Universal Galactic Phantasy Prelude - (by Moonfish Software)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Monsieur Dangereux

    Feb 24, 2012
    Try moving "GMMap.dat" from app's Documents folder and "com.moonfishsoftware.gppprelude2.plist" from Library/Preferences folder.
    Ownership: mobile-mobile for both files, access permissions: rw-r-r for the 1st, rw for the 2nd.
    It worked for me after erasing and reinstalling the game (on the same device thought).
  2. Moonfish Software

    Moonfish Software Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Hong Kong
    I am sorry to tell you that you cannot simply move the "com.moonfishsoftware.gppprelude2.plist" to a new machine and make it work. It is because the save file is encrypted and the encryption is different on each hardware.
  3. EroNasubi

    EroNasubi Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2010

    I have completed Galactic Phantasy Prelude and now considering to buy Galactic Phantasy (formerly Galaxy Pirate Adventure).

    Is there any way to move my Battle Cruises from prelude?
  4. mavis

    mavis Well-Known Member

    In other words, don't buy IAP items if you ever plan to upgrade your iPhone or iPod? I wish I had known that before I spent my money.
  5. Moonfish Software

    Moonfish Software Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Hong Kong
    In GP, there is no IAP. You can simply start a new game and follow the game progress and then you will be able to buy BC in the later stage of the game. However, you cannot transfer a BC from Galactic Phantasy Prelude to Galactic Phantasy, as they are two different games.
  6. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    In general, IAP is tied to your iTunes account - anything consumable or saved in a game will be part of your iTunes backup.

    If you upgrade, you can restore your old backup to your new device and keep all your game data.
  7. bigred447uk

    bigred447uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    I'm torn between playing this and Dangerous. I own them both and have dipped into both. I love the concept of Dangerous but the visuals and production hamper it to some extent.

    Should I play this or maybe try upgrade to Dangerous HD from my standard version ?

    I'm torn as both seem like they demand quite a heavy time investment. My other concern is how can this game be balanced properly if it contains IAP ?

    Thanks for any help ;-)
  8. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    #348 Sheinfell, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
    As I played both: Both games are fun in their own way, so my recommendation is to play both of them, and just see how far your interest carries you.

    First, GPP:
    It definitely has some balance problems, and getting to the top tier shops requires an awful lot of grind, unfortunately. Actually, the grind is the reason why I put GPP down for now.
    Also, less storyline and less possibilities with ship loadouts compared to Dangerous.
    Not to mention way shorter, once you take the grind out of the picture.
    Developer support is really good so far, the Moonfish folks are quite responsive and active here.

    Now, Dangerous:
    It is a really interesting and ambitious concept, and it stands well on its own. But I know what the developers really wanted to achieve, so for me it feels like an unfinished game.
    Don't know your device, but my normal version looks pretty good on my iPad2.
    Admittedly, the ship models look much better in GPP.
    It also has some extremely annoying interface problems, namely when buying/selling. GPP's "enter numbers" thing is the smoother approach.
    On the plus side, I really liked the story, and the diversity they achieved with the different possible approaches to combat.
    Also, I don't know if the developers abandoned it, as I did not hear anything from them in months.

    As I said above, give both games a shot.

    UPDATE: Seems the developers are still active, just rather silent on their own forum. I just checked the Dangerous thread here http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=117572 , and they mention that they are on Steam Greenlight now.
  9. bigred447uk

    bigred447uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    As I said above, give both games a shot.

    UPDATE: Seems the developers are still active, just rather silent on their own forum. I just checked the Dangerous thread here http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=117572 , and they mention that they are on Steam Greenlight now.[/QUOTE]

    Thank you for the detailed response. I really appreciate your advice ! I'm going to get into Dangerous first on my standard version with one eye on maybe updating to HD if I get dragged in.

    I think I'll leave this till they update it a time or two. I don't fancy the grind because I'm an old man now and need to make good use of my remaining gaming time before real-life 'Game Over !' Lol !

    (Sry bit morbid but true about the grind !)
  10. Moonfish Software

    Moonfish Software Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Hong Kong
    The update of GPP is just released. Here are the changes:

    - Added Accelerator Control in the Options menu
    - Joystick’s zero position follows where you tap

    Bug fixes.
    1. Free blacked out equipment, which was caused by a bug when recycle ships
    2. If any mission item in smuggling mission is left unremoved in your cargo, you can remove it by accepting a new mission and abandoning it right the way.
    3. Fixed a bug that stop trigger certain story mission.
    4. Fixed certain story missions that the boss cannot be defeated.
  11. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    Good job, Moonfish! Nice you could iron out these bugs so fast. Still really early here, downloading to check later.

