[Free]Zombie Combat 1.0

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by pinaddon, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. pinaddon

    pinaddon Active Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    Zombie Combat 1.0

    Zombie Combat is a type of runner game combined with action factor which is not somewhat similar to a regular “runner” game because a player when on a “runner” game will get points by jumping obstacles and go as much far as possible, but when on Zombie Combat the player must use weapons to kill a large number of zombies and jump to avoid sudden obstacles at the same time.

    Zombie Combat includes 5 stages illustrated by an old plot but still remain its cutting edge in a zombie game. The story begins in early of 21xx when the world has seen its 30th year of zombie disease. There appears private zones to be established as zombies’ bases on the earth. Although human beings accept to live together with this danger, they have been searching for every solution to prevent the growth of zombies. 19-year-old youngster, Max living with his brother Ace, 24 has just returned home after spending 3 years to complete a special training course against Zombies held by AZN (Anti-Zombie Nation) discovered that Ace disappeared without a trace. Accessing to his bro’s laptop and mailbox, Max found an email inviting his bro to take part in a confidential experiment in PIN city where is controlled by Zombie. He met and talked to Maye, a young girl receiving the same invitation to the experiment implemented by GZSA (Global Zombie Study Association). She said she carried antibody against “Zombiazation”. While in the middle of the conversation, they were attacked by zombies. Maye was kidnapped. Max fought against zombies on his own to rescue Maye and investigated his bro’s disappearance.

    In Zombie Combat, guns are regular weapon of the player. There are 6 types of gun whose power ranges from weak to strongest for the player to choose: Pistol is the weakest but it will never run out of bullet and if it is upgraded to its full power (max level), it shouldn’t be neglected; Spreadshot fires 3 bullets at a time, Rifle can fire continuously at its medium power, Flame gun, Laser gun and Bazzoka shooting rockets the strongest one. In each stage, the player can bring 3 types of gun among which Pistol is a must. In term of defence, the game allows the player to carry pets which can have some special abilities, such as lowering zombies attack or adding blood to the player. Another difference that can be named in Zombie Combat from the other ordinary “runner” games is Bosses. To pass over a stage, the player will have to fight against a powerful boss, therefore, the player must use his weapons wisely from the beginning to save bullets for the special guns in order to kill the boss easier.

    Similar to other “runner” games, the control button of Zombie Combat is quite simple. The player taps to the left to jump, tap to the right to shoot. It will be much more effective if the player taps the target precisely. Moreover, the player can use 3 buttons placed in the bottom of the screen to change between guns. A “Pause” opens a popup to select mute, on/off music, replay or exit.

    Download Link : http://goo.gl/j9LSau

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