Universal Galactic Keep (by Gilded Skull Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    I just figured out how to use spoiler tags. I was pming people :) this is regarding the cores.

    the three cores are on te same map as the scientist you kill and get the green note from.

    One is on a computer by the teleported to the space ship—near the guy with the bloody club.

    The other is where you first found the scientist before he ran off.

    You probably don't see them because there is a loot pile covering the icon. So just look at all the loot piles. Good luck!
  2. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Yes, they will become accessible in an update (not the one in review now but the next one).

    Spoiler about the red x door:
    That's an unlockable character, you can set him free after finding an item that has some numbers written on it (in the item image). The item also includes the numbers in the written description.

    Have you gotten to the point where you were told that the module is complete?
  3. Seve

    Seve New Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Thank you, Solarclipse! Solved and finished.
  4. Tulki

    Tulki Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    #364 Tulki, Sep 1, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
    Leave a review if you enjoy it!!!

    People, please leave a review if you're enjoying this game. There's only a couple reviews on the app store last I looked, and reviews really do help expose games on the store. And this game totally deserves it.

    Also, might have stumbled on a bug - not sure if someone else mentioned it.

    I was playing the tutorial, and in one of the tutorial fights, the enemy disarmed me. The game said the disarm lasts for two rounds, but after two, three, four rounds I was still unarmed and lost the fight.

    Since it was the tutorial, I was revived after this. My character was unarmed upon reviving. I had my weapon in my inventory and could re-equip it so it's not a severe bug I don't think, but it does seem like disarms don't wear off.
  5. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    This creates a small dilemma for me. I just started my second play through to try hardcore mode and collect more pins. Now I'm thinking I should wait for this update to be released before proceeding.
  6. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Will the 2nd update include the vault or are we looking at a third update for that?

    Totally excited. This is all I've played in the last week. And yes I have reviewed it and I encourage everyone here to do the same...help this game get discovered and to help the devs keep the lights on bright and updates coming!
  7. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Looks like it'll be the third update...unless this one takes too much longer! We're waiting for it to be approved so we can submit the next one...which is pretty much ready to go.
  8. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012

    I saw this laser sword in one playthrough that I am just drooling over giving to thom...hopefully I'll find it again!

    I am playing with the gharsos time master and digging the options of weaponry. The minds eye which steals a weapon (but you lose a turn), and then The time orbis which reduces enemy strength to 10, and reduced damage by 10, plus ageless skill which heals 15 hp for12 turns...quite a combo for sentient enemies. For thieves I find it better to go high damage in case they steal a weapon.

    It was funny stealing the strangers sword...he was so harmless. But yeah, these weapons are so wonderful together. I really dig how the weapons and specials of each class bring different strategies...the time master being the most unique so far.

    Are there ever any mods that work for time master or heavy weapons?

    Guns are really powerful. You get 3 mods on them that up your stats, and it makes blocking much more effective because healing is a roll x % of hit points. 50 hp is a big deal!

    I see there are going to be stat caps at 35. Wonder if there will be anything special at that point. I know I'm jumping ahead of things...this modules is nowhere near that (without a lot of grinding and stat bonus mods) but what can I say , this game—I can't put my finger on any one thing in particular—has hit my sweet spot.
  9. sbxsat

    sbxsat Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2011
    Some more suggestions:

    1) I think it would be great that if you find a special, they become permanently unlocked for whichever character uses that special. Think of it like a permanent stat modifier but instead of gaining +1 to stat, you unlock a skill. It would encourage replaying modules to find them. Make specials class/race specific so you don't end up with inappropriate combinations. You can take it further and make duplicate cards combine to increase effectiveness of that special.

    2) Please add a button to skip the module intro. Reading it once is quite enough!

    3) Dismantling items. Would be interesting if weapons can be dismantled for their mods. Maybe a powerful weapon has a built-in laser sight. We can choose to keep the weapon or break it apart to salvage the laser sight.

    4) Where are the armour items! Why limit to just weapon and special.

    5) I have not reached the stat cap yet so do not know if stat caps are different with each character. Humans should have a lower END and higher LCK cap than robots etc.

    6) I find that the unlockable characters are not unique enough to their counterpart aside from lore. Hopefully something could be done to distinguish them. Side kick and right hook is pretty much the same! Now, if one of them have access to say, timemaster-specific items...

    By the way, anyone know how many unlockable characters there are? I've played through several times but only managed to unlock 3. Someone posted there are 4?
  10. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    We, honestly, didn't ever think that people would be repeating the very first module to max out characters attributes. This was something that we were going to add in once a second or third module was available. The big 'gate' to high level characters will be that module level caps will be honored: If you level your character to 20, they won't be able to access modules that are, for example, levels 6 - 15...but having maxed characters with different attributes was in the plan.

