Universal Galactic Keep (by Gilded Skull Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    While I'm being silly I will say that it's for the chainsaw in the Edison mansion, and if I remember correctly the chainsaw fuel was located somewhere on Mars.
  2. kid

    kid Active Member

    Oct 27, 2008
    I assume you meant full gas can? mines full.... did you empty yours somewhere?
  3. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Galactic Keep Small Holiday Thank You!

    Our holiday 'gift' to everyone playing should be live by now. In order to receive it, you must have the latest version of the game installed on your device and you should have GameCenter and iCloud active. You will be notified about your gift as soon as you move your character on the map. This bonus gift will only be available for a limited time, until January 4th.

    Thanks to everyone who played the game and helped us out this past year. All of your help and support was very much appreciated!

    Okay, so, what are you waiting for? Hop into the game and check out your new loot!

  4. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    I had to fully close GK and restart the app for it to appear.

    Merry Christmas! :D
  5. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    I had to do the same thing. Thanks again for a very fun game and happy 'red cup' days. :)
  6. Makoto

    Makoto Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    Hi dev, I just started the game today (thanks to the promo code you gave me), and I believe I received the gifts upon entering the tutorial, but I can't find them anywhere anymore after the tutorial. Did I miss anything?

    Btw, sometimes some random grids within the moving range don't seem to get highlighted as others, but instead flicker. Do they indicate anything? Or just some sort of glitch? (I wanna attach a screenshot for your reference, but the TA App keeps crashing whenever I try…)
  7. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    The gift loss is a bug. After completing the tutorial all items are stripped from you (the tutorial takes place in a different time/place). This includes the gifted loot. We're working on a fix, but if you haven't gotten far you could start a new game (your characters will be reset) and choose to skip the tutorial. At that point (in the main game) you should get the gift and will be able to keep it. Not a great solution, but it's something...for now.

    About the tile flickering: we're looking into it.
  8. Makoto

    Makoto Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    Thanks for your advice! I have spent quite a few hours on it (lv8 reached. Nononono I'm not implying that it's super addictive;)), so maybe I will just say good bye to them for now, with tears
  9. Makoto

    Makoto Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    The description of Side-handle Thresher seems to have a typo.
    The last sentence of it reads "it can be a very dangerous." I'm still learning English, but I think this is not very natural?
  10. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Thanks gilded. And Merry Christmas.
  11. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Happy holidays and hope you all enjoyed the game. We're looking forward to bringing you some cool stuff in the new year!
  12. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Very cool, thank you GS! I am not getting anything turning up however. I am in Game Center, have cloud save...have tried a few turns and moving around, checked the hub, but nada.. Any recommendations?
  13. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    #593 CygnetSeven, Jan 3, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
    I was gifted this game from a friend and started playing last night and I love it! What a fantastic treat this is, highly recommended to anyone who might be "thinking about it". I was tentative before because am not very adept at strategy games and I thought the learning curve was going to be deep. Really, the tutorial tells you everything you need to know and the game plays more like a rogue like with gamebook elements that are simple to comprehend and a blast to play. I chose the human pirate girl as my first play through and love the idea of being able to play again as other races. One of the most unique rogue likes I've played and it will not be leaving my device. Best Christmas present I received.

    PS: Kudos to the writer, the storyline is quite fun!
  14. Piper

    Piper New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    #594 Piper, Jan 3, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016

    I have to admit that I'm quite disappointed with Galactic Keep. I know that Gilded Skull has put a lot of work into it, and it shows. But the game reminds me of a futuristic Diablo. Too much hack and slash and not enough story/RPG elements/NPC character interaction. I do like the descriptive text pop-ups, the beautiful maps, and the overall tabletop game style. Still, in the end the game is basically a 'kill everything in sight' and 'fetch that' hack and slash Rogue/RPG lite.

