Hello everyone , I want to present you my current project "LaserTris" LaserTris is a hybrid puzzle game/shoot 'em up LaserTris is a combination of Tetris-style gameplay and a fixed shooter. The player's focus is on falling blocks, and the action is geometrical. will frequently update the thread and give out more info Develop with Unity 3D, 2D toolkit and more plugins Updated... screenshot more infos soon! I know the art is really generic right now, but i will change it soon. Blog: http://quarthtetris.blogspot.co.at/ Goggle play link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.quarth.game
Hints Unbeatable Figure: Cant be complete for around 2 seconds. Rearranging Figure: Blocks moving visual back and forth for example. Rotating Figure: Can only be completed if rotated by taping
Powerups Hints^^ All figures are freezed for a limited time. Clear the screen Next shoot will destory the figure Bounce. Shoots bounce from the figure for a limited time.
Art Rework and Update New version with better Art and reworked effects is now up. Soon an new ingame video.