[FREE GAME] Tetrisbox for Smartphone & Tablet Android

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by nhungduong, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. nhungduong

    nhungduong Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2013
    ************ Wellcom to Tetris Box the best on google play ***************
    An intuitive and simple game inspired by the traditional version of tetris.
    Swipe right: move block right
    Swipe left: move block left
    Swipe down: quikly move the block down
    Swipe up: rotate the block
    Settings -> pause: pause the game. the game is automatic pause when your phone receive a calling.
    And pause when you click home from device.
    settings -> resume: resume the game previously paused
    back button: save the game and back to menu
    Music traditional of tetris

    search by com.msoft.tetrisbox or tetrisbox on google play


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