Universal Frontier Defense - Any fan of Clickers want to beta testing it?

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by antony.thai, Oct 10, 2015.

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  1. ShinHadoukin

    ShinHadoukin Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    I'm interested. Andre sent me a personal message. I hope that was legit. If he is not part of doing this beta please let me know so I can protect my email. Thanks
  2. azu7

    azu7 Member

    May 28, 2015
    Love clicker genre and the art is awesome. Please count me in :D
  3. _Max_

    _Max_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
    Wow, just wow fabianb, that's a really great feedback and thank you a lot for your support.

    Yes, you got the idea that we have put in the game, the strategy, heroes must be deeply affect on battle not just keep tapping on them, in current version, we have only 6 heroes so far, but we planing more and more unique heroes in next versions.

    Thanks for your advise, we fixing it right away.

    That's great idea from ton of feedbacks from our testers, we will consider our plan to put this feature on our next update.

    These special items mean "Relics", you could buy them in the Relic section which greatly increase power of heroes/towers.

    If you have any question please tell us, we can't wait to see more and more great feedback from you.
  4. Keitch83

    Keitch83 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    Thanks for the chance to test this.Looks good so far.Have experienced 2 crashes so far - both times are when resuming the app after coming out mid game. I have an iPhone 6 plus with 8.1.2 installed.

    Edit: Can confirm this happens any time I try to renter the game after exiting.
  5. Keitch83

    Keitch83 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    Also any shop purchases are just hanging resulting in me coming out of the app and going back in,it then will crash.
  6. Andre

    Andre Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
    Thanks for your advise, we will fix it ASAP.
  7. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Oh wow. Totally my bad then. I have actually not pressed the relic button once. Totally overlooked that button. It was right in front of me all the time, hah! That's some funny weird stuff. I will try the relics then ^^.

    I actually have another idea, because you want to expand the hero's (right?).

    You could make the basic attack for each hero different. Let's say as an example: the mage can attack 2 enenies at the same time but with half the damage. This way you should could consider using the mage only if the enemies are in large groups. The mage will be less useful when there is a boss, because the mage does only half the damage to a single enemy (but it can hit 2 enemies with 1 basic attack). You get where I am going with this?

    And I will play some more to get a better impression of the game so I could give more feedback.
  8. Keitch83

    Keitch83 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    I do love a game I can play in portrait mode on my phone but are there any plans to make a landscape option? I feel the extra screen space would make it feel a little less cramped and rushed.
    Also I agree with the earlier coment about some cosmetic changes to heroes/towers whenever they level up a certain way.
    Could we add a pause button? Only very minor and I know pressing the hero,tower,shop buttons etc work the same way but still might be nice.
    And one final thing so far,maybe a break or announcement via a 'next round' screen between battles would be good to give time to upgrade before taking the next 10 waves on?

    Am quite addicted to this game already so far.Good casual clicker with strategy and levelling up involved,what's not to like?!
  9. _Max_

    _Max_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
    Hmm, sound great to me and feel a little over power too, we will consider adding this hero in next update.
  10. B30

    B30 Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    Planet Earth
    I tried this for about half an hour, and I have to say that this clicker game is really unique, with all the different power ups and the constant up leveling of the various heroes. It's really a fun time waster for a few minutes.

    So, if there is enough contant (including updates, with new heroes, power ups, relics etc.) I truly could imagine of coming back to this clicker way more often than to a "traditional" clicker.

    I agree with the idea of the cosmetic changes when you level up your heroes or your tower (e.g. wooden tower >> stone tower).
  11. _Max_

    _Max_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
    It's sound strange to me, have not received any feedback about this situation, but i think i know your problem, i got little trouble if i playing game while laying down the bed, we consider give some tweak on this

    Hmm, i think it's good for user too, a pause function should not a big problem but giving great effect

    We thought the game clicker like our should be keeping on the pace, it keep player busy and keep tapping like hell to protect their castle, that's why we have removed the break phase.
  12. collasta

    collasta Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2014
    I've certainly had cases where I was enjoying the game so much I didn't even realize a wave had ended and that was fun when I noticed I was a wave ahead. But now on fight 25ish I don't have that problem since wave 10 is very obviously hard.

