At this point, I trust development plans are for a universal app. Since I bought the new iPad, I wouldn't be interested otherwise. Then again, who knows when this project might eventually come ???
They also opened this thread on July 3 of 2009 ... more than two years ago. Optimism? Why? I'd say "skepticism" would be closer to the mark ...
Wow, just found out about this! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE publish this! Excellent art style and the gameplay looks interesting!
After all these years I admit I'm really skeptical about what was my most anticipated title...but I have to say...they sure are good in picking my interest up...those twitter posts with QR codes that translated reveal distress calls and subspace communications are really cool...
The thread opened when the game was just art and the devs said they are physically building the board and pieces to work out the kinks before they started coding things. There is no way a game of this caliber could come from a small studio without serious time devoted to it. But in that time we've had new versions of the OS come out and new hardware ship, so that means additional time. They also had to stop working on galactic keep while they worked on Marbles N Slides for Nickelodeon. I can understand a bit of skepticism but lots of portable games are in development for 1-2 years, come from bigger studios, and still don't have an ounce of charm. I'll be the first to admit that I've been spoiled by the breakneck speed that iOS games are made/released but I'm really excited for this one because we still haven't seen anything like this on the appstore