Universal Galactic Keep (by Gilded Skull Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    #181 Misguided, Aug 23, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
    Same issue here. No red keycard. Does that keycard drop at a fixed location early in the game? If so, I know what happened (it was left on the ground at an early level I now can't access (the game even tells you this when you take the elevator that you must have gone right past that level). The first time (of two) Mharnos died, I sent in a scrub for a corpse run, then left the stuff on the ground instead of picking it up. When I went to approach an enemy to suicide and get Mharnos back, I was instead transported away from the level. I beat the Stranger not long ago. I have found two different red gates I can't pass through.
  2. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    The spoiler free and simple answer is that you aren't required to have a red keycard to get to the next area of the game.
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Bumping since it ended up at the bottom of the last page
  4. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    You could try loading from the cloud if you saved a reasonable game to the cloud.
    That can be done from the in game settings tab thing.

    To do this i think you can do it from options on the first menu screen even. Or start a new game, and then load the other save from within the settings in that new game.
    I take no responsibility for which last save you will be loading.
  5. Prhaber

    Prhaber Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Loving this game so far. It took me a while to get to grips with the way the game works, but I'm finding it very satisfying to play now.

    I love the look & feel of the game. As someone who was playing tabletop rpg's in the 1980's I love the handmade feel of the board and cards in the game - it reminds me of the many hours spent designing and creating dungeons, characters and situations in the games I used to play.

    The one thing I'd like to see (and this is probably a bit nerdy) is a different sound when the dice rolls. You can't beat the satisfying sound of a dice rolling across a board and that (in my view) would be better than the sound that's been used here.

    Other than that - fantastic. And kudos to the developer for sticking at what was obviously a very long design & creation process.
  6. gildedskull

    gildedskull Well-Known Member

    This is a known bug that will be fixed in an update. The crash is caused by quitting immediately after rolling a character after another character has died, as you said. For now, if you roll bad stats it's better to play the character.

    If you happened to have had a cloud save, as mentioned before, you could start a new game and then load that save from the cloud.

    To anyone playing:

    Make an iCloud save when you can. Go to the pause menu or options from the main menu and tap the 'CLOUD SAVE AND LOAD' button. You'll be prompted to SAVE to the cloud or LOAD from the cloud. Save. If something goes wrong you can always go back in time.
  7. deekins77

    deekins77 Member

    Apr 26, 2015
    Anyone else having a hard time finding that last temporal core? I can't seem to find it and all the places I haven't explored are locked and I have no more keys
  8. cooltea

    cooltea Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 19, 2011
    This is weird: I've found the three temporal cores on the same map relatively close to each other, all three represented by a target on the map. That said I cannot remember if I needed to access some key-locked parts of that map.
  9. Cyl

    Cyl Active Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    #189 Cyl, Aug 23, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
    I have just posted the first advice for this game on the french appstore (5 stars of course). I really hope this game will be a great success and that the dev will be able to add new scenarios. So everyone, you know what to do !

    PS : forgive me my bad english...
  10. Greyskull

    Greyskull Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l
    Fort Lauderdale
    Wrong...and quite silly.
  11. GaCardman

    GaCardman Member

    Aug 23, 2015
    At a bit of a loss

    Have found two of the three temporal cores. Killed all enemies on all maps I have access to, trudged back and forth between the maps but can't seem to locate the third core or get access to any new areas. There is one transporter that still has the brightly lit concentric circles but it just transports me to a cleared area. Somewhat frustrated at the moment but have have enjoyed the game immensely.
  12. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    ok, thanks, that's good to know. Will keep searching.
  13. Trevmayne

    Trevmayne Member

    Aug 17, 2015
    I've heard from others that the target token marking the cores can be hidden for you if you killed a monster or dropped loot on that spot before they pop up, so you may want to go to the map you found the first two on and check loot piles. When I found the three it was relatively straight forward and on a single map.
  14. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    All three temporal Cores are on the map where you have found the two others. I know this cause i had 5 playthroughs. What happened to you and other users is that the last core is hidden under a not taken loot object u have left after a fight. Sadly the core will not be visible if a lootbag is overlaying. So just go to all lootbags that are on the last map where you found the other cores. It is there. Trust me.

    Sorry for my bad english.
  15. GaCardman

    GaCardman Member

    Aug 23, 2015

    Thank you very much. Started clearing loot piles and found the last core to finish the game. Looking forward to the next module.
  16. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Well for some reason I have lost interest in playing this now :(
  17. Greyskull

    Greyskull Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l
    Fort Lauderdale
    That famous game designer never played Falcon 2.0. #
  18. MagIor

    MagIor Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Like I mentioned in my secondary review, the core sequence is poorly engineered. What you are looking for is a near indiscernible flashing of two loot piles on the map you just came from.

    Also, don't do what I did and spend two hours trying to kill the Robot at the start who teleports you by stealing his weapon. He ALWAYS goes first seemingly no matter your luck score.
  19. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Aw any idea how long the update will be? Didn't make a save yet as it was only my first run although I got level 7 on my time master and quite a lot of items. Also explored and killed a lot around the ship but then died in the sewers that were locked with the red key. Beat one robot but the other was hard and I made an accident not healing.

    If I start again I'll be gutted if I don't get good stats again on my time master, if I do new game then force close the app after the stat dice roll will it still mess up the game or will it let me roll again?
  20. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    After rolling my stats should I try to balance my attributes or go big on several specific ones?

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