Have you played FTL on the PC? There are just too many things going on screen at the same time and inputs used to play: many keys on the keyboard and the mouse. That on an iPad can be reproduced. Unfortunately, the iPhone screen is just too small for all the screen interaction there is on this game. It's not a problem of font size, but of things you need to access on screen, and all at the same time. For example, each of the ship doors can be opened/closed by touching them, and you need to have both your ship and the enemy ship on screen at the same time because of how the action goes in the game. Not to mention the final boss ship. That big, ENORMOUSLY BIG ship would fit terribly on the iPhone screen. I mainly use my iPhone to play, and I'd rather continue playing on my phone, but sometimes I have to accept that a certain game is better played on the iPad (being XCom the only other game I enjoyed better on the iPad).
Read the dev blog, they tried and did not like the result. It can surely be done by re engineering the whole game but FTL is a two men project. Do they have enough time to support an almost different game on iPhone that may not sell much more ? If you are not happy, just email them and show your support and ideas for an iOS version, ranting here will not help.
I can see that Surgeon Simulator could become Universal. I only expected that to be iPad only when I believed the controls would be one finger per character's finger. Given that it's actually just two fingers at once most of the time, there's very little reason why it couldn't be adapted other than the dev just not being interested in doing so. With FTL it's totally different - it's nowhere near as easy to play on the mini as it is the standard iPad. It's by no means uncomfortable but there's a discernible difference between the two and that's with only a slightly smaller screen. You really wouldn't be able to accurate make selections on an iPhone, you'd end up blasting your crew out if an airlock by mistake. Besides, if the dev says they're never going to make it then it's a moot point unfortunately. I do get that it's a pain in the butt though, I'd much prefer everyone could enjoy it.
Hope this reply doesn't sound rude, because that's not the intent, but everyone can play it. The same game is on PC. Obviously it's not as portable as an iPad, but it's the same content for the same price (or even cheaper during a Steam sale). And it doesn't require insane specs, anyone with an modern laptop or desktop should be able to run FTL just fine
^What he said. I don't see it ever working on a small screen. It isn't as simple as zooming out. If you've played it before you'd understand this. I bought it for $5 on sale for my garbage laptop and it runs perfectly. I'd suggest the same instead of complaining it isn't universal.
Lol I have unlocked everything on PC. For some reason the game feels harder on iPad, I am always under equipped by the time they have drones and 2 shields.
Better yet, port this to Google Glass and change the interface to voice commands, then it would play really like being a starship captain on Star Trek. iPadwatchedThisDS9EpisodeWhereSiskoWoreGoogleGlassAsHeCommanderedADominionShip...
For those wanting a descriptive taste of what of expect tonight, here is a blurb about a run of the pre-expansion PC version of the game that goes pretty horribly awry: http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/04/02/after-action-report-the-calamitous-voyage-of-the-vagrant-badger-in-ftl/?ns_campaign=article-feed&ns_mchannel=ref&ns_source=steam&ns_linkname=0&ns_fee=0
Tears of joy. Goodbye crappy space themed wannabe roguelikes. Finally the real deal is here. On a side note, I'm definitely needing to warm up since it has been a long time without playing this game, but I'm finding a bit harder than when I played the last time, anyone else? Not that it's a bad thing at all...