If I could take a video I would. If I move diagonally on the screen and I take a hit the next thing I know the ship is at the border of the screen. It completely disorientates me. I'm going to delete the game and re install and reboot the device. Perhaps the update didn't correctly update. I'll report back later or tomorrow. Billy
Hmm, you reported this bug and yet you are still suffering it.... it's weird because yes, this one was a serious bug, but we've fixed this in the previous version. I have been playing this morning (besides the testing to release this) and I didn't noticed anything like that. Maybe your version was not updated as it should....
Almost a complete game. For what it is 8/10 . Would like to have seen some type of reward system like sky force but that's another type of shooter
This is more of a classic arcadey style shmup, just with a more modern coat of paint. That said, I don't think it's missing anything. It accomplishes what it set out to do, and does so with flying colors, IMO. This is definitely one of the better shmups on the App Store.