Nice little retro game. Ads seem a bit too aggressive right at the start. Forcing a 30second un-skippable video after the first level, which took less time than that to beat, doesn't seem like an attractive start. Not really sure what my objective is in the game... do I try to jump on and kill the bad guys? Am I a non-attacking ninja? Feels more like Mario than a ninja game. Maybe add a sentence at the start of the game that tells me what I am supposed to do. Why am I running around, what's the point, where am I headed? Few things you can improve: - I saw enemies stuck in terrain - Doesn't feel fully immersive with the native android bar showing (back/home/settings buttons) - Relax on the Ads a little bit - I don't feel like I have good control of the character. Double jump needs improvement. If he's a ninja can he at least do something ninja-ish like jump off walls to get onto platforms? I love the old-school gameboy style, brings fun nostalgic graphics to android. Keep making improvements and this will be a fantastic game to play!