[FREE][GAME] - Bad Drone

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by ShinshiGames, May 9, 2013.

  1. ShinshiGames

    ShinshiGames New Member

    May 9, 2013
    Bad Drone for free!

    You ever wanted to destroy thousands of enemies with a really bad drone?
    So Bad Drone is for you!

    - Destroy your oppenents in a fast explosive way
    - Your drone is not to stop and becomes faster while playing
    - The first weapons have not enough firepower you say? No problem equip a rocket launcher!
    - Check the leaderboard and mess with your friends
    - Unlock the archievements and show your friends who is the biggest drone in town
    - Did you seen the alien in the far?


    Get it for free at Google Play

    Watch the trailer

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