Android [FREE] Moonlight Flight

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by claytical, Jul 16, 2022.

  1. claytical

    claytical Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Miami, FL
    Hi there! I just released a big update to a game called Moonlight Flight. It's completely free, no ads, no monetization schemes. I create games with my students as part of my creative practice as a professor at the University of Miami, so it's more about the experience than anything else. The game is an endless... flyer? The music is a loop based lo-fi composition in 17 parts, each part has a few patterns attached to it that are randomly assigned. It's physics based, bouncing off platforms while trying to collect energy as well as avoiding hazards. When we started, it felt very zen but the more I worked on this update, the more I personally found delight in gameplay that required pretty intense focus (for me). I'd love to get as much feedback as possible. I'm not sure what the difficulty would feel like for someone who likes games like Super Hexagon. Here's a rough cut of the gameplay.

  2. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Thanks for free game. Super Hexagon gives me an instant headache so Moonlight Flight is way preferable! There’s a great feel to the physics, sort of soft pinball machine vibe, together with an interesting tap control which takes some practice. First two levels are fairly zen with no pressure. I think later stages will be more challenging though they seem out of reach. The ship tends to get destroyed while moving between levels resulting in a restart. Not sure if it’s me doing something wrong there.
  3. claytical

    claytical Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Miami, FL
    Ah, that's really good to know. I need to work on balancing the difficulty progression. It's funny that you mentioned pinball because at one point, there was a drawing mechanic that we called pinball with your finger :)
    Stronsay likes this.

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