Fresh Body by Tianrui Liao Fresh Body Tianrui Liao "Fresh body" is a "Very Positive" game on steam. -2017IndiePlay best design game award Transform yourself into a monste… $1.99 Buy Now Watch Media Details"Fresh body" is a "Very Positive" game on steam. -2017IndiePlay best design game award Transform yourself into a monster to progress and defeat even more powerful monsters. Fresh Body is a hardcore rogue-like action game. Discover a dark world crawling with monsters and nightmares. Kill monsters to collect body parts and combine them to obtain skills and abilities. Transform yourself into a monster to progress and defeat even more powerful monsters. Build the character you want and adapt your play style, modifying your body to the enemies you encounter. RPG elements: ---Collect 180+ monster bodies and use them to create an unique character with heads, arms and legs from monsters. It's disgusting, but it's for your own good. ---Combine and mix parts together to gain unique abilities. ---Gene enhancement - Use genes from monsters to permanently enhance your body. ---180+ Skills: From super speed to lasers or super punches. ---20+ Talents: More damage, more resistance, regeneration or even revival. Find allies, merchants and very ugly bosses. Rogue-like elements: ---Randomly generated levels - There is nothing constant except change. ---Hardcore - If you die, you lose your progression, but there are exceptions. ---Choices are important - Take care of the resources you collect, they might just save your life. Information Seller:Tianrui Liao Genre:Role Playing Release:Jun 26, 2018 Updated:Jul 28, 2018 Version:1.0.10 Size:379.6 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal DTK likes this. Brightsiderus Well-Known Member Feb 1, 2017 2,236 540 113 #2 Brightsiderus, Jun 26, 2018 Looks like...uh...Greedy Cave but more action-like Repulsa Well-Known Member Jul 3, 2015 1,584 81 48 #3 Repulsa, Jun 26, 2018 I am hesitating on mashing the buy button because the IAP aren’t disclosed but they look like a bunch of currency from the screen shots. I am afraid this might be F2P with a premium price tag Brightsiderus Well-Known Member Feb 1, 2017 2,236 540 113 #4 Brightsiderus, Jun 26, 2018 This game can be found on steam Too and it has iap as DLC. But I won’t press buy button since I’m afraid to get uh... not good game. Repulsa Well-Known Member Jul 3, 2015 1,584 81 48 #5 Repulsa, Jun 26, 2018 What do ppl say about the steam version? sugimulm Well-Known Member Aug 28, 2010 2,457 46 48 The last time zone for iOS game releases :( #6 sugimulm, Jun 26, 2018 A quick search shows Steam reviews at 9/10, with about 797 users. Repulsa Well-Known Member Jul 3, 2015 1,584 81 48 #7 Repulsa, Jun 26, 2018 I’ll probably be giving this a go then, thanks! Repulsa Well-Known Member Jul 3, 2015 1,584 81 48 #8 Repulsa, Jun 26, 2018 The game itself is cool but it’s pretty much a F2P and the developers should have made it free. They are really pushy with the IAP which are currency. Too soon to say how it affects gameplay but I would have rather done without the F2P garbage and just paid $6 like the steam version when you die you have to use IAP currency to revive. Lame lame lame.. sugimulm Well-Known Member Aug 28, 2010 2,457 46 48 The last time zone for iOS game releases :( #9 sugimulm, Jun 26, 2018 Sorry to hear, I was hoping it wasn’t a F2P. Quoad Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2015 1,108 217 63 #10 Quoad, Jun 28, 2018 Where are you finding this? I’m only ten mins in, but the Iap appear to be entirely optional currency all of which you earn in game anyway. At seemingly ok rates. And the gameplay itself is tremendous - I’m loving it so far. sugimulm Well-Known Member Aug 28, 2010 2,457 46 48 The last time zone for iOS game releases :( #11 sugimulm, Jun 28, 2018 Can you please elaborate what the iap is for? Quoad Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2015 1,108 217 63 #12 Quoad, Jun 28, 2018 In game currency. Tbf, 20 mins in I have no concerns. But looking at steam, there appear to be only two currencies (well, test tubes and gold). This version also has a third, obsidian, which is the only iap. Which now leaves me feeling rather suspicious. sugimulm Well-Known Member Aug 28, 2010 2,457 46 48 The last time zone for iOS game releases :( #13 sugimulm, Jun 28, 2018 Ah thank you. Still on the fence as m tired of forced currency to play or advance. Thank you again dbagga84 Well-Known Member May 22, 2013 835 24 18 #14 dbagga84, Jun 28, 2018 This is what I wanna know. 1 from the video the game looks incredibly stiff. Like the kind of movement you’d see in South Park. Is it that stiff? 2 I think someone said the iap currency is for reviving. That I don’t care about but what I want to know is if you die and don’t revive is it 100% start over? Or does anything carry over? Perks? Or something? And last which I’m sure I could probably get the answer from the game description. Is there an ending with story? Or is it mindless killing forever? sakara214ever Well-Known Member May 10, 2012 1,262 168 63 #15 sakara214ever, Jun 28, 2018 Yeah i am concerned too. This seems a great game but the iap? We'll see Quoad Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2015 1,108 217 63 #16 Quoad, Jun 28, 2018 Wurft. So. An hour in. Things I like: The idea. It is a well entertaining concept, picking up body parts that gift you various skills. Much of the gameplay. Wave based enemy attacks in sort of procedural rooms. Sort of the variety of enemies. They do do different things, and do attack in different combos. The seeming variety of potential upgrades. I have, like, 3 heads, 3 bodies and 3 legs I can choose from. Things I don’t like: Controls, sort of. Fixed twin stick. God, i would kill for floating sticks! But have gotten used to these. I’m not suffering as badly as I’d expect. Mostly. F***ing obsidian. Why the hell have you given your iOS release a third currency vs PC, devs? THE ONLY one that’s an iap? This feels dirty and cheap, and as someone who likes to take a punt on premium games, it feels a bit sleazy vs steam. 