    This is a bit technical, here's what we were thinking of doing:

    All playable character base stats are a d10 roll for each attribute plus 6 points (1 per level) sorted by the game designer. This can be fudged, sometimes extra bonus points have been added to characters for the sake of variety and challenge.

    Our end-game attribute caps would be as follows (or something like this, we haven't settled on it yet):

    - Take ((base stat) - 12) and subtract that from 35 to get the characters max stat.

    - If the base stat is 12 or above, don’t subtract anything from the max stat

    BalKyn, for example has base stats of S:14, I:5, L:4, E:6 so his max stats would be: S:35, I:28, L:27, E:29

    Mharnos is S:11, I:9, L:2, E:13 so max stats would be S:34, I:32, L:25, E:35

    About your other questions/comments: We've tried to add variety to the characters, to the unlockable characters too. One of the unlockable characters is a timemaster and has access to temporal weapons. All specials are different and provide some level of variability. There will be special items that are armor...there are two already, neither of them give you stat boosts.

    There are two types of specials: Special 'items' are inherently interchangeable, all characters that aren't banned from using them (species/class) can. Special 'skills' are learned and a character can't ever transfer or lose them. There may be 'found' special skills in the future (from books, implants, programmatic upgrades for robots or training for example).
  11. Bohampscious

    Bohampscious Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    Does anyone else have a hard time initiating an attack against the laughing Bozard? I now just leave him be on my playthroughs. #

    Really hoping there's a Bozard pin as he's (she? It?) now my favorite creature in the game.
  12. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Galactic Keep iPhone Wallpaper Set 1

    Click the links below to download these iPhone wallpapers. The first is 'The Stranger'. He needs no introduction or explanation. The second is the robot Kal Dred. His programming is likely corrupted.

    They are both sized at iPhone6+ screen resolution so they can be used on devices with other resolutions.


    THE STRANGER WALLPAPER (1242 x 2208)

    KAL DRED WALLPAPER (1242 x 2208)
  13. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    There is a 'Dirty Bozard' Pin: "The foul, cackling bozard has sent many an adventurer to their death. Some believe them to be sentient but studies are inconclusive."
  14. gonif

    gonif Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
    I don't think anyone ever said if the pins have any in-game effect when worn. Did anyone discover a purpose (other than a scavenger hunt for collectibility)?
  15. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Galactic Keep Update 1.03 should be up on the App Store today!
  16. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Just got it and my game works again now after having the new character roll crash, although now I can't try to get new character rolls. I don't like how I could roll 1 for every stat and just struggle through the whole game or not be able to use many characters. Hate randomisation in stats on character creation : (

    Prefer styles as like on baulders gate where they are set stats and then a few extra to distribute yourself but that's also a set amount that you get the same as everyone else.
  17. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Cool...so have you thought about letting players be able to use learned specials without having to equip them and lose a turn? Just taking out the turn loss for changing a special...would add some strategy to have options...and maybe it wouldn't be OP if it was just the small set of learned skills. It makes sense that I need to equip a hologram armor, but not a roundhouse kick or a right hook. It would still take a turn to put the hologram armor back on if you wante to use it again though...and I think that makes sense as a gamer.
  18. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    That's good news :)

    So, you will be able to find attribute mods throughout the game and every time you level up you will get one point to put whenever you want...so you can make up for it.

    The base stats of each character favor particular attributes so your rolls can either augment or balance out those base stats.

    All enemies in the game roll exactly the same way as you do so you are not at too much of a disadvantage if you make bad rolls...many enemies will get bad rolls too (some won't...).

    The basic idea is that even if you get bad rolls you won't have too bad of a time, your characters will be able to make it through. If you happen to get higher rolls you will have an easier time but having low rolls isn't something to be too upset about.
  19. Bohampscious

    Bohampscious Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
  20. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    A few notes about the 1.03 update that's now live! We hope that it helps to fix some of the issues you've noted to us.

    There's much more to come in the next update, but until then here's some more detail on what this update fixes:

    - It should fix problems anyone was having if they quit during a character roll. As mentioned by someone here, roll that you quit out of won't change. We labored over this but decided that the character will be fun to play weak or strong, smart or dumb, lucky or accident prone...etc. Why have a roll if it doesn't mean anything? We'd rather have the ability to customize in a randomized yet structured way.

    - It should also fix a bug that appeared when you'd quit out of the tutorial. It had to do with assets staying onscreen that wouldn't dismiss...blah...blah...blah. It's fixed, so feel free to quit out of the tutorial (almost) whenever you want!

    - Treasures won't ever drop on objective targets or tiles that will have targets. In current games, if you have a treasure on a target already it won't be moved...so the target will still be hidden, but moving forward they won't.

    - We fixed a lot of random situations that could cause crashes using bug reports and info that players sent us. Thanks!

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