    I had minor issues with UI questions but I chalk most of those up to being tired. The biggest of which was numbers suddenly appearing in my auto fight. I assumed that made them limited for the fight and used them slowly and when they didn't reset I was confused.

    I too had bad crashing problems when starting and even while playing. These were fixed with a reboot. I do occasionally have one when resuming the game but it seems like mine are less often than others in this thread.

    I would request more enemy death noises. I usually turn sound off when I'm playing clickers but with a game like this, which is more immersive than tapping a cookie, good sound is important. I like all the sound effect I've heard, but when I activate a power or auto attack and enemies start groaning super fast I turn the sound right off. So add in an oof, ow, and maybe an ugh and we should be golden.

    I have a minor quibble about the wheel. It needs some sort of feedback. I suggest the basic clicking and pointer (sword) bouncing around. Otherwise it's just a bad slot machine. I think I'm in a minority of people irrationally annoyed by this.
  13. _Max_

    _Max_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
    In fact, each time you buy a new tower, the castle will slightly change the outfit, dirt castle become stone castle, etc,... But you guys have a point for hero's outfit, we will give this one a tweak on update.

    Did you mean the gift from fairy? The fairy gives some FREE Auto-attack and Skill, sometime double coin too, so don't forget to tap on her to receive these gifts.

    Currently, we got some bug on the sound pack, so that's why some sound like hero's skill, special enemy appearance were lacked.

    I think you right about the wheel, we will give it a tweak immediately.
  14. collasta

    collasta Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2014

    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but the red auto attack numbers aren't there for the first few fights of the game right? I believe they showed up around the third fight. But, as I said before, I was very tired when I first started playing and could've just not noticed it right away.
  15. _Max_

    _Max_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
    The red auto attack numbers are the gift which received from the fairy, the fairy will appear after you completed battle 4. You could tap on the fairy to receive these gift, these gift included: free auto attack, free skill and double coin (in 45s).
  16. Wow!

    This is the most fun ive ever had with such a simple concept. There is actually some strategy to what you are doing.plus, you have several achievements, so there is always a sense of progression. The upgrades are great, the pacing, etc.ive found a few minutes each day to play and its been worth it!

    Issues and thoughts so far...
    1. What's the longevity on this? Its a quality product and this you all deserve to have plenty of IAP bought. So far, I've not run into a situation where i felt i was like... man i should buy some coins to expedite this processs so i can get to the better upgrades or heroes...

    I just want to make sure you get paid, guys! :D if you launch with the wrong system, you are doomed. At least thats the example set in lots of stories.

    The best IAP monetization system I know i that employed by Foursaken in their games, especislly the latest ones.

    2. Why does the game lock up controls if you tap too fast on one hero? I hope thats a bug... i either have to die or restart the game.. it xoesnt allow me to pull up the menu, upgrade, change heroes, etc.
  17. _Max_

    _Max_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
    Hmm, thanks for your advise, we will take a look on their system

    It's a bug which we have reported from beta tester, in this case, you need to close (kill?)the application and relaunch it, the bug will fix itself.
  18. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    I'd be happy to help beta test.
  19. _Max_

    _Max_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
    PM sent, please check your mail.
  20. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    New beta tester as of this morning. Posting after ~10 minutes of play. I have not read anything about the game.

    When I first launched the game, it crashed back to iOS. Second try was fine. Crashed again when I cleared battle 5. Recovered at the correct state. So, something is up.

    Wish list:
    It would be really nice if there were some sort of screen after each battle where the game automatically paused while you thumbed through tabs at the bottom. The game is really fun but the pace is frantic.

    General comment:
    I don't have any relics unlocked yet, but once I do I hope they are upgradeable. Especially the extended auto time...no clicker can find long term success unless there's a way to let it play itself. I'm finding two heroes lots of fun...not sure how it will work with three as I only have two thumbs!

    More as I continue to explore the game! I quite like the gameplay and graphics...my only "polishing" suggestion is having a native English speaker go over the text. There are no major errors, but little errors detract from the overall level of polish.

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