Universal Galactic Phantasy Prelude - (by Moonfish Software)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    Same cruiser setup I have ;)
    What equipment do you use? I need to lookup the Parts again. For Weapons, I am very fond of the stunning Laser in combination with a normal Laser. A repairSP Support module to be on the safe side, and the best laserblocker I could find.

    And I wonder the same, is it worth to get a Battleship, or should I aim straight for two Battlecruisers, despite the insane pricetag?
  2. bashesh

    bashesh Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    I have similar setup but dont have the stunning laser, where did you get one for cruisers? I am using laser9-a, sp repair tool, laserblocker that reduces damage by 50% (lb-10-s). As for the parts i have dm8b and ar9c, plus i have a turret cc9e. I have about 45 mils saved right now but its still a longways to get seraphim. How do you manage to destroy 6 battle cruisers? I can defeat six battle ships but definitely not battle cruisers.
  3. heppi1234

    heppi1234 Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    Guys if u have Dracula 2 + cherubim (as wingman) then u are sorted. Make sure both are equipped with the best laser and the best stun laser u can find. U can take out battleships piece of piss, wait for 4 bar lock then hit stun laser, wait a couple of secs for 4 bar lock again then hit normal laser, wait a couple of secs again for 2 bar lock then normal laser again. That way u can take out a battleship in around 10-15secs. When attacking battle cruisers u have to do that twice. Remember stun laser takes DM out of the equation, do not attack with normal laser if not stunned. If u have someone nearly dead, like below 1/4-1/5 health, stun with 1 bar laser lock, then attack with 1-2 norm laser, if it doesn't quite kill it u will still have enough time to get a 1 bar normal laser attack in before stun wears off

    Another trick when u start a battle quickly attack someone, then if u see the caution sign find that ship and aim at it. As soon as u focus on a ship (unless its already attacking u) it will turn and run. If its already attacking u it will empty it's energy then turn and run (unless its that close that it flies straight past u). With the drac 2 + cher combo I completed upto and including the central bank robbery mission (2nd to last mission), although the bank robbery one was near impossible, with the serpaphim it's stupidly easy.

    As for setup on the drac and cher, I had best norm + stun laser,best DM + SP repairer. I can't tell u what parts I had on cher but I know I only had two, the drac I had DM-8-D, ReCh-8-F, AR10-J (a pick up from warring the pirates that attack u, gives 99% sp bonus for 190 CPU) and AR9-E (which I brought and shows how good the one before is as this takes 200 CPU for 51% sp)

    As for collecting cash I continually did the mission I stated in talidea system (I think that's what it's called) but as I was going to the first jump station I avoided pirates until the target had jumped, then I battled the pirates. Same again after jump, avoid till mission complete then battled (unless too low health)

    Last piece of advice, when u accept the mission from planet cos in tal, before approaching the target look for random loots in that system, that's where I got one of the amazing sp repairers for BC ships

    Oh and when u get a seraphim, get best DM breaking misslie and best normal missile. Then Loads of extra amour, sp repairer, DM repairer and your sorted, to take out the boss BC's two DM missle hits then I think it's 10 norm missiles n there dead. As I said last boss took me under two min

    Have fun guys hope that all helps!! :)
  4. Moonfish Software

    Moonfish Software Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Hong Kong
    We r still considering what to be include about the future update. Adding content is one way. Enhancing the game system is another. Please feel free to tell us what you wish to see in GPP.
  5. heppi1234

    heppi1234 Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    Well I was thinking maybe along the lines of continuing the storyline, whereby with the group u join at the end of the current last mission, u then go ahead to bring down the empire and the sphinxians, with a possibility of forming one whole united galaxy.

    For instance could start with bringing down Lin and the sphinxians (a full set of missions like u have currently just done) then taking on the empire (again another full set of missions), or taling down the empire and Sphixians simulatneously mission by mission (1 against shinxians 1 against enpire). Either way could possibly even culminate with an extremely difficult boss level being the remaining shinxians and empire forces against yourself and the pirates from the end of the game, with all ships involved (I.E. 20/30+ ships, all maxed out top end battle cruisers)

    Just ideas anyway, also an addition to your personal fleet would be interesting
  6. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    #286 Sheinfell, Nov 24, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2012
    Considering that Apple's Christmas deadlock is not far away, I would say bugfixes first and then some of the quirks - like the not autofocusing map.
    Adding good content needs time, so take it. Unless you have additional storyline laid out already ;)

    I would definitely welcome more story, if it is indeed almost over after the bank robbery, it feels more like an introduction.

