Universal Galactic Keep (by Gilded Skull Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Bohampscious

    Bohampscious Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    Oh dear. On my 3rd play through and somehow my items didn't carry over.

    Quite gutted to lose the 6-7 pins I had found in previous two playthroughs. #

    Guess I should start using the cloud save feature...
  2. cenn

    cenn Active Member

    Aug 14, 2015
    just going to re-ask something i had edited into a previous post:

    just 2 more questions to the awesome developers:
    the robot that seems to always roll one higher than me, i've gotten past it to the door, but of course run into another obstacle.
    i guess it's off limits for now?

    and finally, is there any chance of making some of the in-game art into smartphone wallpapers?
    i like to put games im playing onto my lockscreens.
    im especially taken with the unlockable robot, the cloak and the stranger, and would love to have those on my phone.
  3. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    I picked up a green note with the first core...

    I googled but couldn't find out how to make spoiler tags so I'm not being too specific, but you can pm me if this doesn't help.
  4. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Yeah, I tried luck boosts and it always got one higher than me. I would love to have its weapon! Did you kill it somehow? Or by getting past it do you mean you went through the usual sequence and are in the outpost?

    If so, yeah, you can't go back to that first area because he red keycard isn't in with your stuff. Which is weird. My first run through I was disappointed because I wanted to go back and kill the robot with the baton. It's got -16 enemy damage! I wonder if te electrical mod will fit it. Haven't gotten the mod yet this time in my second play through, but I have a laser rifle v2 with 60% dam +laser scope, barrel v2, and the poison mod. Averages 75 damage! What I have to be most careful with are the enemies with envelop or variations thereof, where you can lost multiple turns.

    It's not exactly a wallpaper, but a good screenshot might work...maybe take it from an iPad and then crop it for the iPhone
  5. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    That's correct. There are quite a few reasons that you can't go back to the first map, some are story based, some are art related and some are technical. We'd need to sink too much time into fixing it so we decided that barring access (by removing the red keycard) was the best option.

    You can actually get past the robot using hologram armor and timing your moves exactly...but it doesn't get you anywhere. You meet that same robot later in the module (with a different weapon). That weapon will feature prominently in the storyline of another module...and you'll be able to get it!

    Our big news today is that we just submitted an update to the App Store that will fix a lot of crash issues and problems. Your save files will now work if your resumed game and iCloud save was broken. It will be available as soon as it is approved. Here are some of the fixes:

    - Treasure tokens won't spawn on objective targets, they will move one tile away (this will make sure objective targets aren't ever hidden by treasure, making the cores more easily found)
    - Resuming after rolling a character (quitting after rolling your character) fixed
    - There was a bug that if you quit during the tutorial your redumed game would crash.
    - Many more misc and save related fixes.
  6. raravan

    raravan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
    good news!
  7. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    #287 Lickzy, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    excited to see the patch coming through and thank you to the dev for his/her community involvement.

    for me... i am on my third play through and would LOVE to know when new content will be rolling out...

    any ETA on that?

    Note: I am well aware the game just came out less than a couple of weeks ago but you can't troll a guy for trying :)
  8. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    #288 Ghostdog1, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    If i remember correctly, it was on my third playthrough with a level 17 character when i got the luck to be the first one attacking the teleportation robot on the first map. But at that moment i didn't know i could allready have the thief sword and probably steal the robot weapon. Will give it a try on the next run. But i suppose it is possible. However i remember that as soon the robot has its turn he will teleport you away anyway. There is no way to kill him on the first map. So its a one time 80% chance in a playthough to get his weapon in the beginning, i guess.

    You can lure the teleportation robot out of his position and try to run past it with a bit luck. But getting past the robot does nothing cause the shining field behind it is not working or not funtional. Something like this was written as i did it.

    @Solarclipse There is also a Laser Rifle v3 with +70% damage. ;) Its my backup weapon with the same three mods you have on it. My main weapon is a heavy weapon called Plasma Volcano with +180% damage. :)
  9. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    I believe that the door behind him is locked and he has the key.
  10. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Yikes! That's Sounds OP. Does it reduce stats or anything? I must have missed a chest on my first play through.

    Do you keep pins on playthroughs?
    It would be great if there was a strength mod for more inventory, I've got like 6 pins now in my second run.
  11. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze


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    Galactic Keep


    is one of the nominees for

    Touch Arcade Forums' Game Of The Week

    August 20th, 2015


    ***PLEASE NOTE***

    1) Developers, publishing partners, or affiliates cannot vote for their own games. If your game is in the poll, you can't vote for it. You are free to ask TA forum posters in your game release thread to vote for your game... but please don't post multiple messages about it.
    2) This voting is for TA members with some activity. If you have to ask someone to create a new account to vote, you're doing it wrong.
    3) Suspect votes may be void.

    Credit to AndyC83 for GotW logo & post layout
  12. sbxsat

    sbxsat Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2011
    Can i just say if you are going to make a silly monster like the Stranger that you make it such that it cannot steal your currently equipped weapon. I gave up fighting this poorly thought out monster after spending 15 minutes chasing it around whilst it steals all my weapons. I managed to pick up a shovel to use as a weapon but it then proceeded to heal itself to full after i managed to get it to half health with my only weapon. Being able to steal and flee every combat turn is stupid. Extremely poor design of monster.
  13. greenleaf

    greenleaf Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2014
    Charlotte, NC
    *slow clap

    Thank you so much for such a great game, Gilded Skull! I've been diving into the game over the past week and, must say, it was worth the wait. The atmosphere and variety of monsters and weapons is really amazing. I usually do a ton of research on a game before I buy it because I'm frugal with my gaming budget. However, after having followed the development of this one for so long, I bought it right away. I'm also really impressed with how active you are in the forums. When developers are keen to receive feedback and ideas from consumers, I think that goes a long way. I do have a few questions/hopes though. I know some of these have been requested already:

