Well yea people want promo codes, but quite a few people just want a freebie here and will take the code and not talk about it. So If you just give codes people will join in but after the contest is over, you'll see who really likes your game or just wanted another freebie imho
We hope that people who try the game and like it get excited about it nevertheless. Despite that, I guess you're right to a certain extent.
I'm still playing it, it's hard to stop ...still only got yellow on the first two levels though. Boy are those scores tough. Edit: If it helps any I'd like to recommend skyye06 and jasonsmith for promos since they held a genuine interest and they're very likely to review it.
It's probably worth noting that the two levels I completed in that video were both pretty bad scores, so you can see how challenging it is trying to score high enough for a yellow badge.
We have 5 EXTRA free Promotion Codes ready for LUNARCY for iPhone and iPod touch! We have 5 EXTRA free Promotion Codes ready for LUNARCY for iPhone and iPod touch! I was able to squeeze out 5 more Promotion Codes. touchArcade really triggers the PR at our studio. This (probably last one) is for the night shift as the deadline is tomorrow morning (August 11th) at 8:59 AM PDT. You know the drill, we'd like to hear from you why you'd like to play Lunarcy and we'll vote for the 5 best entries. This promotion closes August 11th 2009, at 8:59 AM PDT. The Promotion Codes only work in the US AppStore. The best 5 entries win and will be contacted. To check out our game, go to Lunarcy at the iTunes AppStore.
Promo Code Contest Not sure if the time is GMT or what - I am interested in Lunarcy for 3 reasons - 1 - I am interested in retro type games, since that is the era I grew up in playing those types of games. This is being described, and appear in the video to be of that type of game. 2 - The music is described as being something special, and as a musician - I always appreciate when the music / sound effects are highly involved with, and improving the experience 3. From the video - it appears to require a fine touch, and patience to play the game, and improve. Games that are quickly mastered lose their appeal. Gaming is in the challenge of continuation. Thanks for your regard.
I'd like to try it because it looks like a cool game. Simple as that, I'm a good game addict. Every time I see that picture though I think of my Atari 9600 and tanks...
Please can I have a code? Your game looks AWESOME and I really want to try it. I love arcade style games! Also I have lots of friends with ipod touch and iphone that I will show it to. Please? Thank you so much!
I like to play Lunarcy because it looks like a really great game and i love space like shooter games.
I would like to play but know i wont win or go with...if you don't you'll make me a saaaaaaaaaaad panda lol
Man, I really want to play this game. I was about to post in the contest last night and talk about it, but then I saw it was 11:59AM and not PM! But now it seems like there's another chance, so here goes: I love the idea of unique games. I'm tired of shooters and castle/tower defense, and I think the iTouch devices are really a place where creative developers can make an impact- mostly because of the setup of the app store- even though it has plenty of flaws, it has definitely leveled the playing field in some ways. So I like the idea of going off the beaten path to find new gaming experiences, and this looks like it will be a good one. One of the first computer games I ever played was called 'Galaxy Lander', I think it was in BASIC on the Ti-99/4A (showing some serious age here!)- it was a classic lunar lander type game, thrust and steer to gently touch your lander down on different planetary surfaces- each with different gravity levels, so they all played a little differently. Totally skill based and pretty touchy. It was all too easy and frustrating to die, but still really fun- it made a big impression on me. This game seems like it has finally taken the next step beyond the lunar lander games, keeping the elements of space and gravity intact, but totally taking the gameplay to the next level. I never really enjoyed the lunar lander variants that were about shooting enemies while trying to land- it sort of seemed like it was straying from the gameplay that made the original so cool. This game seems like it really does take the spirit of those old games and add something totally new- interacting with (and maybe even using?) a gravitational field while performing tasks instead of simply controlling a descent directly opposite gravity. So I am pretty excited about the game, and would love to try it out.
If I don't win a promo code for Lunarcy... If I don't win a promo code for Lunarcy, these guys will be very sad:-( http://forums.toucharcade.com/album.php?albumid=251
The winners are... And again, we're surprised by your creativity! So, for the last time, the following people have won their free Promotion Code: skyye06 jasonsmith Jebus MrPenguin9 pluto6 Congrats! We'll start PM'ing the Promotion Codes in the next minutes. Enjoy playing Lunarcy! Please let us know what you think of Lunarcy. We're very curious about your experience! And thanks again for participating! the FABRIK
Holy crap, where did you get an Atari 9600?!? Back to the topic: I really wish it was easier to record video on the iPod Touch, I've had some epic failures that I'd love to watch again and/or share with the rest of the world, as well as a few miracles. Would it be feasible to add a replay/ save replay option to this game?
That's actually a very neat idea! We're discussing the possibilities right now. Lunarcy 1.0.1 is already near, so that'll be a 1.1.0. But a replay / save is definitely worth looking into!
If we're talking about updates, I'd like a level pack where the objective is to get from one planet to another, and along the way you have to dock at the docking stations to refuel. Probably make them a different colour just to make it obvious they're refuelling docks.