Very similar, but different. FTL is a nice mix of combat and exploration. Out There: Omega Edition is 100% exploration.
Yeah some of the core gameplay is similar but the games feel very different.. Out there is another game that completely kicks my ass whenever I play.. It's been a couple of months since I've played but I might fire it up tonight and see how far I could get.. Both ftl and out there have never came off my device and never will
I thought this would go on sale too (just like last year and to match the steam sale). But sadly no. Maybe after the steam sale?
I think it's well worth the 10 it costs. I wouldn't wait for a sale... In fact, I didn't wait a single second when it was released
I just got myself a iPad... Would love this game on it, but can't afford it. Is there a free version?
Lol.. I didn't say it was a new iPad, and I didn't buy it... my brother gave me his old n battered ipad4. Since posting that though, it has now been sold on for spares or repairs lol
Me too. Wish developer would do an update to make it work on iPhones, especially the plus. They could make it universal and leave it up to the customer if it's playable on their phone or not