1hr in, I’ve still got the same 30 obsidian that I had within minutes. The two use I’ve encountered for it so far are twins who act as a dedicated obsidian shopfront. Upgrade your genes (60 obsidian); get high rated body parts (100 obsidian ea.) Each of these is more than the 30 I have earned for free (my earning has stalled), which feels a bit like standard “bad iap” practice. Some of the gameplay. The waves have come to feel quite similar. As have the procedural rooms. (Core strategy: run away / around, shooting).” Translation: needs work. The sheer volume of systems. (Combined with translation, above). Why / when do I need to upgrade a body part (using 2 other identical body parts to do so)? Where are my not-hotkeyed inventory items? What is unlocking portals, or are they all already unlocked? But seriously, why would I use an atm to save money, or store body parts? That this is not roguelike. Or roguelite. No sense of permadeath, and re reading the description they do seem to fuzz it. Idk. In general, is this worth £2? Yeah. Probably. But. Yeah. The iap stuff looks sucky - at best, atm it appears to be dangling a carrot in front of my eyes that I don’t really understand the benefits of. And which isn’t a part of the pc release. At worst, it’s a specific tactic designed to fleece iOS gamers, bc... I don’t even know what. Because the app’s cheaper than steam? Bc iOS gamers are there to be fleeced? It’s a sucky addition (particularly when it’s out there for anyone to check), and it sucks. Definitely in principle, probably in practice. Quoad Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2015 1,108 217 63 #17 Quoad, Jun 28, 2018 And I’m not even that against iap for many purposes - eg as evidenced in my recent defence of dungeon creator iap. This manages to feel particularly dirty and wrong though. Again, just to reiterate PARTICULARLY BECAUSE IT DOES NOT APPEAR TO EXIST IN THE STEAM RELEASE, devs. Yuck. stubbieoz Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2015 1,880 358 83 Male Grey haired gamer NSW Australia #18 stubbieoz, Jun 29, 2018 The iap sounds particularly sinister especially as it is nonexistent in the Steam version, which btw is currently 30% off. Also, just for information, the Steam version is still Early Access....take from that what you will. I also don't partially mind iap's but it all depends on what they are. Anything that makes me feels like I am being suckered, simply because I play on iOS is really not on. And thanks for the well written and thought out review. It has saved me spending more on what has already been an expensive, but enjoyable, week of iOS game purchases. Quoad likes this. Repulsa Well-Known Member Jul 3, 2015 1,584 81 48 #19 Repulsa, Jul 22, 2018 The developer removed the use IAP to revive function as I requested in my App Store review. I am actually starting to like this game more and more. I still wish they would just go full premium like their Steam game. I don’t think there is any way to actually earn the IAP currency (obsidian) in game. That sucks but if it’s just used for cosmetic purchases (wings etc so far that’s all I see) then I can deal with that stubbieoz Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2015 1,880 358 83 Male Grey haired gamer NSW Australia #20 stubbieoz, Jul 23, 2018 Sounds promising but still, for me at least, the dark cloud lingers. If, as you seem to think, the obsidian currency is just for a cosmetic change, that I can accept. But it is still unclear. That's the problem. Perhaps the dev might come here and clarify....that's just a 5 minute time out from their life. In the whole scheme of things I realise that this iap issue is probably considered small and trivial. But I personally have an intense dislike for devs that think that the mobile gaming market is one where they feel it is okay to make mobile gamers pay for things that pc gamers simply would not tolerate. I have no problem with paying money for games with iaps that are there to either make the game more convenient to play or have cosmetic bonuses. For example I just paid $7.99 AUD for some gems in Dungeon Survival. Why? So it would give me more inventory and storage space. I didn't have to buy it. I could have just spent more ingame time to organise my items. But I am a item hoarder and I like keeping stuff. So for me it was a convenience purchase. So I don't so much mind spending money...but it has to be an optional purchase...not a forced one. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
I am hesitating on mashing the buy button because the IAP aren’t disclosed but they look like a bunch of currency from the screen shots. I am afraid this might be F2P with a premium price tag
This game can be found on steam Too and it has iap as DLC. But I won’t press buy button since I’m afraid to get uh... not good game.
