iPhone Frozen Synapse - (by Mode 7)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, May 15, 2013.

  1. tarasis

    tarasis Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
    Given the comments in this thread I am really surprised that Touch Arcade rated the game 4, and that they reference a tutorial when some of you have posted that there isn't one.

    I tried commenting on the review, but as I included a link to a comment in this thread, my comment is being held in moderation.
  2. iamthekiller

    iamthekiller Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    #122 iamthekiller, May 16, 2013
    Last edited: May 16, 2013


    False. The game is great as single player. Multiplayer can be misbalanced, or you could wind up playing with some asshole from here.
  3. iamthekiller

    iamthekiller Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    I've been playing it on the iPad mini. It looks amazing. Had the people not been crying about retina nonsense, you would not be thinking anything about it.

    People don't appreciate gameplay anymore. It's all about REeeTINA DERP AND MULTIPLAEIERR DEERRRP.
  4. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    This is simply not true; while the multiplayer aspect is definitely a strong drawcard, many people enjoy the single-player campaign and skirmishes, and making the blanket statement that nobody will is just nonsense.

    As for the graphics issue, I'm not planning to pick FS up for the iPad as I already have it on PC, but even at high-resolution settings on PC the game was never particularly "hi-res", especially with regard to the text. It seems the developers decided to build this version the same way, which may not have been the best idea. :p

    I'm surprised about the apparent lack of an in-game tutorial, though, considering that the PC version already has one that covers pretty much every core aspect of the game while still literally only taking two or three minutes to complete. External tutorial videos should be a bonus, not a necessity.
  5. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Well... it's their opinion. The PC version is fantastic, so looking at it from a pure gameplay/strategy angle, the iOS version should be as well. It just hasn't been given the level of treatment I'd hoped it would during the porting process.
    I love the gameplay, but the game isn't flawless. The port feels somewhat lazy and amateurish and pointing it out has been mostly constructive thus far. In fact, you're about the only person trying to cause trouble with your stupid and childish language. Developers WANT to hear opinions, and they want to know what improvements players would like to see in updates. Quit the ass kissing before you catch something infectious.
  6. netmute

    netmute Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2012
    Whoa. I certainly didn't want to offense anyone.

    I love the game! Played the PC version for months after it came out. Singleplayer is ok, but quite average. Frozen Synapse really shines in multiplayer. There is nothing quite like finding an obvious flaw in your opponents playstyle and then exploiting it ;)

    The people I played with were always very nice, even when they lost a lot. (Mind you, that was 2 years ago. Maybe there really are just assholes online now.)

    What I was trying to say earlier is: Don't rate the game 1 star just because singleplayer leaves you unimpressed. That's not one if its strong points in my opinion.
  7. Devoid21

    Devoid21 Active Member

    Mar 23, 2013
    Don't know why there's so much hate for this game. I don't own the PC version so I can't compare it to PC, but my experience with the game hasn't been so bad. The game does have a step learning curve. It will take you some time to familiarize yourself with the UI and all the options you have at your disposal. But once you do the game plays perfectly. Games that ask for player commitment tend to be the good ones. I remember a time when games came with only a manual, which left you more confused.

    Oh we'll, this is why we can't have nice things on ios. Everyone wants a angry birds type of game now a days.
  8. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I don't think there's much hatred. There's a bit of disappointment and one or two misunderstandings, but all of the people mentioning graphics probably still appreciate the gameplay. I certainly do, I love this stuff. I just want to see it playing to the strengths of the platform.

    Plus, the game has already been extensively reviewed on PC. It's easy to find gushing praise for it, so I figured I'd focus more on the quality of the port with my comments, rather than the underlying game.
  9. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    #129 iPadisGreat, May 16, 2013
    Last edited: May 16, 2013
    I, for one, am playing and enjoying Frozen Synapse exclusively offline.

    Agreed though that an interactive tutorial would have helped, but after a paradigm shift, I understood how to use the commands. Instead of expecting context sensitive commands, I just click my guy, then issue my commands, and use the push/pull orders button to get it to the right spot in the timeline. With that, I had been consistently winning games now, as I already knew what I had to get my Rainbow 6s to do in order to win, but just had difficulty issuing orders...

    I am guessing that Frozen Synapse was made by an Indie developer, so maybe he is still trying to wrap his head around how to code for iDevices...
  10. Sojourn

    Sojourn Well-Known Member

    I've been holding out on trying this game until the iPad port was out, and it's been fun so far! Brutal AI for a beginner like me, but I just won my first AI Skirmish after several rounds of trying. The level of difficulty really made it feel well-earned!

    Is anyone else having trouble with the online section having endless spinning loading circles? I'm not sure if it's because their servers are getting slammed, or if there's something wrong with my account.
  11. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    It's odd to hear people speak of enjoying the "gameplay" in spite of a game's graphics or interface. I think we're well out of an age where a choice needs to be made. Also I'd argue a game's interface is very much part of its gameplay, particularly on touch screens.

