Already done. I'm waiting for their response. I just wondered, if there is someone who ever faced same error. I'll post here solution, if it exists
As promised, quoting GnomeEscape's support team's message about why was my account deactivated: --------------------------- Hello, Thanks for contacting Gnome Escape customer support. We want you to know that we very much appreciate your interest in Gnome Escape. To ensure that Gnome Escape remains a strong community and a viable channel for developers to promote their apps, we have several strict security policies that are enforced. 1. We do not allow users to access Gnome Escape using VPN's. Your IP address did not match your home country. We are in the process of banning all known IP addresses associated with VPN activity. You must use your local IP address (unmasked) to join Gnome Escape and have a US iTunes Account. 2. Users may not create iTunes accounts solely to review apps. Your iTunes account must be connected to a device and you must actually download and use each app that you review on the device. We do not accept iTunes accounts that appear to have no history, or created only to use our service. 3. You may not have multiple accounts or register additional accounts after suspension. We have had significant fraudulent activity from the region/internet facility associated with your internet connection. There is additional review for any accounts coming from this region. Please keep these rules in mind and contact us if you have any questions. If you wish to use Gnome Escape, please indicate the single account you wish to use and login using your local internet provider. Gnome Escape Customer Support ----------------------------- The irony is - i wasn't restricted any of following laws So sad for me
See if anyone else in your family also use GE. If no dice, well, perhaps your reviews have been too generic and they just find excuses to ban? In any case, don't feel too bad. There are other services.
Anybody alse stoped geting credits on FMA after new year? Last 3 apps dont show anymore but didnt get credits
Yes, I am now unable to get any credits from FreeMyApps too. Are you jailbroken too? Because I am suspicious, that they've started to enforce their no-jailbreak policy. It's a shame... I have always been jailbroken and never had a problem getting credits. I wish there was some iOS7 compatible cydia tweak, that could hide the jailbreak from them, but I cannot find anything. :-(
They didn't support jailbroken devices from the start,yet all my devices work fine,but it seems there are less and less offers
I was jailbraken befoure but had no problems... Now im not, for a long time. Any way i solved the problem today and redemed my 10$ xD What i did, i reseted my setings and content, and then backed up from 30.12.2013. and now everithing works as it should
I dont think so. Just try to reset, enroll device with fma and restore from backup. Thats what i did, but again im not jb :/
There was a tweak that that would hide the jailbreak and work with FreeMyApps called "xcon" but it doesn't support IOS7 - I was told that "Officer" does the same thing but I haven't tried it.
hey guys, I can't review apps from app store anymore and all my other reviews were deleted, does anyone know why and what I should do to be able to review apps again?
That means your account has been suspended for leaving reviews on the appstore. They probably know you have been using it to put reviews to earn credits or money. Just contact them and see what reason they give you but I am almost certain your account has been flagged for "paid" reviews.
I don't assume you only review for GE? So far only GE seems to be a safe service when it comes to reviewing apps, I'm guessing it's because all of their offers are free/codes.
Gnome Escape is an excellent service. I joined when they first started, never a single problem, and you can redeem alot of great apps every month. It's rock solid, unlike many other services.
I sold the device that I used for writing reviews so I had to write them from iTunes on a PC, and I think they figure it out that I don't actually open the apps anymore...
ge odd just logged on GE to check something and there giving away 1 new game. guess get it while its there