    A long story could include fighting the Sphinxians and the Empire, as heppi mentioned.
    Personally, I would also add taking down some of the pirate groups, and then leaving the player a choice, if he wants to go legit and become a trader (for example), carve out his own small kingdom among the stars, or wants to start his own pirate group.
    These could be dozens of hours of story content.
    And more starsystems would be nice as well, to compliment the additional storyline.
    Maybe something a bit further away? This could even be a short story of its own, e.g. helping with building a new jump portal.

    You did some really good groundwork with your game engine and story-universe, would be a shame if it did not see more use.
  7. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    The Stun Lasers you can buy in various Starports, and they make your life alot easier.
    If you ever got hit by one yourself, you know what they do ;)
    I think it was on Anattrin in Dralomee system where you can get a really good one (6 second stun) as mission reward.
  8. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    found more quirks

    Hi Moonfish, I found a few more quirks:

    1) With long planet names like Cosmakturn, the first letter gets cut off on the left side, at least on my iPad2.
    2) Cosmakturn does not have a "Wander" button, it only offers to dock. After you dock, you can access everything normally.
    3) Cosmakturn mission "The Shadow Ark" says the target is in Othar system, while it really is in system Talidea.

    I also remember some minor oddities like the one above in other missions, but I forgot to take notes.
  9. Moonfish Software

    Moonfish Software Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Hong Kong
    Thanks so much for your comment!
    We have submitted the bug fix update which includes accelerator control as well. Again, we need to wait for approval from Apple. It is now time for us to think about how to enhance the game.
  10. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    You're most welcome!
    And fantastic job with the bugfix, that was really fast.

    And UPDATE on the "no Wander button for Cosmakturn" thing:
    The button disappears and reappears regularly, but so far I could not figure out what triggers this behaviour.
  11. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    By the way, does anyone know where I can build the Ogre transport?
    I did not check all Spaceyards yet, but would prefer I can avoid a lengthy search.

    And I found another bug:
    One of the mission rewards in either Talidea or Othar system shows up bugged.
    Unfortunaty I am not sure from which mission it came, but it should be one that gives a reward for a Battlecruiser part, most likely a Laser.
    It shows under Weapon, with a TS label, and the picture used for Cruiser armor.
    When you click it as first item, it shows blank.
    When you click another item, and then that one, it keeps showing the stats of the previous item.
  12. Spite

    Spite Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2012
    How do I progress when every time I get out of a dock, some red ship comes and kill me.
  13. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    Where in the game are you currently, what is your next story mission?
    Knowing that, it is much easier to give some recommendations, e.g. on what equipment to upgrade.
    You can try to run away from them, after a bit they mostly stop chasing you. The button on the right side lets you fly faster, at the expense of fuel.
  14. Exzander

    Exzander Active Member

    Sep 30, 2011
    A few things:
    -the achievements for mission monetary values (10,000 and 1,000,000) are broken for me
    -the game seems relatively short as others have mentioned
    -is it possible to get all of the ships (at least the achievements) WITHOUT having to purchase credits or the ships?

    Has anyone found Lucas? I know Sith and Daisy are rockin' out on Beronnera (at least for me).
  15. Spite

    Spite Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2012
    #295 Spite, Nov 24, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2012
    Any can tell me where can I get blueprints?
  16. bashesh

    bashesh Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    You get blueprints by completing story missions as well as from random drops from battles.
  17. Spite

    Spite Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2012
    Does that include the cargo transport ships too? Or just pirates.
  18. bashesh

    bashesh Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    Any type of ship will do, but personally I have experienced that pirate ships that attack you have a higher chance of dropping blueprints.
  19. Spite

    Spite Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2012
    #299 Spite, Nov 25, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2012
    I'm stuck on Emma's parents part. I can't beat the female pirate. I'm currently using Archangel II the enemy ship is just too strong. What is a good way to getting a DS ship blueprint or beating the Emma's parent kidnappers.
  20. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    With the Archangel2 you should be able to do it.
    I bet that boss with two Soul frigates (and a good bunch of luck, I freely admit that).
    Load a D.M. breaker missile and a normal missile, SP repair Support modules, and in addition to a shield as much +SP as you can fit in.
    Travel around a bit and do missions in the first 3 systems, to make sure you got the best equipment you can get.
    And the best possible crew as well, they make quite a difference.

    I never found a DS blueprint before beating the pirate, but then I never found an Archangel2 as well...
    Your best bet might be the 2nd starsystem, maybe by finding an opponent that has DS in their fleet.

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