I can't even get to te page it's on,it just says "to many connections" , I just wish the game would go free,or they could PM codes to people.Sorry if it sounds like I'm complaining (I kinda am)it's just that I've wiped my cookies and history on my iPod 3 times and tried it on a Mac and my computer.I just hope they fix all the problems.Good luck Half Brick.
Thanks for trying guys, for now we have removed the codes from the site in order to avoid causing problems for players. The anniversary site will continue to be live with the trailer and leader boards, but for now codes are unavailable. Thanks for understanding!
Thanks for the update, and sharing with everyone who's gotten through. I'll stay hopeful for the future.
Read post #88 the redeem code link was remove http://forums.toucharcade.com/showpost.php?p=2276700&postcount=88