Universal Future War:Reborn

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by TouchArcade Bot, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. Pyapiopi

    Pyapiopi Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    I don't care that it is $1.00 and still has iap. I care that it is $1.00 and you are either required to buy iap, or be very restricted in the weapons you can use. In a premium app the iap should be a luxury and enhance the gameplay, not supplement it.
  2. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    $.99 app is not Premium. Just sayin'.
  3. Atharne

    Atharne Member

    Oct 2, 2012
    A developer called "Good net technology co. Ltd" doesn't sound spurious to you? Give me a break.
  4. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    It's a real game. I know, because I bought it and played it. So have several others in this forum. The developer's name has nothing to do with it.
  5. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    Future War:Reborn could have been pretty much what everyone of us Top-Down Shooter Fans was waiting for but the fact that the Game does lack bigger and longer Missions is kinda killing it at the same time also Good net technology co. Ltd did indeed really deliver a Game that feature list is longer then many other Game in this genre.


    You are playing the Game as Amanda an gene modificated female Soldier/Agent that is armed up to her theeth. By playing through the different parts of the Game and collecting that way enough Gold Coins and Energy Packs you will be able to buy not only better equipment but also tune your Gear in a way that will make your life as an Soldier/Agent easier.


    Some of the equipment is really Standard - Gear that you probably have seen already in many other Top-Down Shooter while others...well let`s just say that some of your Gear don`t fit into your pockets and have to drop down from the Orbit when you are willing to invest the Energy Points to be able to take those bigger tools with you on your missions.


    As you would expect it from an Game in this Genre nowadays your weapons same as your reinforment are upgradeable if you have enough Gold Coins/Energy Packs collected by playing through the Missions in the Game or by buying those in the InGame Store.

    The Missions are replayable so you can farm also for more Gold/Energy in the Game if you are up for a Grinding Run at any point in the Game. I usually would recommend that instead of buying something in the Game since when your Gear is upgraded enough you pretty much are Unstopable in the Game.


    Leveling in the Game goes pretty much hand in hand with playing through the Missions that the Game does offer and at no point I felt that my Gear was too low or that I would be overrun by the Zombies in the Game or by whatever the Game was throwing at me.




    Future War:Reborn by Good net technology co. Ltd is an solid Sci-Fi Top-Down Shooter that only does struggle because of it`s very small Levels that could otherwise be one of the better Sci-Fi Top-Down Shooter on the AppStore that launched this year.

    I strongly would recommend the Developer to rethink their current Concept for the Game and create a full-voiced, full blown up Future War:Reborn 2 that does deliver what back during the early 20' Gameloft had created with Games like Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden or Electronic Arts with Mass Effect Infiltrator.

    Besides that fact Future War:Reborn still does make some fun to play but considering what the Game could have become if the team back in HK had taken a bit more time the Game sadly never pass the Level of being a medicore Sci-Fi Top-Down Shooter with Levels that are way too small and totally kill therefore any fun you might have with the Game at some point.

    Rating: 3/5 - Could have been much more since the Core Gameplay Mechanics are working but because the Game does lack any deepness if it comes to Story- or Missiondesign you sooner then later will get bored with it. It`s just really sad since I like it besides those obvious points very much.

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