Universal Galactic Keep (by Gilded Skull Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I just completed the final version of Galactic Keep...GLORIOUS.
    The story is really fantastic (at first you don't understand anything...then after the third map it really picks up...be sure to explore every corner).
    Really a fantastic and unique game,,,can't wait for the new module...I NEED TO KNOW.

    Any possible timeframe? 5 years? :p

    Really, thanks for this labor of love...you are a killer dungeon master too.

    I've noticed than I can replay the module with my already used characters....my level 14 pakall hunter can cruise map after map...

    Did you remove the island map?
    Also, I didn't remember the 'orbiting ship' map from the beta...very cool.

    Anyway, fantastic game.
  2. Prhaber

    Prhaber Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Roughly how many 'maps' are in the game? I've been taking my time and exploring as much as possible and So far I've been in the area around the ship, inside a building and I'm currently in the sewers. Are there many other areas? I seem to have spent quite a few hours on the game already as I'm loving it....I wondered how much more game I've got to enjoy!
  3. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Spoiler alert!
  4. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    You're a beast Pitta. Much respect to you!
  5. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Here are the number of maps in the current game. I'll spoiler it just in case.
    There are six larger maps (roughly the size of the very first map), two really small maps and three medium sized maps (like the sewer to the south of where you start or larger).
  6. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    A beast with too much time on his hands lol.
  7. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    We're going to try to implement a fix for the 'targets are hidden by treasure tokens' issue. The biggest problem was that the targets looked weird on top of the loot tokens...we'll fix it though, for sure.
  8. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008

    Took around 8 hours, but I was already familiar with the game.
    Once you go deep into the story, it's impossible to stop...for me anyway (loved all the side stories too).

    A question for the dev... (Heavy spoilers)

    Can you use the fuel tank?
    Can I end the module without using the teleport powered by the 3 cores?
    Like powering a ship?
    I remember from the beta I could power some solar arrays too...but couldn't find them in the game

  9. Prhaber

    Prhaber Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Wow.....thanks for the prompt response. I've got a wonderful feeling I've got a long way to go in this game! It's always great when you know a game you're loving is far from over!

    I love the death / reviving game mechanic, where you ecan revive fallen members and recover their loot using other meminers of the party. It makes the game quite tactical in that I'm finding myself using some characters as muscle, some as explorers and some as cannon fodder to wear down an enemy. I found it a strange system at first but I've grown to love it and am finding it really satisfying now.

    It's great to see the developers so prominent on here as well. It's the wonderful thing about these forums - being able to chat with developers really adds an extra something to playing games on iOS....
  10. Xandrak

    Xandrak Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2013
    Is there any way to change characters without dying?
  11. Bohampscious

    Bohampscious Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    Finished it today. Wonderful game, thanks again GS.

    Currently doing 2nd playthrough with my suped-up robot. #
  12. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Just downloaded it and will be playing it in my flight from CA to Washington DC tomorrow and on my flight back from DC on Tuesday! About 12 hours of undivided attention to this game! So looking forward to it after following the development and reading the numerous of stories and amazing feedback.

    Congrats and thanks to the developers for your passion, time, & dedication to this project! It must feel amazing!!!!

    I'm hoping as an old school gamer to figure out Twitter to get into the contest which sounds awesome. I love independent or small developers and the opportunities mobile gaming has provided to developers! The world has changed so much in my 35 years of gaming!!!!

  13. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    #213 Misguided, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
    Forgot to mention there is also a green gate I can't open, and a passageway blocked by rocks. Hmm...

    Maybe there's an environmental thing I can interact with (other than elevator or stairs). I don't know. Edit: think I finally figured it out. Edit again: well, I got back to an older area and found some items I didn't or couldn't get before, but no new locations I can access.
  14. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I was sure I posted...so I have no save. How far off is an update that may fix the crash issue?
  15. raravan

    raravan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
    3 or 6 years.
  16. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    We're probably submitting it today. It'll need to get approved so it could take 3 - 5 days (maybe more).
  17. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    This is a really excellent game. I'm having a blast playing it. One question. Is there a way to scroll through the combat log? Sometimes things scroll by so quickly I miss them.
  18. raravan

    raravan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
    i'm just kidding guys.
    thank you for this amazing game again!
  19. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    Spoiler answers to the spoiler questions:
    Fuel Tank: The fuel tank cannot be used yet. There was a point that it could but the story changed a bit and it wasn't necessary. I left it in as a red herring.

    Other ways of leaving: You can't leave the module without using the three cores. As this module relates to the larger story, you have to get back to your own time. Even if you managed to fuel your ship and leave, who knows when this story actually took place. You could be 100 years back in time from your 'true' timeline. The 'extra powerful' temporal teleporter you fuel is quite unique. There is more backstory, story before the opening of this module, where you were teleported through time from a very important location onto a freighter. From there, you had to acquire the ship that you'd use to get to the moon where the mission takes place. This extra step was edited out.

    I won't get into all my thoughts behind the temporal beacons but I'll say this: The temporal teleportation technology used to transport the dead bodies away is used on dead operatives only. Transporting a live being this way will kill them (fry their active neural network, dissipate their cloud, etc.).

    The solar array: You can still power the solar array instead of interacting with the prisoner, freeing him or killing him. Originally, you needed both the solar array and the battery for the puzzle but initial testers thought that was too random and hard to figure out. They were focusing on it too much and I felt having the double-puzzle wasn't that important, so we made it into a double solution: you can power the array or interact with the prisoner...or both.
  20. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    There is not, but it's high on the list of things we're working on adding.

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