    That said, this game has HUGE potential to become a 'real' tabletop-style RPG. I'm talking Star Frontiers style. And it's obvious that the Gilded Skull was heavily influenced by Star Frontiers when creating Galactic Keep. Exploration and unlimited possibilities. Here are a few of my ideas:

    1. Different planets and different areas for each module. Cities could contain bars (drinks, rumors, jobs), space docks (travel to other planets), shops (buy/sell weapons, rations, equipment, clothing, etc), motels (recover HP /fatigue), banks (deposit/withdraw credits), hospital (recover from serious wounds/disease/sickness), restaurants (eat food/restore fatigue), etc. Caves, towns, farms, alien ruins and other areas could be added for each module.

    2. The ability to control multiple characters and ability to do ranged attacks would be great.

    3. Focus on more conventional humanoid characters, races, creatures and artwork. The abstract art style and extremely weird creatures is a real turn-off. Think Star Frontiers as a model.

    4. Add crime, intrigue, politics, missions, smuggling, assassinations, bounty hunting, exploration, goals/'quests'/jobs, new technologies, vehicles to travel around in (such as skimmers, ground cars, etc).

    5. Add many NPCs that can be interacted with. Bartenders, shop workers, police, strangers, people on the street, scientists, aliens, etc.

    6. Add player attributes such as Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Intuition, Leadership, Logic, and Personality. Add player skills such as Light Weapon, Heavy Weapon, Persuade, Accuracy (ranged weapons), Hand-to-Hand Combat, Hacking (computers), Robotics, Electronics (repair), Explosives, Medical, etc.

    7. Current weather and temperature effects. Hot, cold, humid, rainy, sunny, windy, stormy (sand, snow, rain), etc.

    8. Day and night cycles. Perhaps each turn could represent 5 minutes. Fatigue would slowly increase with each turn. Certain actions could also greatly increase fatigue.

    Being a small two-person programming team, I don't even know if Gilded Skull would attempt such a feat. But since the foundation has already been laid, I really hope this is the future direction Galactic Keep takes. There is nothing like this currently available for either Android or iOS. I grew up playing Star Frontiers and D&D in the 1980's, and I'm sure that gildedskull is fully aware of the massive potential this type of game really has. It would be a huge hit. As of now, 2 stars.
  15. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
  16. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Maybe: Make sure you are connected to wifi/internet, that's necessary. The newest update is required. Also, make sure to quit your game and restart it. Could you have gotten it and forgotten? It appears in a pyramidal package :)

    About Star Frontiers (Piper): I'm a huge fan. We're fans of many other space-based and non-space RPGs and gamebooks. I'm an avid game collector.

    Truth is, all of those things that you mentioned would add a lot to the game but we can only do what we can do! I'd love to expand on this universe and get more granular. Consider all of your recommendations noted. We aim to please so don't be surprised if some of your suggestions are taken. We're a slowly grinding behemoth and it may take some time...but we're not done yet, there's more to come.
  17. Piper

    Piper New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    #597 Piper, Jan 4, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
    That's good to hear. I hope you can implement some of these features into a future version. Don't get me wrong. I do do appreciate what you have done with GK. And I cannot deny that I wish it had been more like Star Frontiers. Now that the basic game and combat mechanics foundation have been laid, GK has huge potential to become a true futuristic RPG. You have a great talent for writing, and that would greatly benefit the NPC dialogue parts. I know you guys are only a two-person team, and the things I listed would take a lot of work. But if they could be implemented, this game would go mainstream and sales would surge incredibly. And I know it would be extremely popular. Probably have a cult following. The price of the base game would have to be adjusted to a more realistic amount of at least $10, and then maybe each additional future module could be $4. But this wouldn't slow down sales if people really liked it. You basically have no competition, because there are currently no other futuristic tabletop-style RPGs out there for mobile devices. But either way, thanks for listening. :)
  18. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
  19. erdiferik

    erdiferik Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
    Picked up robot hunter. But i killed every time by tutorial first enemy. Am i stupid?
  20. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear, you should be able to beat the enemies in the tutorial easily if you are strategic about how you fight and use your healing items.

    If your health gets low, heal: when in battle, choose to use an item on your turn (the ITEM button) select the 'use' button on one of the items in you inventory.

    Outside of battle, tap the red tab to open the character portrait, tap the 'items' button that appears with it, find a health item in one of your inventory piles and use it.

    Hope that helps! Let me know if it doesn't :)

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