The Tehrak Post your creature ideas here soon, submissions must be in by THIS Friday! Heres another creature from the game for inspiration! Species: Tehrak SubSpecies (if any): NA (type: bandit tyrant) Size: large Diet: omnivore Physical Description: Green, grey or blue skinned. Many have two twisting horns on the sides of their heads (It is a common practice to remove these horns upon the death of a close family member, horns will grow back in less than two cycles). Most are blonde haired, some have reddish brown manes. This bipedal species has below average sentient intelligence. Narrative Description: The tehrak are a hostile and warlike species that currently control a small section of space on the far edge of the galaxy. Destructive pillaging is core to the tehrak culture. Most are raised as thieves, moving up within the well-armed ranks of one of the thousands of crime families that govern their homeworld.
Creatures Two submissions. 1. Species: Flermish SubSpecies (if any): n/a Size: medium Diet: Raw Fish Physical Description: He looks like a normal human but his mustache is two octopus tentacles. He has a forked tongue, wears prescription sunglasses that have a dark to light fade. He wears a pirate's shirt and jacket and clown pants. He has bird feet and a tiny, tiny weiner that peeks out (circumcised). Narrative Description: Mostly prone to commerce, Flermish is quick to presume he's being swindled and responds with horrific violence. 2. Species: Alpha Witch SubSpecies (if any): witch Size: medium Diet: small children, mostly Physical Description: Alpha Witches resemble a early American colonial woman in, but are distinct in that they are always wet as if having been full submerged in water and have chains wrapped around their waists or torsos. The chains are attached to stones (one or two), which they can control as short or long distance weapons. Narrative Description: A with who was thought to have drowned by stones, but whose powers kept her not just alive, but in control of the elements and objects thought to kill her. She can manipulate water and the chained stones attached to her.
Name: Vault Keeper Subspecies of: Taarsian wardog Size: Large Diet: Meat Physical Description: A dark haired canine that stands over 6 ft on it's hind legs. It's nose is a mix between that of a leaf nosed bat and a star nosed mole, used to track pray and can sense the hormone release associated with fear in most species. It has a large primary set of eyes for forward vision and a secondary set of two smaller eyes under each of those (6 eyes total) which are used for a wider field of vision. The jaws are like that of a great white shark with sharp serrated teeth almost spilling out of its mouth. The body and tail have an advanced counter balancing system grafted on to give it heightened agility in narrow spaces like hallways. Narrative Description: Originally a comission by a Balthwotian general to create the ultimate wardog. The Coalition has deemed them illegal to use due to their natural inability to leave survivors. Not ones to let a genetically engineered killing machine go to waste, the Reouge have fine tuned the beasts they created to protect their most valuable laboratories as Vault Keepers. Modifiers: Low roaming distance - Meant to guard areas High sense distance - Heightened sense of smell and unaffected by darkness Variable chase distance - Players must make a check to their constitution/will with low numbers indicating detectable fear and increasing the vault keeper's urge to chase.
Really great entry! About an hour or so to if you have any random creature ideas you'd like to see in the game, post 'em!
Pick your winners! The poll is up. Pick your favorite creature, the top three picks will make it into the game!
Kalamari I think it's fine. They could have very easily been a genetic manipulation/cross engineer of an actual squid from Earth that somehow made it to this galaxy (In the stomach of a human abductee, maybe). True mind-flayers are octopus based (?)
I'm thinking you should relaunch the contest and try to market it a little more. I hope this isn't the kind of response your game is going to get, because it is going to be really great from everything I have seen.
So, the TA community has been contributing to Galactic Keep since almost the beginning of the game. We've had a 'weapon creation contest' and a 'character creation contest', they turned out quite well. Two of the characters thought up by the community will be in the game, so will a bunch of the weapons. I was holding off on running the creature creation contest because I thought it would be the most fun...the easiest and most interesting! Ha. In the end, if a few more people hear about the game because of it we're happy. It'll be nice for the people who crafted entries to see their creatures in the game! If we're going to do it again, it'll be after the game launches
Getting close! The poll is almost closed: the Taarsian Vault Keeper has a good lead, the Alpha Witch is currently in second (it would be an interesting challenge to integrate her into the game) and the Kalamari a very close third! A few more votes could change everything, at this point.
We have some winners! The Taarsian Vault Keeper wins by an overwhelming 6 votes Tied for second/third are the Kalamari and the Alpha Witch with three votes apiece. Stay tuned for sketches and (later) video of the creatures in-game. A warm thank you to all who participated.
How about a woman of some water controlling race that steals Orthodon tech to escape some danger or protect someone. She uses it incorrectly and it latches to her arm and she gets zapped far into the past. She doesn't age as fast, is immune to their sicknesses, and her powers scare people so they brand her as a witch. The Orthodon notice their inventory is off and they are missing a prototype temporal prison unit made to house convicts in the past where they aren't a threat and can't escape. They remote recall the unit after a few days but for her it's been years (50-60?) so she has been driven mad and now believes she is this witch. Something like that maybe?
Orebold Krossis ...And lastly we have the Kalamari. We decided to make these guys into a full blown species...not that there are too many of them in the galaxy. Their origin story is a bit complex, but the basics are that they were 'grown' by reouge scientists from a single sample of DNA that was discovered in the stomach of a cryogenically frozen human. There must have been some mistake...because this wasn't what he ate. The human was discovered in an obscure vault and was dated to be hundreds of thousands of years old. Time travel! This individual is named Orebold Krossis. As described by sbxsat, hes " avid explorer and travels the galaxy far and wide in search of lost artifacts.". He'll be an npc.
Alpha Witch doesn't look scary enough i think. I imagine she would be a little angrier than the drawing depicts, having been stuck down the bottom of a river for so long.