She's breaking the game. I'm able to max out elite battles and win w ease. It's super fun, but there's no real challenge. Any advice devs?
  15. Bitgod

    Bitgod Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    This is going to be a broad question here, but anyone know how the upcoming 32-bit Apocalypse is going to reflect on apps you buy for older systems?

    Like if I buy (which I already did) this for my iPad 4, did I just bone myself with a purchase that won't get support 2 months from now or will updates still come to owners, as long as the devs (any, not specifically this one) do 32-bit updates?
  16. dudecoolguyman

    dudecoolguyman Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    #96 dudecoolguyman, Jul 31, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
    game unplayable now!

    Here is the deal, I'm on Chapter V. I have unlocked all the classes and have been messing around with the cryo pods, deleting characters and making new combos to test out skill sets and such. Every time I made a new character, it would GIVE me stat points to spend, I assume based on the highest level character I had. So new character would get XX skill points right off the bat to allocate to different skills and I could quickly test said skills in a battle.

    Found a bug, at least for me which makes my game completely unplayable.
    I deleted all my characters, ASSUMING when I made a new character it would be at the highest level I had achieved. NOPE. Level 1. I now have to grind out chapter V with 4 level 1 characters? This seems like a huge over-site from the dev team. Why can't it remember that I had level 27 characters and allow me to make new characters? I really don't want to start over.

    On top of that, the game actually won't even begin anymore. Typically, when you start up the game you start on the ship and the GM always has some funny story to tell before you can jump into the action. I think it's designed so the dialogue interacts with your characters, but since all my characters are deleted and I haven't created any new ones, it just hangs with the GM starting the conversation but no one to converse with. No buttons to click except the menu or bug report.

    I have a sad feeling that I won't be able to finish my first play thru and to be honest, with how slow the combat is I really don't see myself starting a new game. The skills are lacking in general, some require that you build a team say around mark, or stun however you have no idea what skills come with what combos of characters until you make them. This is another team building oversight.

    Unless the devs respond and assure me the next patch will enhance some of these skills or character creation this game really deserves a mere 2.5 or 3 star rating. Yes the dialogue is funny and the story is fun, but overall its literally Knights 1 in space, without any real earth shattering enhancements that could / should have taken this game to the next level.

    I know my characters are dead now, it says it cannot be undone, but boy why am I stuck making characters at level 1 when this literally never happened throughout the rest of the game?

  17. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    You nailed it dude. Exactly my sentiments. Shaun need to review this to convince the rest. #
  18. Meanmug

    Meanmug Member

    Jan 17, 2017
    Needs More.

    I was looking forward to this game alot. As it stands now its not what i was hoping for. It has alot of bugs but those i see getting taken care of. My main issues are from the skills and lack of customazation options. The things i loved the most about Kopap+1 was upgrading the room and table,upgrading the blacksmith,dungeons,unlocking new people and classes and upgrading skills. This seems to be bare bones with just 4 classes to unlock,no unlockable people and only 3 races.

    Most of the skills seem pointless since you can only use 4 and you cant upgrade them once you get them.

    Also i think it would open up a lot more roles to choose if you could make each player a male or female/change thier skin color/hair color.
    (like my tank has to have white hair and look like an old man lol).

    I like to name my chars after friends and most of the good chars are women so i dont like to pick them. (nothing wrong with women but i like an all male party.)

    The game is good but could be so much better with some extra options. Hopefully it will get better over time.
  19. Talaen

    Talaen Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2012
    While I agree that spending points to upgrade skills adds a higher degree of customization to a game, it also makes it significantly harder to test the game balance over time. As it stands now, skills seem to increment flat level by level, which is a lot simpler to evaluate the math of what damage potential a character set can do against comparably leveled enemies.

    I do find the status effects to be a nice dynamic that is just as fun as in the first game. Using poison and mark skills to trigger other effects across characters is rewarding, although as usual Stun is useless in any boss fights which negates building additional damage around that status effect.

    I find the overlap of skills to be a bit higher in this game than in prior ones, which makes the various new characters seem underwhelming (or their combination of skills completely negates any reason to use one of the first set of classes). I believe I read something about hidden skills somewhere in this thread and will have to do a little research.

    I just completed chapter 3 and have been enjoying the game immensely. The writing continues to be a high point with the geek humor and fourth wall breaking events. The fact that there are clear similarities to the firs game isn't a bad thing by any means and calling it the same game in space is bit of a simlpification given improvements in the UI, mission options, and event engine. The fact that it is a one purchase premium game is the icing on the cake and well worth the cost of entry.
  20. gty

    gty Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    That is currently happening to the Deep Knowledge skill. We are making fixes on it at the moment.

    Weird! Now we actually may take a look at that bug with a different perspective and I might know what is happening. The achiever gains extra attributes (hidden) for each achievement done (achievements currently not implemented in mobile) and there may happened something that stacked the bonus over and over so you could get that amount of extra damage. Will check over, thanks.

    Initiative bar is getting so many fixes in the next version, bug ui as well and many others. Sorry about that.

    We definitely have some issues in the Cryo chamber. I've forward that bug to one of my teammates already. I'm going to check over the skills so I think what can be improved (skills layer only, not system). I want to improve some skills, I got some bugs to fix as well in top priority. We are trying to improve the overall experience with the game aside the performance issues and everything and we are trying our very bests to make it better. Thanks. (I've edited your post on the quote to avoid a bit the big reply, I hope you didn't mind, -dudecoolguyman).

    We do have a way to "improve" skills in the game but I probably hide it too damn well. I call it artifacts but no spoilers. Currently, skills are "upgraded" automatically as you equip gadgets/skills that alters attributes or when you level up. There's no system available that the player may choose which skill he/she will upgrade but that's something I have in mind (check previous posts on the threat).

    Got it, thanks for the feedback. Also, you kind of nailed it when you described the way we upgrade skills. It's pretty much about balancing in an easier way since the player has many options. I'll improve skills based on the feedback I'm getting.

    Thanks you all.

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