(Freelance) 3D Character Artist Needed

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by PhilipIngs, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. PhilipIngs

    PhilipIngs New Member

    Jan 26, 2012
    I need a 3D character artist to model and texture 10-12 characters. I do not need them rigged or animated at this stage, but this should be considered when modelling - particularly the face where at least the mouth will be animated.

    I have concept art for all of the models. The style must be non-realistic, cartoon/comic style. No other production artwork exists so if you have a very stylized style, that can be accommodated. It needs to be a clean style though.

    Each model has a maximum budget of 2,500 triangles, and one 2048x2048 diffuse map. No normal or specular maps are required or possible. Target platforms are Windows, Mac, iOS and Android, with non-mobile console platforms also a distinct possibility. This is a remote position.

    My budget is around $500 USD per character. So around $5k-$6k in total. I'm very flexible on timescales and deadlines, only somewhat flexible on price and not remotely flexible on quality. If your portfolio does not contain examples of non-realistic characters *without normal and specular maps* then I regret that I will not be able to consider your application.

    I would prefer an email including a link to your portfolio. If you must attach media to your email, no zips or rars please, and please only include images which are of the style desired.

    My email address is [email protected].

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