Universal Frontline: Road to Moscow (by Slitherine)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 19, 2014.

  1. thematrixx

    thematrixx Active Member

    Feb 12, 2013
    Actually there is IAP -- and if you have ever read my previous posts you would know that I am absolutely 100% against IAPs; however to be fair Slitherine may be actually doing this one right! What do I meam? Well for the low intro price you actually get a very good game with multiple different scenarios - the IAP is if you selected "Act II" or III. In my opinion this may be acceptable in that there is no "gold coins" to continue playing..handled more like a DLC where you would only be paying for additional maps or campaigns. I have only played for a couple of hours but have thoroughly enjoyed it. Would recommend.
  2. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    How's the game? Kinda bad rating at App Store
  3. mboog12

    mboog12 Member

    May 19, 2014
    The 1star ratings are because of the Ipad1 and Iphone3GS crashes. Version 1.0 of this game was uploaded with these devices enabled, even though it does not support them.
    There will be an update soon where these 2 devices will be disabled.
  4. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Well i bought this last night and you can tell i enjoyed it as i suddenly stopped playing when i realised it was 1am !

    I'm not a huge strategy fan, i like the ones which are more accessible instead of 60,000 things you have to learn about some super complex strategy game.

    I think this ones just about right, theres a fair bit to it, you can have a quick go if you want or really take your time. I've played the first 4 missions and i'm really enjoying it.

    A few questions though !

    Is there a number/meter to show how many moves/energy my unit has ? I tend to just select each one to see if i can move them, is there an indicator for this to show this unit can still move, this other one cant ?

    I had a static gun artillery which i then put into 'transport' so i could move it, how do i then unload the transport ?

    Agree with the other poster above, i'm not a huge fan of IAP's but when done right its great. I'll be picking up the extra missions via IAP when i finish the first set as i think its well worth it

    Still think its weird playing as the Nazis though ! I hope they release some more games in the future at this price point as i think its great value. Love the graphics and it plays really well, still more to learn about the game but not to a crazy extent. Can recommend
  5. Pozytyw

    Pozytyw New Member

    May 1, 2013
    of course not, but this game, if I understand it well, puts you in a role of German commander.. who must be Nazi.
  6. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    As far as I can tell I think the little arrows under the units red/green are there if they still have a move or shoot left,

    About the move and transport you can press the same button to load or unload a transport but you can only load/unload or move in one turn, you can't move then unpack it in the same turn.

    I'm the same though, really enjoying the game, only played the first few missions so far but picked up the extras anyway for the price of them, I can see this staying on my iPad along with battle academy.
    I was a bit put off by panzer generals (think that's the other slitherine game) because it looked like it was huge with tons to learn, which is why I stuck with battle academy as that's an easy one to pick up n play, but this seems closer to the tank battle games by hunted cow for how easy it is to understand and play.
    An easy recommendation.
  7. Mythbuster

    Mythbuster Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2008
    In the middle of nowhere
    No, that is wrong and way too simple. I studied history and many famous commanders were no nazi. That is a fact. ;)
  8. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Ehhh ? In this game you control the germans, who are nazis as its WWII.

    Still loving this ! I tend to get some help and once i take over a base/village and get more 'money' i tend to call in lots more backup. I get less points for completing the mission but its still good

    To the dev - Does this save properly ? I was on mission 3, halfway through it, selected 'save and exit' but when i went to start this again the mission was at the start not the saved version ?
  9. Mythbuster

    Mythbuster Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2008
    In the middle of nowhere
    Sorry, just let it be! There were 100.000+ soldies who were no Noazi and not even in the NSDAP! Many soldies and also commander were complete unpolitical. But it seems that is way too complex for a gaming forum.
  10. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    I've just moved the difficulty up to veteran as I'd finished the first four missions on normal and it was to easy. :D
  11. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    What? A Tank Battle clone? Must get; but next week...

  12. Slitherine Iain

    Slitherine Iain Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2011
    Hi guys

    we have found an issue - the game does not support iPad1 and 3GS phones but something has gone wrong and it and it is not working as we thought. We are going to do an update ASAP to resolve this issue. Apologies to anyone who is having issues.

    One the fonts issue we are playing mostly on Retina and using iPad2 for testing and we hadn't noticed the text size issue. Clearly there is an issue as a number of people have reported it so we'll look in to that but I don't know if we can get that in for the first update as the priority is to find and fix the limitation to stop 3GS and iPad users buying the game.

    Keep the feedback coming!

  13. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Report: Ian, the text size problem is with iPad Mini RD. I tried it also on my iPad3 and the test is a bit more tolerable but still too small to my taste. Or you can call me old...
  14. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2010
    Take of look at this in case you missed it a few posts back. There most definitely is a font size problem on Retina devices:

    Retina: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7tu67p06m...1nZSRqUmKyQS5a
    non-Retina: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/beq6gzjnu...3VRpZ7-cY9jLpa

  15. Jake7905

    Jake7905 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    You're 100% correct, people seem to miss the fact that the Nazi's were a political party (the German socialist party). It's unfair and incorrect to think of all Germans from that time as Nazi's.
  16. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    We're talking about the game in this thread. Its recreating a famous battle, whether these guys fighting the germans are 'nazis' or not to the vast vast majority they're nazis ! I think we're all getting a bit over the top about this.

    I dont know many people (Specially in Europe) who are quite nice about german soldiers in World War II. 'Nazis' are what people called german soldiers in WW 2, dont see the issue. I think youre taking things way too literal
  17. Nakor

    Nakor Active Member

    Apr 16, 2013
    Actually, the Nazi thing is relevant as far as the discussion of the game goes in my mind. Do they not teach history anymore? The Germans had conscription too, people. Actual Nazis were a relatively small part of those armies.

    I'm only pointing this out because it is ignorance leading to racism, even if it's not intentional on anyone's part.

    Anyway, the game looks good but I'm not sure. I'm horrible at these games on computer, and even worse on ipad. Is it a smooth learning curve?
  18. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Personally (and I'm old enough to know better) I call any german soldier from the war a nazi. It's just what you say. Right or wrong I'm sure a lot of people do the same.
  19. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    #59 psj3809, May 22, 2014
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
    Ha ha come on ! First time i've ever heard the word racism when it comes to calling german soldiers 70 years ago nazis. Seriously ? As ooooomonkey basically said, yeah perhaps not every single soldier was a nazi, but to every other country in WW2 they called them nazis. They were the enemy, they were evil, people just called them nazis. I can just imagine allied soldiers saying to each other at the Normandy landings 'actually theyre not nazis, that was the political party.....' Seriously ? Again talk about being way too OTT.

    You'll be telling me next the Minnesota Vikings american football team arent really Vikings ?!

    Anyway back to the game !

    Still loving this, i'll 100% buy the extra mission packs. Its just the right level for me, i dont want something too basic but i dont want some super complex strategy game, this is just in the middle and it looks great.
  20. nkarafo

    nkarafo Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    I like also strategy games not too complex. I like for example games like Fire Emblem & Advance Wars (Nintendo titles) which are turn based but not with super duper high rules but you have to make correct moves in order to win.

    Do you believe that I will enjoy this game as well? I don't understand why the developers don't make a demo too.. Put for example only two missions and the user will decide if it's worth it or not.

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