    @bigred: Always welcome. How old are you, if you want to share? I just turned 38, and share your opinion about grind. Maybe it is really an age thing ;) but since a year or two, most grind - especially the annoying and boring type like here - is really getting on my nerves. Not only in action-type games, things like micromanaging colonies in strategy games like Starbase Orion is also on my "no fun" list these days.
  12. heppi1234

    heppi1234 Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    Hey any news on future missions or further gameplay yet at all? Keep popping back trying to keep one eye on here but struggling for the time. Not managed to find a good in depth game that's gasped me since completing this couple of weeks ago, several devs have had some very poor ratings and reviews from me over the past week or two lol

    P.s. keep up the grind sheinfell, have u managed to get yourself a seraphim yet? I just nipped on n wiped out a few pirates for the crack, can't wait/wishing for further gameplay
  13. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Thanks for the tilt controls. Looking forward to spending more time with this.
  14. LanceAvion

    LanceAvion Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    Is TA ever going to do a review on this game? The original has a TA review and I really would like to know how the two games compare.
  15. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    [BUGS] after last update

    I still have some bugs after last update:
    1) One DS equipment is still blacked out, I cannot get rid of it.
    2) The odd equipment that shows up without any stats is still there.
    3) I now also got the "Infocenter lvl5 reward goes back to lvl1" bug.

    Especially the Infocenter bug is extremely annoying, as I poured a good amount of cash into it, and with the reward back to lvl1 it will take ages to just get the money back, let alone to make enough to buy a BC.

    @heppi: So no, I do not have a Seraphim yet. And until the Infocenter bug is fixed, GPP goes onto the backburner again...

    @Moonfish: I want to ask again to lower the prices for the BCs; half of what it is now is more reasonable, considering the amount of money you get as rewards. Even lowering it to 2/3 would help. With the current price, plus the Infocenter bug, I really don't feel like grinding my way up there. And I still think the grind is taking alot of fun out of an otherwise pretty good game.
  16. Moonfish Software

    Moonfish Software Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Hong Kong
    #356 Moonfish Software, Dec 2, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2012
    @Sheinfell: Thx very much for reporting the problem here.
    1. May I know the blacked out DS equipment's name? Is it still in your ship or just in the warehouse?
    2. What's name of the "odd equipment"? Is it a weapon/support/part?
    3. Where does you encounter the problem of "Infocenter lvl5 reward goes back to lvl1"? What mission(s) have such problem? We have checked the first mission in Karanerkin "Politicians's Secret Club" and it is fine in our side. The reward in level 5 is $814,107.
    4. We will fine tune the price of BC as requested.

    @heppi1234: We have not yet started game content update yet. Once we kick it off, that takes perhaps 3 months to go.
  17. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    #357 Sheinfell, Dec 2, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2012
    Sure, was in a bit of a rush when I wrote the bug report:

    1) Skip that one, my mistake. I still have a Destroyer in the Warehouse, that I totally forgot about. Removed the part, and could sell it.
    Getting something else odd, though: The Destroyer (a Principalities2) still shows Weapons and Parts in dark red, but I have sold those items a good while ago already. I can send you a screenshot via email when I have time.
    Let me know if you want me to try and sell it and see what happens, or if I should keep it around, or anything else.

    2) The "odd equipment" is a Weapon, labeled TS. Whenever I click it, it shows the stats of the last item I had selected before that. I did not try what happens when I sell it, don't want to mess up things more. I think I got it from one of the Cosmakturn missions, but not 100% sure.
    Same here, let me know if you think I should try and sell it, or if you deem it better to keep it around.

    3) All missions in Cosmakturn show this behaviour. E.g. the first missions had I think 6.6m reward after upgrading the Infocenter to lvl5. Now it is back to 4.8m or so, the lvl1 reward. Same for all other missions there, the monetary reward is back to lvl1 as far as I can tell.
    I did not test this on other Infocenters yet, as I want to save my cash for a BC.

    4) Now that is some really good news!

    And definitely looking forward to content updates.
  18. Moonfish Software

    Moonfish Software Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Hong Kong
    In our side, it is a bit difficult to reproduce your problem without having your game save. We have a solution to solve the problem quick for you and also debug the problem for the other users in the next update.

    However, I am not sure if the process too complicated to you, as that involve using iFunbox (if you are using mac). First, I need to obtain the UUID of your machine and also the game save through iFunbox. Then I will send you an app. Once you install the app in your iOS device, it will display the an encryption ID. You then send the screenshot showing this encryption ID to us. We will fix the game save and return you a corrected one. That takes about two days. Please send us email [email protected] if you want us do so.
  19. Moonfish Software

    Moonfish Software Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Hong Kong
    @Sheinfell: The third problem about missions in Cosmakturn is not a problem actually. The lvl 5 reward of the first msision in Cosmakturn is $4,598,573. We adjusted the return of this kind of trailing missions in the new version, as some players complained that this kind of missions are too easy and that breaks the game balance. We reviewed the rewards and agree with that player's comment. That's why we made such adjustment.

    I guess what we can do is to reduce the price of BC so it wont take too long to get one in the next update.
  20. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    Hi Moonfish,
    sorry for the late reply, been really busy the last few days, and will be so a few days longer.
    Don't think I have time to do anything much before Monday.

    In the meantime, question:
    How does it work with you app you said you'd send me? My iPad is not jailbroken, and I am not doing that either.
    The last time I installed an app not from the Appstore, I betatested a game, and got one of the official Apple tester slots from the developer. Also, if I remember right, he sent me a certificate along with the app.

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