    - What is the connection between this module and future modules? Will the story continue into a different location? Is it even the same story? Other than new modules, any other plans for more content? More monsters, weapons, characters? I am fully happy with the 4$ I spent on this game. I would gladly pay the same for more modules and more content. Just curious on what I can look forward to (and if it's not too soon to ask, when that new content might arrive) :)
    - Could there be an option to zoom out of the current map? I find it a little frustrating that I have to move the camera screen around to see the map. Maybe the closeness of the "camera" to the character keep the suspense, but I like to look around and plan where I want to go. Some kind of zoom out function would help a lot in that. Also, because the story and locations are so winding (and there being lots of teleporting and such), I would like to be able to have a map button to look at all the locations I have been to, to see spots where I could have potentially dropped inventory, missed somethings. etc.
    - I agree with the user who said requested the "flipping through cards" function to be slowed down a bit. It seems a bit fast, or rather, not as responsive as I would think could be most intuitive.
    - I would prefer more categories of items in the inventory. Right now there is weapons, special weapons and items. I think keys, potions, medical items, bombs, etc. should all have there own category to peruse. Think Pokemon backpack :)
    - Maybe I'm missing it, but seeing the enemy's numerical health would be great. I know we have the bar, but (like in Pokemon), having the health bar and the numbers would be cool.

    That's all I have for now. I'll provide more feedback as I keep playing (which I definitely will). I hope none of my requests make it seem that I dislike the game, quiet the opposite. But these things would make it feel more enjoyable for me. Thanks again!

    - greenleaf
  14. mbourgon

    mbourgon Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    Mixed mind of it: cool stuff, but gods, the difficulty

    Okay, maybe I'm just bad at these. Still early on, I think - found the area with the 3 or 4 planes, and am now with the two robots across from each other, down near the laboratory I think.

    Cool premise. Just got my first upgrade (a scope). But some problems I'm having:
    1) short of getting close enough for them to attack you, you can't tell if it's a survivable encounter.
    2) make it more obvious that not moving heals you - I read the TA article and found out there. I think it was mentioned in passing, but there was SO much going on.
    3) what the heck am I doing wrong on blocking? They seem to block and get half their health back, but I'm blocking and getting 12-50 back. Which then gets taken away the next attack.
    4) difficulty. I literally swapped back and forth between 3 characters in order to take out something with 200 health, when my guys had 150-180 health. I must've done that particular battle 8 times. FREAKING ANNOYING. Give me something like on The Witcher, where I can see the skull over its head and not even bother.

    I want to like it. Heck, I was even in on the Kickstarter. The art works out well, I like the flavor. Combat is a bit simplistic, but there's a decent enough amount there. But just the difficulty seems a bit high. Or you need a difficulty slider for "moron".
  15. Tomiroquai

    Tomiroquai New Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    lol, the game requires an iPhone 4s at least, and I only have a 4. Guess I'll wait another 6 years to play it on android :/
  16. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Well, while I suppose I can see your point, this isn't the first enemy you should have seen by that point that can steal from you. Once I encountered a couple that did, I started carrying around a bunch of garbage so it is less likely they steal something useful. I also had a one-use item that did a positively massive amount of damage that I was afraid would get stolen and used against me, so I went ahead and used on the first reasonably tough enemy I encountered. Not to mention with the enemies that can disarm you, it pays to carry extra stuff around.

    Beyond that, it's (perhaps obviously) better to attack than to be attacked by him, so you have a shot at doing some damage to whittle him down.
  17. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    So I'm waiting for the update until I play again so it fixes my save but worried about rescuing my character as he died next to a robot I couldn't beat.

    For those of you that have played a lot any favourite characters based on their specials? My first go was a time master and after dying on him I haven't been able to play since
  18. PoloBaquerizoH

    PoloBaquerizoH Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2013
  19. samkime

    samkime New Member

    Jan 11, 2013
    Spent at least an hour doing this, until I was robbed of all weapons (and items) and finally accepted that there was truly no chance of me defeating him since, even with a crit, he has a very high heal so he'd either heal or flee, only to heal on his first turn next time around. This is even with my fortune of trapping him in a corner so I could repeatedly attack him without ending my turn.

    The rest of the area is cleared out (minus one low-level Smutty Knave, I believe, who is trapped behind the Stranger in said corner). I daren't leave the area and face the other high-level encounters left (Albaghast Queen) without any items or weapons.

    Was having a heyday with this game, but now can't bring myself to face the frustration. Not for a while, anyway. Will probably just restart eventually -- my 'Balkyn' had awful rolls this (my first) game anyway.

    Thanks for the awesome game! Looking forward to trying again, once I have the patience to start over #
  20. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Green leaf, you can see a number for enemy healed by tapping on their card. Going to full bio you can see their damage, and you can tap on their special to see what it is too.

    When you are dealing with stealing enemies, it's a good idea to drop those one kill shot items. Pick them up after. I did use it on the stranger this run. My first run, I had the stranger pinned and just whittled him down while he ran. It took a while! He runs so often...I don't think monsters should have 100% success rate to run when you don't even when you throw a blinding flag grenade! Doesn't make sense :)

    I don't know if there is something in the equations so that stealing an equipped item is more difficult but it seems that it should be. It is a pretty interesting thing to throw in the mix—to your advantage, if you have a pirate or the strangers sword.

    I think I'd like to try a timer aster next, something less melee. The balance seems difficult until you actually get a real time masters weapon.

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