The game itself is cool but it’s pretty much a F2P and the developers should have made it free. They are really pushy with the IAP which are currency. Too soon to say how it affects gameplay but I would have rather done without the F2P garbage and just paid $6 like the steam version when you die you have to use IAP currency to revive. Lame lame lame..
Where are you finding this? I’m only ten mins in, but the Iap appear to be entirely optional currency all of which you earn in game anyway. At seemingly ok rates. And the gameplay itself is tremendous - I’m loving it so far.
In game currency. Tbf, 20 mins in I have no concerns. But looking at steam, there appear to be only two currencies (well, test tubes and gold). This version also has a third, obsidian, which is the only iap. Which now leaves me feeling rather suspicious.
This is what I wanna know. 1 from the video the game looks incredibly stiff. Like the kind of movement you’d see in South Park. Is it that stiff? 2 I think someone said the iap currency is for reviving. That I don’t care about but what I want to know is if you die and don’t revive is it 100% start over? Or does anything carry over? Perks? Or something? And last which I’m sure I could probably get the answer from the game description. Is there an ending with story? Or is it mindless killing forever?
Wurft. So. An hour in. Things I like: The idea. It is a well entertaining concept, picking up body parts that gift you various skills. Much of the gameplay. Wave based enemy attacks in sort of procedural rooms. Sort of the variety of enemies. They do do different things, and do attack in different combos. The seeming variety of potential upgrades. I have, like, 3 heads, 3 bodies and 3 legs I can choose from. Things I don’t like: Controls, sort of. Fixed twin stick. God, i would kill for floating sticks! But have gotten used to these. I’m not suffering as badly as I’d expect. Mostly. F***ing obsidian. Why the hell have you given your iOS release a third currency vs PC, devs? THE ONLY one that’s an iap? This feels dirty and cheap, and as someone who likes to take a punt on premium games, it feels a bit sleazy vs steam. 1hr in, I’ve still got the same 30 obsidian that I had within minutes. The two use I’ve encountered for it so far are twins who act as a dedicated obsidian shopfront. Upgrade your genes (60 obsidian); get high rated body parts (100 obsidian ea.) Each of these is more than the 30 I have earned for free (my earning has stalled), which feels a bit like standard “bad iap” practice. Some of the gameplay. The waves have come to feel quite similar. As have the procedural rooms. (Core strategy: run away / around, shooting).” Translation: needs work. The sheer volume of systems. (Combined with translation, above). Why / when do I need to upgrade a body part (using 2 other identical body parts to do so)? Where are my not-hotkeyed inventory items? What is unlocking portals, or are they all already unlocked? But seriously, why would I use an atm to save money, or store body parts? That this is not roguelike. Or roguelite. No sense of permadeath, and re reading the description they do seem to fuzz it. Idk. In general, is this worth £2? Yeah. Probably. But. Yeah. The iap stuff looks sucky - at best, atm it appears to be dangling a carrot in front of my eyes that I don’t really understand the benefits of. And which isn’t a part of the pc release. At worst, it’s a specific tactic designed to fleece iOS gamers, bc... I don’t even know what. Because the app’s cheaper than steam? Bc iOS gamers are there to be fleeced? It’s a sucky addition (particularly when it’s out there for anyone to check), and it sucks. Definitely in principle, probably in practice.
And I’m not even that against iap for many purposes - eg as evidenced in my recent defence of dungeon creator iap. This manages to feel particularly dirty and wrong though. Again, just to reiterate PARTICULARLY BECAUSE IT DOES NOT APPEAR TO EXIST IN THE STEAM RELEASE, devs. Yuck.
The iap sounds particularly sinister especially as it is nonexistent in the Steam version, which btw is currently 30% off. Also, just for information, the Steam version is still Early Access....take from that what you will. I also don't partially mind iap's but it all depends on what they are. Anything that makes me feels like I am being suckered, simply because I play on iOS is really not on. And thanks for the well written and thought out review. It has saved me spending more on what has already been an expensive, but enjoyable, week of iOS game purchases.
The developer removed the use IAP to revive function as I requested in my App Store review. I am actually starting to like this game more and more. I still wish they would just go full premium like their Steam game. I don’t think there is any way to actually earn the IAP currency (obsidian) in game. That sucks but if it’s just used for cosmetic purchases (wings etc so far that’s all I see) then I can deal with that
Sounds promising but still, for me at least, the dark cloud lingers. If, as you seem to think, the obsidian currency is just for a cosmetic change, that I can accept. But it is still unclear. That's the problem. Perhaps the dev might come here and clarify....that's just a 5 minute time out from their life. In the whole scheme of things I realise that this iap issue is probably considered small and trivial. But I personally have an intense dislike for devs that think that the mobile gaming market is one where they feel it is okay to make mobile gamers pay for things that pc gamers simply would not tolerate. I have no problem with paying money for games with iaps that are there to either make the game more convenient to play or have cosmetic bonuses. For example I just paid $7.99 AUD for some gems in Dungeon Survival. Why? So it would give me more inventory and storage space. I didn't have to buy it. I could have just spent more ingame time to organise my items. But I am a item hoarder and I like keeping stuff. So for me it was a convenience purchase. So I don't so much mind spending money...but it has to be an optional purchase...not a forced one.