In case you haven't seen the news that hit the wires this morning, the Plus+ Network just announced its first partner: Freeverse. Plus+ will be integrated with its catalog of games--starting with the upcoming Warpgate. --MJ
They even added time based leaderboards for us. currently very much liking the ngmofos Flick Fishing's first of our ones to get the treatment. I've been working on the new version this month.
I wish ngmoco and freeverse would go back and add Plus+ support to their previous titles. Might be a way to boost sales of older titles and to support the fans who purchased them.
That's already the plan. Flick Fishing's next update will have all new Plus+ features along with other goodies.
Just a quick question Zwilnik, and sorry it's in the wrong thread, but how are sales going for Grunts? I really am happy with the update and hope it's spiking things for you.
They're going ok. It's not a massive hit or anything but it's not a disaster. There'll be more updates to come of course too.
This is great news! Freeverse has certainly been one of the most committed iPhone developers, and it will be nice to see them add some multiplayer functionality and achievements. Some of their early games felt a bit unpolished interface-wise, but lately, they've really been putting out some quality products. Plank, Flick Fishing, and Flick Bowling, and Grunts could really benefit from Plus+ features. And as much as I dislike the un-native feel and presentation of their Sudoku app, it would be very interesting to see a Sudoku game with challenges and leaderboards. In fact, I think the first company to do that could have a serious hit on their hands...