Sounds like pay to win with 10k needed for that 10x multiplier. Sad, but more reflective of the nature of the app store these days than the devs' intentions. The absolute counter to this is Polara. In an ideal world Polara would do better.
ha... just earned 300 coins after scoring 494,928 ... pretty sure it doesn't depend on score, but more on how many people you've cleared. Damn.
Cool......I mean not cool! Had to restore my Itouch yesterday via iTunes I was having an annoying pop up for a sandbox environment account because I DL two beta ad hoc games into my device that had a test update addressing the I touch 4g crashes The developers are well known and trusted so no problem there I think it was IOS6 that recognized the slightly different apps there and assumed I was a jail broken device so it continuously sent me this incredibly annoying pop up! The only solution was to delete everything and restore to factory settings The good news is it worked, no more pop ups! The point I'm trying to make after my lengthy long winded post is I redownloaded Funky Smugglers and after reading your post I'm wondering about the fun factor vs time/coin acquisition? Another fun fact: yesterday in SMAMC I finally for the first time bought the oriental express mode plus power ups dog and cat...I was pumped to get a great score and instead it was a terrible flop What a waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This really is quite a good game. I was a little leery at first because it seemed like it would be very repetitive. I was really suprised with it. It is a great time killer.
In case anyone finds it useful, here's a few tips I've picked up along the way. 1) To get the biggest scores, you need to master what the game calls "tossing". Essentially this is just throwing the items you hold and re-catching them. What this does is reset the countdown timer allowing you to increase your combos. 2) In combination with the above try to get perfect rounds. This means collecting every red item in 1 long combo chain. You get bonus points for a perfect round - for example a perfect 1st round will net you about 2k points. 3) The biggest combo I've ever got is about 110. The game says at 100 that this is the ultimate combo or something like that and the score is appropriately huge. You can only achieve this is certain rounds due to the number of people and items that have to be collected. It is easily the biggest scoring mechanism there is. Do this with the 10x multiplyer active and you'll be in the top 20 on Gamecenter. (I'm currently 14th without getting 100 - I think my best combo in that game was 80ish) 4) To earn the most coins, try to complete as many goals as possible during your game. I'm pretty certain these are the biggest earners and there are bonuses for completing multiple goals. I'm not sure, but there might also be bonuses for completing goals in higher rounds. 5) Buy the upgrade that increases how long you can hold onto items. It means you have to do less tossing to complete large combos. The 1st 2 are relatively cheap and these will help a lot in building 100+ combos. 6) The people move in patterns or groups of say 10. Positions of green/red items can change, but there are a limited number of these variations. If you memorise the patterns you should have an easier time building combos. 7) Powerups can be negative, especially in rounds 8+. The speed rush pickup in particular becomes near impossible about round 9, so just avoid it. I also find the slow down pickup to hamper my rthym and this causes me to hit a green item. Again, just avoid them. 8) Join the tema battle as there are bonus coins for each time you play. Also if your side wins it says you'll earn over 1000 coins.
Vote for your favorite GOTW !!! [thread=119439][/thread] [thread=159842][/thread] [thread=159830][/thread] [thread=159833][/thread] [thread=159850][/thread] [thread=159843][/thread] [thread=159867][/thread] [thread=159819][/thread] [thread=159832][/thread] Click on above icons to discover more about the games! [size=+3]FUNKY SMUGGLERS[/size] is one of the nominees for [size=+2]Touch Arcade Game of the Week 10/10/2012[/size] Do you like to keep the airport safe from hammers, scissors, and other illegal goods? [size=+3][thread=159932]VOTE HERE[/thread][/size] Poll close 10-17-2012 at 06:28 PM - Devs cannot vote for their own games -
Hi, For some reason, I voted for the article giving it 5 stars and did the same when voting for game of the week. That was stupid. Blame me. I should think before going into click action. Meanwhile, let me read the topic and clear the issues, altough the post by nizy is verrrrrrry helpful. thx
Hi, I can't judge which one is better. I believe both are pretty cool. Our game is rather humorous arcade fun, not relating to real airport scanner at all, except the fact that you use x-ray to detect wacky contraband. Check the video: gameplay trailer thx
I cannot figure out how to clear the toss 20 items mission. Ive tried everything and the blue progress bar on it wont budge.
It isn't explained in game, only in the help text from what I remember. All it is is taking your finger off, letting go of what you're holding and grabbing it again. Resets your timer and is very useful.
Yep. You need to quickly tap the item or items combo again once holding and you'll reset the time ring. We called it "tossing" (a bit unclearly...) thx
So guys, whats your highscores? I've reached max plane 13 (wht abt you)? Is there a plane limit? Btw, I got 1.1mil, but using the 10x booster!
Do you agree that this game, while slightly innovative, is too shallow in terms of gameplay? I'm already feeling so after an hour of playing it. Maybe a 3 or 3.5/ for me to be frank.
Wow, you went from "enjoying the game immensely" to "a complete waste of time" within 4 days? Really glad the IAP system scared me off... DBC
yeah, I really did. At first, it was a blast... but then the IAP system wore me down... upgrades are way too expensive, and every time I played I felt like I was just grinding/going through the motions just so that I could slowly gain currency for that one game out of 50 where I'd actually have to pay attention, and get as far as I could. =o/