Universal Furdemption - A rabbit in Hell puzzle-adventure game. (By RareSloth LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by RareSloth, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    Hmm.. You're welcome.
  2. sharfaust

    sharfaust Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2013
    Thanks to RareSloth for telling the people on the fence about Furdemption (including me) to buy the game before the new update arrives, because the price will go up. Looks like you saved us a couple of dollars. Oh wait, the price went DOWN instead. Thanks for making us look foolish for believing you. I still have a good game, I just hate your despicable tactics.
  3. raravan

    raravan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
    uptade isn't out yet, madman.
  4. RareSloth

    RareSloth Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Hi Sharfaust,

    Glad you posted here, it'll allow me write a longer response vs. on Twitter.

    The last thing we want is to make our players upset... Our whole mission is to bring joy and great experiences to people, so when we upset someone we take it very personally. I understand why you're upset and I take responsibility for this. Putting that wording in the description was a misstep that we won't make again. This is our first premium App and we still have a lot to learn, so we hope you'll forgive us.

    We will still be raising the price as promised to $3.99 after a short period.

    Please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]

    Co-Founder of RareSloth
  5. €¥€

    €¥€ Member

    Mar 3, 2015
    I think sharfaust was joking.
  6. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    He sounds pretty serious to me, especially going by his last sentence but this is the Internet and it's hard to tell.

    In other news I've always been on the fence about this game but now I'm ready to pick it up on the sale. Quick questions would be how long on average would it take to beat the game? And does the game ever get super frustrating that you feel like giving up on it? I watched the trailer and it looks nice but I can't get a feel for the game just watched the bunny get killed :) I like my games to have good length but also not be super complex that I feel stressed having to play it.
  7. RareSloth

    RareSloth Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    He's serious.

    With the 100 levels its on average around 5 hours of gameplay depending on your skill level. We are adding 40 very challenging new levels soon which will add more play time.

    There are levels where you will experience tension and potentially frustration. It starts off easy and gets more difficult. The levels are a mixture of puzzle / logic based and action based. Some people prefer the puzzle based levels because they don't require quick swiping. When you die too many times (5) you get the option to skip the level. Getting all of the coins offers a little extra challenge for the more hardcore players.

    Here's the new update trailer which might give you a better idea of the game, let me know if you have any other questions!


  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Ah thank you! Looks good to me :)

    And don't mind him. When Apple gives you a chance to promote your game (with only a handful of other games), you normally have to take it. It's a rare opportunity that doesn't come often and gives your game a lot of visibility.
  9. €¥€

    €¥€ Member

    Mar 3, 2015
    I know it's the only game I played and couldn't stop until I finished all 80 lvls, I had to go back on some to get all the coins though. the harder lvls are the rescue missions but they are not frustratingly tough.

    and I guess I can't tell anymore who's being a jerk or joking.
  10. modus_ataraxia

    modus_ataraxia Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2015
    This is a great game, and I don't regret purchasing it and enjoying it immensely. However, I can't help but feel disappointed by both Furdemption and The Executive for pushing me to purchase the game for a "cheaper price" at launch, only to go on sale by half shortly after.

    I'm not aggravated, but it is disheartening, and I feel like I have been taught a lesson by these two games. It prompts me to feel like I should ignore developers when they say that their prices will go up at a later time. Logically, I should just wait, because eventually, the game will be on sale just like all the others.

    I appreciate that you made such a good game, and it's great that you're open, involved, and polite. But it doesn't take back the sting of feeling like I was taken advantage of by supporting games early, and I don't think I'll be making that mistake again.
  11. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    Thinking about it but it's hard to tell what kind of game this is
  12. Makoto

    Makoto Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    #192 Makoto, Aug 13, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    Hi, dev! Fun puzzle-action-bunny game!
    I seem to encounter a bug: level 68,
    "saw sandwich". After I made the "sandwich", some action may cause the saw mysteriously to get out. I've met twice, once it seemed to get out when I finished the level, another time it seemed to get out when the bomb exploded.
    Not sure if this is indeed a bug though. I was using iPad 2, iOS 8.3

    EDIT: oh, I saw this situation be addressed in the update log already, thanks! I was also going to point out some Chinese translation flaws, yet now I guess that won't be necessary any more, since you've addressed that, too!
  13. sugimulm

    sugimulm Well-Known Member

    Update is out, U.S. store.
  14. rezn

    rezn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Mar 8, 2014
    Coder/Keyer in medical ICD 10
    Reno, NV
    Oh Snaps. Just got it! :D
  15. mr_bez

    mr_bez Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    Great stuff. 40 new levels, GC leaderboards, what's not to like:)
  16. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    This dev was already awesome. Now I will have to come up with a new adjective!
  17. RareSloth

    RareSloth Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Its a puzzle platformer, but rather different than you might be used to. Some of the levels are action based (swiping) and some are more thinking based.

    If you've ever played sokoban or chips challenge it has a few similarities
  18. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I bought the game yesterday and now more levels? Amazing! I'm really loving it.

    Though my only gripe would be that for some reason my iPhone 6 gets super hot when playing this game in particular and the battery burns fast. Someone else mentioned this in the reviews as well. I wonder what's going on as it doesn't appear to be super graphic intensive. Because of this I have to limit my play sessions or I'll lose all my battery or my hands will get burned :p
  19. alduinslayer

    alduinslayer Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    Would you say it's a rare(sloth) opportunity? lol
  20. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    I bought the game at the higher price but haven't had time to play it yet, just wanted to say I'm not mad about the price drop, if you're on the apple store front page it makes sense to take advantage of that and if a lower price gets you more sales, and helps you compete with the other lower priced titles then I understand. I don't think you've tried to rip anyone off.

    I'm hoping to play at the weekend, but I'm confident it'll be more than worth the higher price, Yukon warrior was/is great, and I'm sure this will be too.

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