Free Student Game Needs Downloads!

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Ben Foote, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. Ben Foote

    Ben Foote New Member

    Mar 12, 2016
    Please watch our trailer and download our game:

    Myself and my team of students from the University of Westminster (London, England) began work on this game about 3 months ago as part of a competition for the company AppBox Media, while also completing our coursework.

    The competition pitched us against other students, including 2 other teams from the same course a year above us, in a battle to create our game, then work with them to promote it, hoping to achieve the most downloads.

    Now our first game has finally been published and we're working tirelessly to promote it and win this competition.

    Getting first place would help launch our careers and would come with a large £2.5k prize which we plan to put into our future game projects.

    The game is currently ENTIRELY FREE and has been well received so far with its first 50+ downloads, and positive feedback from many professionals.

    What we really need is more downloads!

    We will continue to take feedback and make this game even better!

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