Why are you surprised? You yourself said you know nobody thinks you're funny. Why are you sucking up to me? I don't like you, I thought I made that clear. You didn't vote for me, you voted for "other". Why are you constantly lying?
Thank you and thank y..! WHAT AGAIN!?!?!? No body likes Slapshot? Wah wah wah... Mecho Cat, I choose you! Punish them!!! >=O
I would now like to take this moment and say that 'Others' is actually code for 'Brazilian Rider'... Thanks for all the votes! EDIT: Wow! Bat was the only one to not vote for himself! Too bad this isn't a Good-Character contest. Ijot.
Honestly, I can't remember the name of the two guys who were going postal on the "Words With Friends" thread because honestly I couldn't give a rat's ass, but they should be on here solely on the basis of that extended exchange. That shiz was high larious. The fact that this heated exchange was going on about a game called "Words With Friends" was so beyond irony that they need to invent a new word for it.
Are you making fun of me? Think all Brazilians are tribal people who live in the Amazon with bones shoved through their nose? People like you make me sick.
Listen, while you're obviously a lesser being genetically, culturally, and technologically than most others, I'm sure we can at least agree that you are superior to the Canadians. Let's focus on the positives, shall we?
I PM`d a mod for changing the poll to multiple choice and add BA to the list. Too bad he cant do it as only an admin is allowed to change a poll once created. Also there can only be ten choices in a poll so there goes any chance for BA getting his name etched in history Tough choice for me now. Just one vote with so many jokers around. EDIT: Looks like it might be Sizzla only, thanks to the post above. Sorry Bat.
No, I'm actually taking your side! I don't think it's right to make fun of other people just because where they're from. Don't you agree?
I always thought that the screen name FilthyCanadian was an example of stating the obvious. Almost like having a screen name of ObnoxiousFrenchman.