Universal Galactic Keep (by Gilded Skull Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    Nice, thanks. I still haven't found a pin, but I'm on the hunt for them.
  2. chombiekay

    chombiekay Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    Hi mates sorry two quick questions.

    Can I swap inventory between characters? Like if I fiund a permanent attribute increase or weapon?

    Are lockers forever and persistent in all levels? So if I unlock a yellow locker I can always use it on all levels and for all character?
  3. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Thank you very much, all makes a lot of sense...I was just curious.

    Actually, it goes without saying that after reading that, I'm EVEN MORE HYPED anticipating next module, if possible.

    Part of me wants you to be richer by the minute and soon sailing on your yacht with you family for a much deserved life long holiday....but part of me wants you in crunch time for an imminent new module...because you know...this world you created that I feel I just glimpsed is too cool not to fully explore.

    Like now :)

    I know I may just put salt on bruises and I do not want to be too rude...but....do you have any idea of when a new module could be avaible?
    One month? 3 months?
    I need to throw money at you again asap.

  4. funambulist

    funambulist Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Folks this is an excellent, excellent game. I've played over 11 hours now and am really enjoying myself. Thank you Gilded Skull!
  5. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    There's currently no way to swap inventory between characters in a 'standard' way. We're working on it.

    Chests that you unlock and loot that you drop on the map is persistent in a single playthrough, so yes. You can drop things in a chest, die and retrieve them with another character.

    If you finish the module and restart, the module resets and loot that was on the maps before is gone.
  6. Zevious Zoquis

    Zevious Zoquis Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    This is a very cool game. Haven't put too much time into it yet, but I love the classic tabletop rpg design elements.
  7. chombiekay

    chombiekay Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    Thanks for answer. When will there be a zoom function? zoom out
  8. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    I'm having A hard time finding the third temporal core. I read about loot piles sitting on top of it, essentially hiding it but have gone back to the piles and not found them. I noticed I have two locked doors that require a red keycard to open... Is that required to find the three? If so where can I find that red card?

    Thanks guys. Loving this game!
  9. raravan

    raravan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
    double this.
  10. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    X3 My fingers would appreciate the ability to be able to zoom in/out.
  11. Gurney Halleck

    Gurney Halleck Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Telephony and Computer Network Engineering and Mai
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    #231 Gurney Halleck, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
    Star Frontiers like tabletop RPG goodness!

    Big thanks to the developers for what is fast becoming my favorite game on iOS! The Star Frontiers vibe, art style and tabletop goodness of my youth are all perfectly resurrected here in a fun open world style gameplay that just keeps pulling me back in! Oh, and the music, THE MUSIC! Can't say enough great things about this game and I eagerly await new modules and updates! Really liking some of the ideas put forth on the forum like Zoom In/Out and swappable inventory etc... I am recommending this to everyone with an iOS device regardless of whether they consider themselves gamers or not as you have perfectly crafted a game I feel almost everyone can love!

    I will post back after I am more than a couple hours in, but so far I have not one bad thing to say! Truly impressed and loving every minute of it!

    Also, big shout out to Touch Arcade's Shaun Musgrave for the excellent review that was the final push for me to buy this gem on launch day and which perfectly encapsulates what I love so much about this excellent game!

    Truly grateful for the Touch Arcade staff and dedicated forum community for repeatedly destroying my wallet as I try to keep up with all the excellent titles you highlight here!
  12. Shkrbby

    Shkrbby Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2015
    Still on the fence about this one. Is it like a board game in a similar vein to snakes and ladders?
  13. rpgmind

    rpgmind Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    Snakes and ladders?! Sweet lord, no! This is the furthest thing from a children's board game. A lot of people here, myself included think it's an amazing game, and you could always check YouTube vids to see it in action. Shaun's review on the front page is pretty spot on. Highly recommended!!
  14. cenn

    cenn Active Member

    Aug 14, 2015
    has anyone else had special weapons disappear between module resets?

    i had a special sword from killing a special someone, but it was no longer there after the module reset. (died and used same character)

    just wondering if this was normal.
  15. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    I bought the game but I am gonna wait the next update to play it. What is great (according to you people) might get even better.

    I really loved everything I've read so far and I am looking forward to gaming.
  16. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Just checked to be 100% sure, but that special sword from that special someone doesn't carry over. The reason being that it's unique and he returns again...so the sword could be duped.

    There are very few weapons that don't carry over: shivs, shovel, needleblade, spiked club, and Blinding Blade. So, the crappiest weapons in the game and (arguably) the best weapon in the game.
  17. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    #237 klink, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
    No, it's not really a board game at all. Check out Shaun's excellent review on this website.
  18. Gurney Halleck

    Gurney Halleck Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Telephony and Computer Network Engineering and Mai
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Just a thought, but I am using moves when accidentally touching the wrong part of the screen when scrolling around to find a direction I want to move. Any chance of implementing an undo feature for accidental move choices?
  19. Hard_Squirrel

    Hard_Squirrel Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
    Would love it if there was a portrait view option. I much prefer playing these types of games one handed (when commuting etc) like Card Crawl. I don't think it would harm the gameplay or experience. Hopefully something the Devs can look into either. May not be for everyone but would be nice to have the option (if it doesn't cost too much to implement in an update).
  20. Gurney Halleck

    Gurney Halleck Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Telephony and Computer Network Engineering and Mai
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    I can tell you now that this is much more like a classic tabletop RPG than a board game per se. That said, this game is highly replay able, excellently written, deeply immersive, and gobs of fun! You will be hard pressed to find a better value for your $4 anywhere on the App Store. Get off that fence and start playing asap!!

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