    I've made my way through the first handful of missions of the campaign, and honestly not finding myself enjoying this a whole lot. A major reason is the utter mess of on-screen icons all over the play area. Not simply because it's ugly and unintuitive to use, but more so because it takes away from immersion. The videos that "sold" me on the game looked slick, and stylish, and sold the game world well. In actuality I find myself playing something that looks more like a spreadsheet. Immersion folks, not merely aesthetics. This kind of stuff matters.
  12. geoelectric

    geoelectric Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2010
    San Jose, CA
    That describes my issue with the UI well. Part of what I like about the PC version is the very, very clean UI, with very little distractions away from the tactical landscape.

    The iPad version is cluttered, period, and the "dead key" style modal behavior of "tap the timeline then tap the action" is lazy and ugly in a touch interface, especially when little to no visual feedback is given of what's going on. About the only way I'd think this was lazier is if it had a mouse cursor following your taps.

    I will say that I was pleasantly surprised that the UI integrated into the game flow after a mission or three, and quit feeling like it was in my way. So to that extent it is successful.

    But every time I look at it anew, I feel like I'm back in the early 2000s UI-wise, playing the licensed Tron version of Laser Squad Nemesis or something. With the PC version being very much a modern game--even advancing the state of the art some--this was a disappointment.
  13. The Mad Mule

    The Mad Mule Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    Bummer, sounds like the PC one is still the definite version.
  14. Devoid21

    Devoid21 Active Member

    Mar 23, 2013
    It looks like the UI is a hate it or love it tipe of thing. I personaly don't have a problem with it. The lack of a in game tutorial is a bummer but I have no problem goin to the Internet for some help. It is sad that you can't change AI difficulty in skermish mode, that I is the only let down of the port for me. I am quite happy that the game play retains all its deph and complexity of the PC version and that the game is cross play.

    The mayor complaints I've read about the game is UI, retina and skirmish AI. These look like things that can be easily fix with and update or two. So if you want these things, let the devs know in a respectfull maner. The more people that ask for it, the more likely it will happend. But to be honest, in the end I'm just happy that this game made it to ios. Not enough games of this quality and type in the AppStore.
  15. Alister

    Alister Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2012

    Hhhmm interesting..For me though its not odd to hear people loving the gameplay due to graphics since each criteria is a different field or aspect of a game..If its a UI dilemma,you may have a point there...
    Bottom line though its seems you don't like the game itself in general which you're very much entitled to be..But to preach onto people what they have to enjoy,what they have to think ,we'll its just not up to you...
  16. JagerBombS

    JagerBombS Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
    It's odd to hear you speak of being "sold" somewhere else and wanting to be immersed in its world. It doesn't make a lot of sense. This game is a spreadsheet, it's a virtual tactical simulator so to speak. It doesn't have textures, it's simple graphics and animations are by design. Not to be drawn in by its world, but by its gameplay. I suppose I would enjoy a clean UI as well, but everything is readily availabe as it is now. I would imagine some type of hidden commands that took holds or more taps could be more frustrating, just to have less on screen. You were quick to dismiss this game as soon as you played it. Seems its not for you, but by standing on your soapbox and chanting to the forum "We deserve more" isn't really fair. This is a great game ported from the pc which I want more of. Your personal preferences in games giving quick satisfaction and simple controls is fine, but trying to convince people this game isn't immersive is wrong.
  17. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    i think you're making judgment before you really understand the game. Dark Match is what you're after, you can play all modes bar the campaign like this, and its how its played online typically. I would also challenge you to play online, try and keep your wins in the positives and then comment on the amount of depth involved.

    As for not needing to tell the developer you would like full retina, that's possibly the most stubborn thing I've read here. If they think people are happy with it it won't change, really up to you and how important you actually view it. That simple really.
  18. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    No problems, glad to hear you're getting a bit more out of it.

    With your question were they both different classes? This can have an affect on reaction speeds with different weapons.
  19. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Try playing on a retina device. All non retina aspects DO NOT get properly upscaled and end up looking like a SD download exploded onto a huge monitor.

    You're comparing it to watching SD TV on an 21" SD TV. We are watching SD TV on a 60" TV.

    Oh, and you also sound like a fool. And couldn't be more wrong.

    I posted on the official forums and they've advised they're looking into it, as per the previous post about it.
  20. Lost_Deputy

    Lost_Deputy Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
    Venue Manager
    Wow everyone is at each other's throats in here! So some think that given the tech we have we are entitled to better UI and graphics. Fair enough.
    Others (myself included) are enjoying the intensity and unpredictability of the game despite it flaws. Also fair enough.
    Hopefully down the track we get both.
    If not, in spite of the games UI it's actually easier and more fun co ordinating attacks on red dudes then fellow TA members

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