I'm game. Haven't played in ages, so I won't be at all surprised if I lose... Gotta practice now. I should have already, since I bought it on the computer a few days ago.
Ha me either. Lets get a few more players than kick it off. Best out of three. Winner goes to next round.
Sounds fair to me! I'm playing someone online, testing out my skillz. I need to be better! Edit: TBH, I'm kinda scared at how long my opponent is taking vs. how short I took... O.O
You've got Sojourn mate. He is probably asleep right now but challenge him when you're ready. Best of three
All good dude. Just need another challenger. Otherwise If we don't hear from the others in 24hours I'll rejig the 1st round pairs
I'm in....Deputy, feel free to start a game when you are ready, thanks. I'm assuming to keep it even we should do "symmetrical" games for the tourney? Also, I say we limit it to one rocket launcher per team if the game happens to generate two at the start.
Hey Lost_Deputy, can we choose to challenge our assigned oppent at any time, o r do we start at a specified time?
Haha. It's the Paper app by 53. Awesome app. I use it all the time for work Ok sweet I'll challenge you in a couple hours. What does everyone else think about same map types and soldier classes? I was assuming we would just make it random but I dont mind. Challenge away when you want mate. Goodluck